Chapter 6

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Steve makes his way through the dark woods, seeing the camp up ahead. Hearing the approach of vehicles he ducks before making off and following the vehicles. He jumps in attacking the guards inside.

As the vehicle comes to a stop Steve knocks a guard out and makes his way through the camp. Finding the hostages he knocks the guard out.
"Who you supposed to be?" A soldier asks.
"I'm Captain America." Steve responds.
"I beg your pardon?" another soldier adds.

Steve opens the door freeing the trapped soliders.

"What's are we taking everybody?" Dugan asks
"I'm from Fresno. Ace"
"Is there anybody else! I'm looking for a Sargent James Barnes."
"There's an isolation ward in the factory but no one's ever come back from it"
"All right. The tree-line is northwest. 80 yards past the gate. Get out fast and give them hell. I will meet guys in the clearing with anybody else I find." Steve orders.
"Wait, you know what you're doing ?".
"Yeah. I knocked out Adolf Hitler over 200 times" Steve responds to the soldier before running off.

Steve makes his way back across the camp, as he's making his way down a corridor he notices a man running away, he goes to chase after him before he hears a man groaning. Following the noise he makes his way inside a room, hearing a man mumbling.
"Sergeant, three-two-five-five seven. Gracie"
"Bucky?" Steve looks at him laying on the table.
"Oh my god" he starts ripping off the restraints.
"Is that"
"It's me. It's Steve"
"Come on"
"Steve" Bucky asks as Steve helps him off the bed
"I thought you were dead."
Bucky looks at Steve "I thought you were smaller, is Gracie okay?"
"She will be now your alive."

Steve takes a look around the room noticing a map with locations on and stares at it for a second before gunfire draws his attention away.
"Come on" he says helping Bucky make their way out of the room.
"What happened to you ?" Bucky asks looking at his best friend.
"I joined the army"
As they make their way down the corridor.
"Did it hurt?"
"A little"
"Is it permanent"
"So far"
"Does Gracie know?"
"She helped"
"Long story will explain later pal"

Steve and Bucky notice the lab exploding and make their way up the stairs.
They hear Schmidt shouting.
"Captain America! How exciting! I am a great fan of your films! So Dr Erskine managed it after all. Not exactly an improvement but still. Impressive."

Steve punches Schmidt in the face.
"You got no idea"
"Haven't I" he punches Steve's shield leaving a fist mark. Steve pulls his gun out but Schmidt punches him to the ground knocking the gun from his hand. Steve kicks him and Zola pulls the triggers separating the platform.
"No matter what lies Erskine told you, you see I was his greatest success!" Schmidt shouts as he begins to remove his skin, revealing a red face.

"You don't have one of those do you?" Bucky asks shocked.

"You are deluded Captain. You pretend to be a simple soldier but in reality, you are just afraid to admit y that we have left humanity behind! Unlike you I embrace it proudly. Without fear!"

"Then how come your running?" The door closed and explosions get closer to Steve and Bucky. Steve looks around noticing a exit and a pillar leading to it.
"Come on let's go! Up." Steve instructs to Bucky.

They make there way up the stairs reaching the pillar. "Let's go. One at a time"
Bucky climbs over the railing and makes his way along slowly with explosions happening beneath him. The pillar starts to fall and Bucky jumps onto the other side making it over the railing.
"There's gotta be a rope or something!" Bucky shouts.

"Just go! Get out of here! Gracie needs her big brother!"
"She needs you too Steve!" Bucky shouts back.
Steve quickly thinks of how Gracie reacted finding out about Bucky and thinks he doesn't want to make her go through that again. He bends the metal railing and walks back.
"We are both coming back Grace" he whispers to himself before making the leap.

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