Chapter 2

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As Gracie is about to leave the stage she notices Steve heading to the recruitment area. She knows how badly Steve wants to join the army but keeps being turned down. She says goodbye to Howard and heads in Steve's direction.

"Hey Steve let's go see Grace before..." Bucky says while turning around to see Steve was no where in sight.

Steve enters the recruitment area standing in front of a picture of a solider barley being able to see his face in the reflection. Gracie watches from afar.

Bucky grabs Steve's shoulder turning him around "Come on your kinda missing the point of a double date we are taking the girls dancing"

"You go ahead I will catch up with you" Steve responds.

Bucky stops and looks at him "You're really going to do this again"
"Well it's a fair I'm gonna try my luck"
"As who Steve from Ohio"
"Leave him alone Buck he just wants to do what's right" you say as you join the boys
"They'll catch him or worse they'll take him away"

"Look I know you think I can't do this" Steve sighs
"This isn't a back alley Steve it's War" Bucky Interrupts him
"Bucky he's not an idiot he knows what he wants to get involved in" you say staring your brother down and flashing Steve a half smile.

You've always admired the courage Steve has for not backing down from a fight, even though it's lead to you having to offer him ice packs and giving him stitches on several occasions despite his pleads that he was okay.

"Buck even your sister believes in me, why can't you"Steve tries to plead with his best friend

"Yeah well Gracie may be smart but clearly not about all things"

"Gee thanks bucket" you rolls your eyes at him
"Oh I'm sorry for wanting my best friend and little sister to be safe" Bucky says defending his words.

"What and you think I'm not worried about my idiot brother going off to fight on the front line" Gracie says half laughing but her voice breaks slightly.

"Bucky men are laying down their lives and I got no right to do any less then them, that's what you dont understand this isn't about me" Steve breaks the silence. You notice Dr Erskine in the distance listening in and catch his eye giving him a slight nod.

"Right cause you got nothing to prove" You hit Bucky's arm at his comment.

"Hey Sarge we going dancing?" His date calls and you roll your eyes.

"Don't wanna keep them waiting" you respond. Bucky brings you into a hug and kisses your cheek.
"Be safe little sis and write to me all the time"
"I will do and you better come home to me otherwise I will come find you and kick your ass" you respond a single tear escaping which Bucky wipes with his thumb. 

You step to the side to let Steve and Bucky say goodbye.

"Don't do anything stupid until I get back"

"How can I you're taking all the stupid with you"

"You're a punk" Bucky says bringing him into a hug

"Take care of her" he whispers
"You know I will" Steve eyes fall on you.

Bucky flashes you one last smile and turns around and makes his way to the girls.

"He's going to be okay" Steve says as he turns around to face you.

"He better be, go on Stevie one last try, I have a good feeling about this one." You say giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. Steve blushes and you can't help but smile even more.

"Thanks Gracie, wait and I will walk you home?" he says as he starts to walk away.

"I will be waiting"

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