Chapter 41

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After spending most the night tossing and turning you creep into Loki's room.
"Loki" you whispers shout.
"Gracie?" Loki shoots up right.
"Oh good you're awake" you laugh and jump onto his bed.
"What time is it?" He asks confused.

"Early I can't sleep, wanna go train?" You smile at him and he realises you are dressed in your gym wear.
"You want to work out your nerves don't you" he says with a knowing tone.
"I don't know what you mean, now get up I will be outside you got 2 mins" you smack his chest and climb off the bed.

40 minutes later you have Loki pinned under you after managing to take him down.
"You've improved" he smile's at you.
"Thanks" you pant trying to catch your breath.
"Cleared your head yet?" He asks.
"Nope round 2?" You smirk at him.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Bucky's voice sounds through the room.
"Training" you reply like it's the most obvious answer.
Bucky just glares at you while Loki laughs.

"Buck incase you haven't noticed we are both fully dressed" you laugh having almost read your brothers mind.
"Well I heard round 2 and then saw this comprising position" he groans.
"You're an idiot" laughing you move off Loki "Want to see what your baby sister is made off"

"Go ahead" Bucky gestures and you help Loki off the floor.
"Swords?" You ask Loki.
"Good with me" he nods conjuring them.
"No way" Bucky tries to play the protective big brother.

"Relax Buck I trained on Asgard I will be fine" you take the sword from Loki. "Ready?" You ask.
Loki nods.

You start fighting with Loki you're too absorbed in the fight you don't notice that the others have gathered in the room.
Just as you are about to get the upper hand Loki knocks the sword from your hand, and manages to grab you and hold the sword to your throat.
"I won" he smirks.
"Check again" you nod to the knife you stole that's pointing into his stomach.

"Touché" he smirks letting you go.
"Wow that was impressive" Tony claps.
"Thanks T" you grab your water bottle.
"You've always been able to hold your own but you've definitely improved" Bucky says and you go to tackle him playfully.
"She was becoming one of Asgard's best warriors" Thor says proudly.
"Not sure about that" you roll your eyes.
"It's true" Loki adds causing you to blush slightly.

After a few minutes you notice Steve watching you behind Bucky.
"Of shit our date, let me shower and change" you look at Steve.
Looks like training did end up clearing your mind to the point you almost completely forgot about your date.

Nat and Wanda knock on your door pretty much just as you finished drying yourself off.
"Do you guys have any clue what Steve has planned today?" You ask towel drying your hair.
They share a knowing look.
"You know but aren't going to tell me are you" you groan.
"Nope" Nat smirks.
"Now let's make you pretty than you already are" Wanda sing songs as she wonders into your wardrobe.

10 minutes later you're dressed in denim shorts and a cute pale pink cami top with matching pink trainers.

"Ready?" Steve asks as you make your way into the communal lounge.
"Yep and don't worry these two didn't spill any secrets on what you have planned" you nod towards the smiling Nat and Wanda.
"Have her back at a reasonable time" Tony teases as you both walk out.

"So can you give me any clues as to what you got planned today?" You give Steve your best puppy dog eyes.
"Nice try but you will have to wait and see, now I'm gonna need you to put this on" he smirks and holds up a blindfolded.
"Oh god you're going to kill me aren't you" you fake gasp.
"Stop being dramatic and put this one" he hands you the mask and gives you a quick kiss on the lips.

What feels like a lifetime of driving the car finally comes to a stop.
"Okay wait there" Steve says hopping out the car.
He comes to help unbuckle your seat belt and your hit with his scent.
It makes you weak at the knees he smells so good and with one of your senses taken away the others are heightened.

This is definitely something you could get into in the bedroom, and an image of you blindfolded while Steve pleasures you flashes in your mind.

Shaking the thought from your head you let Steve help you from the car, and he begins leading you up what feels like a gravel path beneath your feet.
"Don't let me fall" you say as you stumble a little but Steve is quick to right you.
"Never" he whispers in your ear.

After a few more steps he moves his body so he's behind you.
"Okay ready?" He asks sending a shiver down your spine and more dirty images flashing through your mind.
"God yes" you all put pant.

He removes the blindfold and it takes a couple of seconds for your eyes to adjust to the light.
It's only once you've adjusted to the sunshine that you realise you are stood outside of huge old run down house.

"What is this?" You ask confused and turn to face him.
He places both hands on you cheeks so you're trapped and forced to look into his eyes.
"It could be ours if you say yes. I know you always wanted the house in the country with the big wrap around porch and a swing seat. I also remember you saying you wanted the house to be a project something that we could make our own. I saw this and knew it would be perfect and I almost brought it there and then but Bucky reminded me if it was going to be ours I should include you in the decision making. I know I have so much making up to do for the ways I hurt you and let you down. You are the love of my life and I can't imagine a future where we're not together happily married with lots kids running around us." His gorgeous blue eyes stare back at you filled with emotion.

Your eyes fill with tears as you can't believe he's remembered your comment about this when you were talking one night tangled up in bed together.
Right now it's like your brain has short circuited and you can't think straight, you just turn ever so slowly to look at the house which could potentially be your dream house. Images of the future with Steve he just painted flash in your mind.

"Gracie?" Steve gently whispers as you stand there in silence for a beat too long.
That's all it takes for you to turn and crash your lips onto his and jump into his arms, he catches you by your ass as you wrap your legs around his waist.

The kiss grows more feverish as Steve backs you both up till you are firmly placed on the hood of the car.
You feel Steve begin to harden further beneath you, and begin to grind yourself against his clothed erection, and a low moan comes from Steve.

Without thinking you begin scrambling to unbutton Steve's jeans, the sudden urge to have him buried
deep inside you is all too overwhelming. You push his jeans down as Steve begins to unbutton your shorts, you lift your ass just enough for him to pull them and you lace thong down your legs discarding them on the ground.
Feeling beyond needy you free his cock from his boxers and line him up with your already soaked entrance.
"Fuck" you pant as he drives deep inside into you in one quick thrust.
"Gracie" he moans as he fucks you into the hood of the car, your hands grip his hair tightly as your kiss becomes as demanding as his thrusts.

This is just like the beach all over again when your primal desire comes before anything else, fuck slow and loving you want it exactly like this fast and needy.
His hand snakes down your body and begins to play with your clit
"Fuck Steve I'm so close" you pant.
Your vision begins to blur as your pleasure rises higher.
Steve applies just a bit more pressure on your clit and that's all it takes for you both hit your high together. Steve thrusts become slower working you both through your orgasm.

Once your breathing returns to normal, you rest your forehead against his.
"How many is a lot of kids?" You smirk.
"How's a football team sound" he smiles.
"Okay well since your not the one birthing super soldier babies let's say two to begin with" your eyes twinkle as you say the words.
"Two sounds good" he kisses you but slowly this time.

He begins to pull out of you slowly before moving his hand to push his cum that's leaked out back inside you, this move surprises you.
"Maybe we just made one" he kisses you before smirking at you. He bends down to recover your clothes helping you get dressed.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves" you say jumping off the hood "now show me our house".

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