Chapter 36

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Tony caught you up on everything you seemed to have missed out on in the close to two years you had been gone, as you sit on the sofa drinking wine.
"God I forgot time worked differently for me it felt like no time at all" you say looking at Tony.
"It's good to have you back" he smiles at you.
"I'm glad you managed to sort all that accords nonsense" you say taking another sip of your drink.
"Well it wasn't easy but turns out they needs us more than they realised" Tony replies.
"So where is everyone then?" You ask thinking you should've been greeted by others.
"They've all gone to Wakanda to celebrate the fact James is now free of the Winter Soldier, can't say I felt like going" Tony shrugs.
"Wow so they did it then, they found a way to get that out of his head" you look down not knowing how to feel.

"Omg Gracie" Pepper says coming in.
"Hi Pep" you stand up to give her a hug.
"I'm am go glad you are back so he can finally stop moping about" Pepper laughs as she kisses Tony hello.
"I wasn't moping" Tony argues back.
"Sure you weren't" Pepper gives you a knowing look.
"Awww it's nice to you know you missed me so much T" you smile at Tony.
"Didn't miss you at all" Tony is quick to reply.
"And I didn't miss you either" you smirk at him.

"So how was Asgard?" Pepper now asks.
"Amazing as sad as I was about leaving you all I truly believe it was the best decision, Pep I can't even begin to tell you how beautiful it is" you smile "then Loki wanted to go on an adventure we ended up getting lost and stranded on some random planet but that's a story for another time"
"Wow" Pepper says topping up your wine glass as she pours herself a glass.
"But I did find Bruce and brought him home, he's sleeping at the moment" you state.
"Bruce is back?" Pepper sounds shocked.
"Yep part of the long story" you say taking a sip of wine.

"So you going to head to Wakanda?" Tony now asks cautiously.
Taking a large sip of wine you sigh while contemplating your answer.
"I guess I have to" you finally realise.
"You don't have to" Tony now looks at you.
"Yeah I think I do, no point of putting it off any longer it's been almost 2 years" you say looking unsure.
"Want me to come?" Tony now offers.
"No your okay T" you offer him a sad smile
"I don't mind" he reassure.
"I'm happy to come as well" Pepper now offer ls.
"It's fine guys honestly, I'm gonna get some rest" you hug them both before retreating to your old room.

"Gracie.... Gracie" Tony shakes you lightly trying to wake you from your nightmare.
"Stop please stop" you are begging as the Winter Soldier's hand is grasped round your next squeezing as Steve stands and watches.
Suddenly shooting up screaming, sweat covering your entire body and you try to struggle to breathe.
"You're safe" you hear Tony say as he sits next to you and brings you into a hug.
"It felt so real" you cry into his side.
"I'm coming with you today" Tony says stroking your hair to calm you down.
"Thank you" you sniffle not even bothering to argue.
"Have these been happening for the whole time you were away?" Tony asks once you have calmed down.
"To begin with yes, but eventually they stopped until I decided to come back and that's when they started again" you explain.
"Understandable considering what you went through" Tony says wiping your tears "get some more rest and we will leave later" Tony says going to leave.
"Can you stay?" You ask nervously.
"Of course" he says climbing into bed next to you "I got you"

"Sorry for stealing him last night" you say to Pepper as you walk into the kitchen later that morning.
"It's fine are you okay though?" She asks concerned.
"I will be" you smile at her.
"Im sorry I can't come with you" she looks at you with a sympathetic look.
"It's fine Tony being there will help and I'm looking forward to seeing Pietro and the others" you smile.
"You got this you are stronger than you think" she hugs you.
"Thanks Pep" you smile while hugging her back.

The entire flight to Wakanda you were sat in silence just staring out the window.
Were you ready for this?
Has Steve moved on?
Will either of them forgive you for leaving?
Could you forgive them for all the lies?
Questions racing through your mind as you enter through the barrier after Tony had informed them of your arrival.

Do they know you are coming?
How will the others react?
You can't shut your mind down.

"You ready?" Tony asks landing the jet.
"Nope" you admit frozen in your seat.
"Take a moment" Tony holds your hand before he heads out to greet T'Challa.

"Gracie?" You hear Pietro zoom up beside you.
"Pietro" you smile as you stand to embrace him in a hug.
"Oh I have missed you" he says spinning you round.
"I'm sorry I left" you say looking down after he places you back on your feet.
"Hey look at me princessa you have nothing to be sorry for" he smiles at you "I can't wait to hear about your time away, although I'm a little sad it was so long" he admits.
"Yeah that's a long story" you laugh giving him another hug.

"Pietro stop hogging her" Wanda now teases as she approaches you both "Hi" she smiles at you before giving you a hug.
"It's good to see you both" you smile at the pair.
"Where's my favourite drinking buddy" Nat shouts now entering the jet.
"God I feel like I need a drink" you smirk at her before giving her a hug.
"Missed you" Nat smiles at you.
"Missed you too"

"You all just staying on the jet?" Tony now asks coming back in.
"Maybe" you now look nervous.
"We have deactivated the winter solider" T'Challa confirms trying to reassure you.
"Tony said, are you sure it worked?" you reply shakily.
"They tested last night and it worked the trigger words no longer work he is just James" T'Challa replies.

"Do they even want to see me?" You look down not able to look at anyone.
"Of course they do" Nat says.
"Do they know I'm here?" You now ask.
"They do, they didn't want to overwhelm you so they decided to let you go to them instead when you are ready" Wanda places her hand on your shoulder.
"I can't think straight" you begin to shake.
"Come with me" Pietro says picking you up and carrying you away.
"Okay then" Tony says after you just disappear.

Placing you down, you look at the view he has brought you too.
"Wow" you smile taking it all in.
"Thought this might help clear your head" he smiles at you "Although it's probably not as spectacular as Asgard"
"It's still beautiful" you close your eyes and take a deep breathe before opening again and just stare at the view.

"He hasn't moved on if that's what you are worried about" Pietro interrupts the silence that had fallen between you.
"I wouldn't have blamed him if he did" you sigh.
"Did you move on?" He now asks out of curiosity and you just shake your head.
"I'm ready" you say taking one finale deep breath to centre yourself.
"On it" he smiles picking you up and running back.

"They are down there" T'Challa points to a hut.
"Thank you and thank you for looking after him" you hug him and Shuri.
"You will be safe" Shuri reassures you "we won't be far" she adds before you give a tight smile heading off towards the hut.

"Gracie" Bucky tightly smiles as he walks out of the hut.
"James" you stop in your tracks staring at him noticing he has a new metal arm.
Images of his arm around your neck flash in your mind.
"Gracie" Steve now steps out the hut and all the air from your lungs seeing him for the first time in two years.
The man you love more than life itself.
The man who lied to you constantly.
The man who kept so many secrets.

"Gracie?" You hear Steve's voice getting closer before all you see is black and feel yourself falling to the ground.

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