Chapter 32

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You open your eyes and you are tied to a chair.
"Are you going to give us what we want" a man asks.
"I don't know anything" you say bluntly and the guy smacks you round the face.
"Go to hell" you spit the blood from your mouth.
"Soldier make her want to talk" the guy smirks as another man in a mask approaches you.
He grabs you by the hair and pulls you on the chair along the floor till he dunks your head in water.
Trying to release from his grip you struggle in the chair gasping for air when he brings you back up.

"Well?" The other guy appears beside you.
"I rather die than tell you" you gasp.
"Make her suffer then take her back to her cell" the man orders and the soldier dunks you again.
After several dunks he unties you limp body and throws you over his shoulder carrying you back to your cell. Throwing you down you land harshly against the cold stone.
"You could've put me down gently" you snipe panting holding your shoulder.
The soldier comes over grabbing you by the throat and pins you against the wall.
Fighting for breathe you try and fight off his grip.

"Please stop, please" you shout as you feel your body being gently shaken. Shooting up you hold your throat and pant for breathe.
"Gracie your okay it was just a nightmare" Loki says trying to calm you down.
"He he..." you try and speak but unable to form words and tears stream down your face.
"Shhhh your safe" Loki brings you into a hug and strokes your hair.
"Bucky, he tortured me in hydra" you whisper.
"What?" Loki asks looking at you confused while helping you lay back down.
"The nightmare it was a memory of the winter soldier in hydra, it was Bucky" you say still trying to steady your breath.

Just then Tony walks into the room.
"Hey look sleeping beauty is awake" he half smiles at you.
"What happened?" you ask noticing his arm in a sling and cuts and bruises on his face.
"You don't need to worry about that right now just focus on getting better" he replies not able to look you in the eyes.
"Loki?" you ask turning to look at him.
"She's going to find out I've done well distracting her this long" Loki shrugs turning to look at Tony.

"There was a fight" Tony begins to explain.
"Is everyone okay?" you ask panicked.
"Rhodey is in hospital I will find out more soon and well as for everyone else" Tony replies walking over to your bed "It's complicated" Tony says holding your hand.
"Tony I'm not five just tell me what happened" you roll your eyes at him.
"Well after your brother's outburst Ross wanted me to bring them all in, so I formed a team but turns out they formed a team as well" Tony begins to explain.
"Right" you nod and gesture for him to continue.

"There was a fight Steve and James got away, turns out there was more winter soldiers, I found out that James was set up so I went to help, the therapist was Sokovian he wanted revenge, he wanted rid of you as he knew you helped with the serum and he wanted to destroy the Avengers" Tony looks at you with sympathetic eyes.
"Tony there's something else you aren't telling me I know you" You say with slight frustration in your voice.
"Okay, because you never gave up any information on the serum and Howard was trying to replicate it years later they went after him" he grabs your hand.
"Omg" you say tears beginning to fall again.
"They sent the winter soldier after him, he killed Howard and my mum" Tony says he voice slightly breaking.

"No no it's not true" you say panicking again.
"Gracie I saw the footage" he looks at you tears in he eyes.
"Tony I am so sorry, if I had given them what they wanted your parents might still be alive, I ruined your life I am so sorry and it was my brother who killed them. I loved Howard and I got him killed" you say tears streaming down your down "Tony you must hate me, how are you here, I ruined your life, my brother he killed..." you say clutching your chest and you start to shake uncontrollably.
"What's happening?" Loki asks panicked.
"We need a doctor" Tony shouts as alarms start going off and doctors rush in

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