Chapter 33

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"She has become quite the warrior" Frigga says to Loki as they are both stood watching you train.
"She's always been strong" Loki smiles over at you.
"I am proud of you Loki, for letting someone in" she smiles at him.
"You and her never gave up on me and I can never truly be thankful enough for that" Loki says turning to face his mother.
"She would make a fine Queen" Odin says joining Loki and Frigga with Thor.
"Father Lady Gracie is just a friend who is visiting, her life is on Midgard not here on Asgard, eventually she will want to return" Thor replies.
"It will be a shame" Odin says looking over at you.
"How funny" Loki says.
"What my son?" Odin asks.
"You don't like outsiders visiting yet you now want to make a Midgardian Queen of Asgard" Loki semi laughs.

"Your father has also come a long way" Frigga smiles at her boys.
"I'm not getting any younger and Asgard will need a ruler and it's better to do it with a Queen by your side" Odin replies kissing his wife's hand "We would also like grandchildren at some point"
Loki and Thor just look at each other not knowing what to say.
"Hi" you say approaching them breaking the awkward silence.
"Perfect timing Gracie I was just saying..." Odin begins but is cut off by Frigga.
"Let's go for a walk dear" she smiles at you.
"Umm okay" you look around sensing some tension.
"I will see you at dinner" you smile at the rest before leaving with Frigga.

"I can not begin to thank you enough for letting me stay here" You smile at Frigga as you walk.
"It's been no problem you are always welcome" Frigga smiles back.
"Thank you for not pushing me to talk either, I know I was a mess when I arrived" you laugh.
"I would never push, also I could feel your anguish" she stops walking and faces you.
"I do miss home, but it's now also the place I was betrayed by the people I loved the most" you say looking down "My brother is alive after all this time but I can't even think about looking at him because I just see the person who hurt me, who hurt Howard, and Steve the love of my life who lied to multiple times as if it was nothing and he also cheated" tears begin to form in your eyes.
"It will become easier, you know deep in your heart that it wasn't truly your brother who caused all the pain" she says holding your face in her hands "he had no control over his actions, yes Steve did but I believe he truly thought he was protecting you by not wanting you to see your brother like that" she wipes the tears that begin to fall "I know you feel anger and hate still but I know you also feel love, the nightmares will go and you will be able to forgive" she smiles at you.

"Loki and Thor are lucky to have a mother like you" you smile at her as she wipes your tears.
"My dear I'm here for you whenever you need me" she brings you into a hug "You are the daughter I never had, now come we must get ready for dinner"

After dinner you are sat outside looking at the stars.
"Gracie?" Thor says approaching you.
"I still can't get over the beauty of this place" you saying not taking your eyes from the sky.
"You okay, you didn't eat much at dinner" Thor asks.
"I'm okay I was just thinking of what your mother and me talked about this afternoon" you say finally looking at Thor "she is wise your mother" you laugh.
"That she is, she also loves you like you are her own" Thor says sitting down next to you.
"She said the same thing" you smile at him.
"What you thinking?" Thor asks seeing you lost in thought.
"Just thinking of Tony wondering if he's made up with Pepper" you reply.

"You can go back whenever you a ready" Thor smiles at you.
"I know but I'm not sure I'm ready to face Steve" you say looking down.
"That's understandable"
"There you are" you hear Loki's voice coming from behind you.
"Hi" you smile at him as he sits the other side of you.
"What are you two talking about?" Loki asks looking at you both.
"Stark" you smile.
"You can go visit" Loki says.
"I know Thor just said the same, but for now I'm happy here with you two idiots" you laugh and place your head on Loki's shoulder.
"Thank you for rescuing me" you say.
"You rescued me first" Loki replies.

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