Chapter 38

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"You look incredible" Wanda smiles at you as you walk out in the dress that you had picked earlier today. Shuri helped to have it personally tweaked for you.

"You sure it's not too much?" You ask while looking at yourself in the mirror.
"Steve is going to lose his mind when he sees you in this" Nat smirks at you.

The black floor length dress has been changed so it now has a low plunging neck line. Wanda sits you down and adds a headband braid to your curled hair and hands you a red lipstick.

Right on time there is a knock at your door.
Suddenly feeling butterflies in your stomach you add the lipstick and head to answer the door.

"Wow" Steve stands there flowers in hand as he takes in your outfit.
"You scrub up nice yourself" you smile at him in his smart shirt which shows off all his muscles and tight trousers which seemed to have gotten a bit tighter in a certain area.

"Eyes back in your head Rogers" Nat teases as she and Wanda say bye before leaving the room.

"For you" he smiles and hands you the most beautiful bouquet of flowers.
"Thank you" you smile going to put them in the sink.
"You all ready?" Steve checks.
"Yep" you reply.
"Then shall we my lady" he holds out his arm and you link yours with his.

"I'm glad Shuri told me to wear flats. Where are we going?" You say as Steve leads you on what feels like a hike.
"We are almost there" he smiles at you.
"You said that 10 minutes ago" you laugh.
"Come here" he suddenly picks you up bridal style in his arms like you weigh nothing.
"Steve I can walk" you laugh.
"It's fine, I got you" he smiles down at you.

After a few more minutes Steve places you back down, before he leads you down to a small beach opening.
Rose petals lead to a bonfire, candles light everywhere and picnic blanket that's inside a heart shape made from rose petals.

"Steve this is amazing" you smile.
"Champagne?" He smiles and goes to open the bottle.
"Of course" you can't help but have a permanent smile on your face.

"To fresh starts" you cheers once he hands you your glass.
"I managed to get all your favourite foods" he smiles as he opens the picnic basket.

After eating you are laying on the picnic blanket looking up at the stars.
"Thank you for tonight" you turn your head to face him.
"You deserve so much more than this, I am going to do everything I can to win your trust back"

Suddenly you stand up getting a confused look from Steve.

Reaching out your hands you pull him up.
"What you doing?" He asked puzzled.
"I thought we could take a swim" you give him a smirk.
"But we didn't bring swim clothes" Steve replies.
"Who said we need swim clothes" you wiggle your eyebrows as you reach to undo your zip but can't quite reach.

"A little help" you say standing in front of Steve so he can undo your zip, letting your dress fall to the ground. Steve tries to catch his breath as you stand there in just a lace thong with him having a perfect view of your ass. Slowly you start pulling down the thin piece of material before giving Steve a wink over your shoulder and running off into the water.

Standing on the sand Steve quickly begins removing his clothes, his throbbing cock glad to be removed from the confines of its restrictions.

Seeing Steve's naked body make his way over, you can't help but stare and admire his body. Fuck you forgot just how thick and delicious looking his cock is.

"About time" you laugh as he swims over to you.
"I got distracted" he smirks at you.
"Oh yeah" you move a little closer.
"Mmm" he says as you are now face to face.

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