Chapter 37

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"Give her some space" you hear Shuri's voice as you start to come round.
"Gracie you're okay" Shuri smiles at you as you slowly start opening your eyes "Just stay calm and breathe slowly"
"What happened?" You ask groggily.
"You passed out from a panic attack but you are fine, Steve caught you before you hit the ground" Shuri explains.

Slowly sitting up you notice Steve and Bucky looking at you worried.
"Maybe we should do this another day?" T'Challa suggests.
"No I'm fine" you are quick to reply not feeling like putting this off any longer.

"If you are sure" he now looks at you as you nod.
"Okay put don't push yourself too much" Shuri adds as they begin to walk away.

You sit on the grass while Bucky and Steve stand awkwardly in front of you.
"This shouldn't be this awkward" you now sigh.
"A lot has happened Grace" Bucky awkwardly says.
"I'm sorry I left for so long, it didn't mean for almost 2 years to have passed. They told me that they managed to deprogramme the winter solider" you now look to Buck.

"Yeah they did I'm free" he half smiles.
"I'm happy for you" you smile at him "I'm sorry about freaking out it's just I had these images flash I'm my mind of before" you look down.
"That's understandable" he now looks sheepish.
"I know you won't hurt me" you say out loud trying to reassure yourself as much as anyone else.

"I am so sorry Gracie, I would never intentionally hurt you, your my baby sister" his eyes now filling with tears.
"I know you wouldn't Buck it wasn't you" you say standing up and walking over to him.

You take a couple of deep breaths before you reach for his metal arm, but he flinches backwards.
"Please" you look at him, needing to do this to help you move past the previous interactions with his arm.

He steps forward and you take this metal hand in yours, raising his arm up to examine it. What was once metal with a red star on is now vibranium with gold running through it.

"Shuri designed it, gave it to me this morning" he says his voice nervous.
"I like it" you smile at him. Seeing the pain in his eyes you can't help but bring him in for a hug.
"I missed you so much" you now cry into his shoulder.
"I've missed you too little sis" he says hugging you back but still being wary of his metal arm.

"He loves you more than anything you know, he's wanted nothing more than to have you home" he whispers into you ear as he goes to break the hug after what feels like a lifetime.

Turning you see Steve stood there watching you, with tears in his eyes.
"I will give you two a minute" Bucky smiles and he goes to join Shuri and T'Challa.

"Gracie I am so sorry I lied to you, I thought I was protecting you by not wanting you to see Bucky as the Winter Soldier. I realise now I should've told you from the beginning and we could've looked for him together, rather than me leaving you alone when you needed me. I love you more than anything you are my world Gracie, I've felt so lost and lonely the entire time you were gone. I should never have kissed Sharon back and I've carried that guilt with me ever since knowing I lost the love of my life over something so stupid and meaningless" Steve rambles.

"You broke my trust Steve, but being away made me realise that I still love you. It's always been you. I think we need to start again." You say looking at him through your puffy red eyes.

"What do you mean?" Steve asks slightly confused.
"Hi I'm Gracie Barnes" you smile and go to shake his hand, and he looks at you even more confused.
"We are starting from the very beginning, you need to earn my trust back Steve" you explain.

"Well in that case, Hi I'm Steve Rogers" he takes your hand and shakes it.
"Nice to meet you Steve" you smile.
"I have to say you have the most beautiful smile" Steve smiles back at you.
"Thank you" you blush slightly.
"I hope this isn't too forward considering we just met, but I would really love to get to know you better, would you like to go on a date with me?" He now asks shyly.
"A date sounds nice but you might want to ask my big brother he's a little protective of me" you say loud enough so Bucky can hear.

"That's my baby sister pal" Bucky now comes up to you, stood with his arms crossed defensively.
"Buck may I have permission to accompany your baby sister on a date" Steve asks.
"I don't know punk" Bucky teases but Steve's face drops slightly.
"Don't be mean James" you laugh.
"If you take her on a date then make sure you have her back by 10" he laughs and all of a sudden it feels like you back in the 40's.
"How about tomorrow night and I will have her back by 10" Steve smiles at you.
"Tomorrow sounds good" you reply feeling slightly giddy.

"Why don't you tell us about your time away?" Bucky now asks.
"Where do I even begin" the excitement radiating from you as you begin to tell the pair what happened while you were gone.

"Do you know where I can get a nice dress for tomorrow, Steve asked me on a date" You smile at Shuri as you make your way back.
"Don't worry I got you" she smiles.
"Thank you, is it weird I'm kinda nervous" you admit.
"It's sweet, meet me tomorrow morning and I will help you find the perfect outfit, bring Wanda and Nat as well if you want" she says before heading back to her lab.

Meanwhile Steve walks with T'Challa.
"Think you can help me with my date tomorrow?" Steve asks.
"Of course what did you have in mind?" T'Challa smiles.
"Well if I had my way I would be proposing as I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her. But since she wants to start fresh I guess I need to pull out all the stops out for our first date" Steve blurts out.
"I will help with whatever you want" T'Challa pats him on the back "Meet tomorrow morning"

"You two we are shopping tomorrow with Shuri" you smile at Nat and Wanda as you meet back up with everyone.
"Guessing everything went okay?" Wanda smiles at you.
"Well apart from blacking out for a bit, but yes in the end it was okay. It's gonna take some time but me and Steve are going on a date tomorrow, we are starting from the beginning" you explain.
"You passed out, are you okay?" Tony comes over to check you.
"Stop fussing T, I'm fine Shuri was there remember" you swat him away.

"I'm going to speak to Steve so I can figure out what kinda outfit we need to find you" Nat smiles leaving to find Steve.
"How do you feel after that?" Tony now asks.
"Exhausted, you okay to stay close tonight just incase?" You now look at him.
"Of course" he smiles at you.
"Is it weird I'm thankful I was kidnapped because it meant I got you in my life" you smile at him.
"I feel the same way" he laughs and you hug him.

Being home now felt right.

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