Chapter 25

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1.5 Years Later

You wake to an empty bed again. Getting up you walk over to the kitchen, no sign of Steve.
Sighing you grab the coffee pot to brew a fresh pot.
You grab your phone and see if there's anything from Steve but there's not.

As you're sat drinking your coffee on the sofa you hear the door go, you turn to see a sweaty Steve enter.
"Good run?" You ask
"Yeah I'm just gonna jump in the shower" he says walking to the bedroom.

As you hear the water running you get an idea.
You walk into the bedroom and strip off walking into the shower.
"Thought I could do with a workout" you say wrapping your arms around Steve's naked frame.
"Oh yeah" he smirks turning to face you.
You lean in to kiss him, and his hands start to roam your body.

You feel his erection pressed against you, reaching down you start stroking earning a moan from Steve.
You get down on your knees and lick a strip, then you open and take in what you can till he reaches the back of your throat. You start sucking and Steve grabs your hair pushing you further onto him making you gag slightly.
"Fuck Gracie" he moans as you pick up the pace sucking and playing with his balls.
You feel him twitch in your mouth signalling he's close
"Cum for me Stevie" you say before taking Steve's cock back in your mouth. It's not long before you feel Steve cum down the back of your throat and you sallow what he gives you.

Pulling you up he kisses you hungrily tasting himself on you. His hand goes in between your legs and strokes over your already sensitive bud. He inserts a finger and starts working you, while attaching his lips to your erect nipples.
Adding another finger he pumps harder and works your clit with his thumb.
"Oh Steve" you gasp as you feel the knot inside your stomach grow.
As you start to tense around Steve fingers he quickly pulls them out making you moan at the loss.
"Wanna taste you" he says getting on his knees.

Attaching his lips to your core he dips his tongue in and starts switching between sucking on your bud and licking your folds.
Working you expertly it's not long before you cum on his face and he laps up everything you give him.

He stands up and quickly picks you up and lines you up. Teasing his tip over your entrance but you're too impatient and try and push yourself down.
"So needy" he smirks as he pushes himself inside you, both moaning at the feeling.
He starts driving into you fast and hard, he uses one hand to balance the both of you while he pounds into you. Your hands roaming his hair pulling when he hits the right spot.
Picking up the pace your boobs bouncing infront of him he attaches himself and starts flicking his tongue over your erect nipple.

Picking up the pace you're both a moaning mess and he can feel you tense around him. Hitting your g-spot perfectly you know you won't last much longer.
"Fuck Steve I'm gonna cum don't stop" you say.
Hearing your moans Steve knows he's not gonna last much longer.
"I'm right there with you baby" Steve pants feeling you squeezing him.
A few more thrusts and you both orgasm, panting as Steve keeps slowly going helping you both through your high.

"Best workouts" you smirk before kissing him.
He helps you off and you both help wash each other.
Getting out you're sat towel drying your hair at your vanity while Steve's getting dressed.
"I'm going away with Sam, might be gone for day or so" Steve says coming over and kissing your neck.

"Really?" You ask looking up at him
"Yeah he needs my help" he half smiles at you
"Can't someone else help him?" You reply
"Sorry sweetheart I will do what I can to get back as quick as I can" he replies
"So you're leaving me alone again" you look at him with puppy dog eyes
"It's important" he takes you hand
"Fine" you say removing your hand from his and taking the towel off your head and start combing your hair to dry it.
"Don't be like that" he says
"Just go" you say turning on the hairdryer and looking away from him.

"Morning" Tony says as he enters the kitchen area.
You quickly wipe the tears and smile at him.
"What's Steve done now?" He asks while making his coffee.
"He's gone away for possibly a few days" you half laugh in response.
Tony looks at you sadly
"So he forgot it's your birthday tomorrow"
"Looks that way" you say tears beginning to fall again. "Do you think he's having an affair, maybe he's realised I'm not what he wants anymore and he's bored"
"Don't say that of course he wouldn't cheat on you. It's Steve we are talking about. And don't worry the party I'm throwing you is going to be amazing you won't even notice he's gone" he hugs you.
"I know my heads all over the place at the moment but thank you T, right I'm gonna head to the lab see you in a bit" you half smile at him.

Tony tries calling Steve but gets his voicemail.
"Steve you better get your ass back here before tomorrow or I'm not sure you will have someone to come home to" he hangs up

The next morning you awake and Steve's side of the bed is still empty.
After crying for 10 minutes that's he's actually forgotten your birthday you walk into the shared kitchen.
Seeing a beautiful bouquet of roses on the counter you go and read the note.
"Happy birthday my beautiful, love Steve"
You sigh and place the card on the side.

"Happy birthday Lady Barnes" you hear a voice and smile and turn to see Thor walking towards you. Giving him a look he laughs "Apologies I mean Happy Birthday Gracie" he embraces you in a hug.
"Thank you Thor" you smile as he places you down.
"Happy birthday trouble" you hear Nat's voice approaching.
"Thanks" you half smile back at her.
"Why the sad face?"she asks
"Happy birthday princess" you hear as you find yourself being picked up and spun around.
"Thank you Pietro" you smile.
"Happy Birthday" Wanda says giving you a hug and Nat just looks at you.
"Thank you. I'm fine Nat, Thor may I speak with you?" You turn to face him.
"Of course" he smiles back.

You go to your room with Thor.
"So as you know Tony is throwing me a party tonight, I was meant to ask if the warriors three and Lady Sif would like to join and I would say Loki but we know he's not allowed off Asgard" you half smile.
"Of course I will fetch Sif and the warriors three they will be happy you invited them" he hugs you.
"Thanks Thor just wish Odin would allow Loki to visit, I know he's let him out his cell which I guess is good news"

The party has begun and there's still no sign of Steve. You see the rainbow appear outside and can't help but smile.
You're on the dance floor with Nat and Wanda when you see people looking shocked and whispering to each other, you go to turn around to see what everyone is looking at. You see Thor and his friends enter but haven't noticed that's not what people are looking at.
You walk as quick as you can in their direction.
"You made it" you say with a massive smile on your face.
"I believe I owe you a dance" you hear a familiar voice come from behind them and you can't help but smile.
"What how?!" You ask confused.
"Father agreed he can come to Midgard to start making amends" Thor replies and you can't help but give him a hug.
"Thank you" you smile at him.
"Shall we?" Loki says extending his hand.
"Loki this isn't the kinda of music you dance to on Asgard" you laugh.
"I got it covered" he nods to Thor who walks up to the DJ "Also you will need this" he smiles as he transforms your dress into a ball gown.

"What is happening?" Steve asks Tony as he and Sam enter the party.
"Nice of you to join us so late on your girlfriends birthday" Tony snaps at him.
"I know I messed up, but what is he doing here?" Steve nods towards you and Loki.
"How should I know, I certainly didn't invite him." Tony replies "But unfortunately I have to say that's the first genuine smile I've seen from her all day" and Steve sighs.

As the music changes Loki leads you onto the now cleared dance floor.
"Don't let me fall" you smile at him.
"Never" he replies before leading you in the dance.
You and Loki spin and twirl across the dance floor and you have the biggest smile on your face.
He dips you at the end before bringing you back upright and your faces are incredibly close.

You hear someone behind you clearing their throat and you and Loki part.
"Steve" you say as you notice who it is.
"Happy birthday sweetheart" he smiles at you.
"Thanks" you smile sadly "excuse me" you say leading Loki over to Thor and his friends.

"Wow you really are in the bad books this time if she just chose Loki over you" Nat says patting him on the back. "I did warn you about keeping this secret" she raises an eyebrow at him.
"I know I thought we would have found him sooner" he looks down.
"Come on man let's get a drink" Sam says heading towards the bar.

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