Chapter 8

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Warning Smut!

As you both stand there staring at each other the next minute Steve lips are crashing against yours. You part your lips allowing his tongue to enter, he moves you both inside closing the door behind.
You both part trying to catch your breathe before you bring your lips back onto his wanting more.

As the kiss heats up your hands start to wonder reaching for the buttons of his shirt slowly undoing them.
Steve reaches for your hands stopping you as you reach the last button.
"Are you sure about this Gracie" Steve asks looking you in your eyes.
"I want nothing more. Take me Captain" you say undoing Steve's final button revealing that body you had only witnessed once from a distance.
That was all Steve needed he picked you up and carried you to the bedroom. Placing you gently on the bed he leans back in and kisses you again this time hungrily.
He slowly lifts your pj top revealing your breasts as you had no bra on. He hesitates for a moment. You grab his hand and place it on your boob, Steve looks at you and you nod.
He gently starts to squeeze your nipple hardening, he then lowers himself and starts to kiss the other one sucking lightly on the hardened nipple earning a moan from you.

You reach for his belt and start to help him out of his trousers. While he does the same to you. You lay there in nothing but your panties. Steve takes a second to you admire
"God your so beautiful" he smiles before attaching his lips to your neck kissing slowly down.
"Oh Steve" you whisper in his ear. He stops and looks at you one last time
"Are you sure"
"Fuck me Captain" Steve shocked from the language that just came from your mouth and you smirk seeing his cock twitch at your words.

You start to palm at him through his boxers and he moans. You slowly start to pull his boxers down and his cock springs free. You gulp at his size. Wow that serum really must've enhanced everything.
You take his cock in your hand and wipe the pre cum along his length. You start slowly before building up the pace.
Steve moans loudly
"Gracie that feels so good"
You pick up the pace
"Oh god Gracie I'm.." and before Steve can finish his sentence he cums in your hand.
He looks at you embarrassed having not lasted long just from your hand.
"Your turn" he says as his hands start to wonder up your thigh. He reaches your panties and can feel your wetness through them and looks at your in surprise.
"All for you" you whisper in his ear
He slowly removes your underwear and before he does anything he looks to you for permission. You smile to yourself thinking how sweet he is.
You take his hand and put it between your legs wanting nothing more than for him to touch you.

He slowly moves his hand over your folds not really sure what he's doing. He brushes your clit and you moan loudly. Steve takes that as a good sign and slowly uses his thumb to rub circles.
He pushes a finger inside you and you gasp at the sudden intrusion. Steve quickly withdraws his hand thinking he's hurt you.
"Are you okay did I hurt you?" He asks panicked
"I'm more than okay...Steve don't stop please" you beg
Steve enters his finger again and starts pumping in and out, he adds a second finger slowly stretching you out and you moan.
Hearing you moan is like music to Steve's ears. He pumps into you hard curling his fingers while working your clit.
You start to tense around his fingers
"Oh Steve harder please don't stop" you shout as you can feel yourself close to the edge.
He works his fingers harder while he also attacks your clit with his thumb.
The knot in your stomach grows and it's not long before your orgasm hits you and you release over Steve's hand.

"Wow" you say coming down from your high.
"Was that okay?" Steve asks
"More than okay" you smirk, looking down you notice Steve rock hard again and you decide you can't wait any longer you need him inside you.

You lay Steve on his back and slowly line yourself up with the tip of his cock. Running the tip along your folds to help lubricate. You lower yourself slowly onto him.
A mix of pain and pleasure hits you as you feel Steve stretching you out in ways you've not experienced before.
As he finally bottoms out inside you. You both remain still taking a moment to ensure your comfortable.
You slowly start to rock your hips and you both moan at the movement. You find a steady pace before you become more comfortable. You start to bounce up and down on Steve your breasts bouncing. Steve reaches up and takes one and starts playing with it.
"Oh god Gracie you feel so good" Steve says as you bounce on his cock.
Your both a moaning mess as you pick up the pace chasing your release as Steve can fill you tighten around his cock.
He's been trying his hardest not to cum since the second you sat on him.

"Cum for me Gracie I can feel you want to" he says not wanting to be the first one. He reaches his hand to start rubbing your clit.
"Oh fuck.. Steve don't stop I'm close" you say as your eyes squeeze shut
"Open your eyes. I want you to look at me when you cum"
Steve's hips are moving to match your pace, it's not long before your orgasm hits you and you release hard. With you squeezing his cock Steve follows and releases his hot seed inside you. You feel the combination of you and Steve starting to drip down your leg.
Once you have both come down from your high you collapse next to Steve. Both of you trying to catch your breath.
"How about a bath?" Steve asks and you nod not being able to move.

Steve gets up and starts to run a bath. He lifts you up gently and lowers you in.
"Join me?" You ask looking up at him threw your lashes
You move forward slightly allowing him to climb into the tiny bath behind you. He barley fits in but you just want to feel close to him.
He brings you back so your laying on is chest.
"Promise me your come back to me" you say, your fears about the upcoming battles finally coming out.
"I will do everything I can to make sure I'm come home to you" he says tracing circles on your skin
"Your my world Grace and I don't want to lose that so I will always fight to come home to you"
You smile at his words.
"Your my world too Steve and I don't what I would do if I lost you or Bucky"
"I know your brother will fight to come home to you too" Steve tries to reassure her. He places a kiss on your head and you relax against him.

The next morning you wake to Steve's arms wrapped around you, you roll over to see Steve awake.
"It's creepy to stare" your morning voice raspy
"I'm sorry you look so beautiful when you sleep, also wanted to make sure it wasn't a dream" Steve smiles and leans in to kiss you.
Flashbacks of last night flash through your mind, and as if Steve had just read your thoughts he deepens the kiss.
You feel him suddenly pressed up against you. You smirk and whisper to him
"Oh I can assure you Captain it wasn't a dream" he moves you so your now under him.
"Need a reminder" you say pulling him down to you
"Yes please" he smirks before sinking into you never wanting this to end.

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