Chapter 7

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As your signing with the soldiers all of a sudden things start to go quite and you suddenly notice them staring at Peggy. She walks in wearing a red knee length dress, glances at you before making her way over to Steve and Bucky.
Steve and Bucky stand from their bar stalls
"Captain" Peggy smiles
"Agent Carter"
You notice Bucky checking her out and roll your eyes.
"Howard has some equipment for you to try tomorrow morning?"
You notice Steve and Peggy staring at each other and you get that jealous feeling back.

"Sounds good"
Peggy turns to look at you and the soldiers direction thats when you notice Steve checking her out and you heart sinks. Bucky also notices and turns to look at you.

"I see your top squad is prepping for duty"
"You don't like music?" Bucky asks
"I do actually, I might even when all this is over go dancing" Peggy says never breaking eye contact with Steve.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Bucky quips
"The right partner..."
At this point you've had enough and get up to leave not wanting to witness that any longer.
"08:00 Captain" Peggy says before turning away
"Yes ma'am"

"Ummm where did Grace go?" Bucky asks noticing you're no longer with the soldiers.
"She left after those two were making googly eyes at each other" Dugan pipes up
"We weren't" Steve counters
"You kinda were" Bucky slaps Steve on the arm "I better go find her"
"I will go" Steve stops him.
"Remember what I said hurt her and I will kick you ass"

Your walking back having not wanted to continue witnessing Steve eye fucking Peggy any longer. You knew he could never be interested in you and just saw you as his best friends little sister. You decide it's time for you to get over your crush on Steve.
"Gracie wait" you hear a voice shout from behind you. You turn to see Steve running towards you.

"What do you want Rogers, surprised you notice I even left you were too busy gawking over Agent Carter"
"I wasn't gawking"
You scoff "yeah you were"
"Let me walk you back Gracie you shouldn't be out alone" Steve smiles at you.
"I'm perfectly fine walking on my own" you stand your ground and fold your arms across your body.
"Will you stop being stubborn and let me walk you back please"
"I am not stubborn" you argue
"Please Grace you are one of the most stubborn people I know but in a good way" Steve says trying to get you to unfold your arms.
"I see the serum has given you a confidence boost" you state as you start walking again.

Steve laughs as he starts walking you back, you walk in silence before Steve asks
"Why do you care if I was staring at Agent Carter?"
"I don't" you are quick to respond although you feel your checks going red
"Mmm sure" Steve replies not wanting to push further. He wants to reach for your hand but decides not to.

"Well this is me" you say as you reach your quarters. "Thanks for walking me back feels like old times" you smile.
"Goodnight Steve" you go to kiss him on the cheek but Steve moves and you catch his lips.
At first your panic and pull away "sorry"
"Don't be" Steve says before leaning in again kissing you deeper this time. You feel butterflies in your stomach.
As you part you both try and catch your breathe.
"Umm sorry" Steve fumbles looking embarrassed
"Don't be" you smile giving Steve one last peck on the lips before heading inside.
Steve stands there for a moment shocked at what just happened. While you stand on the other side of the door holding your hand to your lips with the biggest smile on your face.

The next morning your in the lab with Howard who's working on something. Your in a day dream not really paying attention to what he's saying adding in the odd "yeah" or "hmm" Next minute there's an explosion sending you and Howard backwards.
"You alright Grace?"
"Just peachy" you say picking some glass from your arm "I'm going to get a first aid kit"

"Excuse me I'm looking for Mr Stark and Miss Barnes"
"They're busy at the moment" the receptionist says not paying much attention.
Steve looks around awkwardly.
The receptionist finally takes her eyes off the newspaper noticing who's standing in front of her.
"Of course you're welcome to wait... I read about what you did"
"Oh the... yeah" Steve says flustered "well that's you know.. just doing what was needed to be done"
"Sounded like more than that. You saved nearly 400 men" she starts to eye up Steve and he feels slight uncomfortable
"Really it's not a big deal"
"Tell that to their wives... your a hero" she gets rather close to Steve
"Well that depends on the definition really" Steve starts sweating
"The women of America they owe you their thanks.. and seeing as they're not here..." she grabs Steve by the tie walking him backwards before pulling him into a kiss.

You're walking to get a first aid kit when you notice Steve kissing another women. But before you can even react Peggy appears and interrupts their kiss.
Steve breaks away turning to see Peggy with her hands on her hips. He then notices you turning away pretty quickly.
A small tear escapes from you eyes not believing what you just seen, feeling betrayed.
"Howard's ready for you. If you're not otherwise occupied"
Steve wanted to catch up with you but it was too late you were gone.
"Agent Carter wait"
"Looks like finding a partner wasn't that hard after all"
"Peggy that's not what you thought it was"
"I don't think anything Captain not one thing, You always wanted to be a soldier and now you are. Just the same as all the rest"

Peggy walks off. Steve wants nothing more than to find you and explain what just happened.
"You seen Grace" Steve asks Howard
"She went to get a first aid kit a while back"
"First aid kit?" Steve asks panicked not having noticed any signs of obvious injuries.
"Slight accident in the lab I'm sure she's fine probably at the nurses station getting checked" Howard says as they walk looking at the prototypes.
"Carbon polymer, should withstand your average German bayonet. Although Hydras not going to attack you with a pocket knife. I hear you're kinda attached" Howard says looking at Steve's old shield
"It's handier than you might think"
"We took the liberty of coming up with some options. This one's fun. She's been fitted with electrical relays that allow you to.."
"What about this one?" Steve asks as a circular piece grabs his attention.

"No no that's just a prototype"
"What's it's made of?" Steve asks
"Vibranium. It's stronger than steel and a third of the weight. It's completely vibration absorbent"
"How come it's not standard issue?" He says admiring the piece.
"That's the rarest metal on Earth. What you're holding there, that's all we've got."

"I'm fine by the way Howard no thanks to you" you saying walking back in the lab not noticing Steve at first.
"What do you think?" Steve asks holding up the shield.
You stare at him in disbelief, you grab the gun next to you and fire it at Steve several times. He instantly holds up the shield to protect himself and the bullets bounce off.
"Seems to work" you slam the gun back down and walk off.
"How'd you piss her off?" Howard asks shocked at what he witnessed.
"She caught me kissing someone" Steve squirms
"Oh man your screwed" Howard laughs
"I know" Steve sighs

Steve knocks on your door "coming" you shout from the other side.
"Hi" Steve says as your swing the door open.
You go to slam it in his face but he puts his hand their stopping it. "Gracie please let me explain" he pleads.
"Explain what.. how one night your kissing me and the next day your kissing someone else" trying to close the door not wanting him near you.

"She kissed me"
"Well you didn't exactly look like you were stopping her" you argue back
"Okay yes I kissed her back for a second" you huff and try to move his arm. "But she wasn't you Gracie I was going to pull away I swear but Peggy interrupted us first.. when I saw that you saw I felt sick wanting nothing more than to come and find you, tell you she meant nothing and your all I want Grace" Steve pleads making his way closer to you.
"Oh please I've seen the way you look at Peggy. Your a soldier now you can have who you want" you take a step back trying to fight the tears that are wanting to escape.

"But I just want you" he cusps your face in his hands.
"Gracie I've wanted you for so long even back when I was a skinny kid in Brooklyn I was just too afraid you didn't feel the same"
"I did... I do" you say a tear escaping which Steve wipes with his thumb.
You both stand there staring at each other having finally admitted how you both feel.

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