Chapter 3

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As Steve does the sleeves of his shirt up a nurse walks in and whispers something in the doctors ear.

"Is there a problem?" Steve asks panicked

"Just wait here" the doctor responds leaving the room.

Steve starts putting his shoes on when a solider enters the room. Steve looks up panicked he's been caught lying.

Just then Gracie walks in with a man behind her.

"No need to look worried Stevie" she flashes him a smile that instantly melts his heart.

"This is Dr Abraham Erskine from the Strategic Scientific Reserve" Gracie introduces the man as he reaches out to shake Steve's hand.

"Steve Rogers"

"Oh yes I know all about you Miss Barnes here has filled me in and so have your files, five exams in five different cities."

A panicked and confused looks spreads across Steve's face, had Gracie turned him in for lying on his forms.
"Steve your not in trouble" Gracie reassures him "Dr Erskine here wanted to meet you in person after I explained to him how much you wanted to go to war and that you have a heart of gold"

"Five tries, I'm impressed. Are you that desperate to kills Nazis?"

"Is this some kind of test?" He asks

"Yes" Erskine replied

Steve takes a breathe "I don't wanna kill anyone. I don't like bullies I don't care where they are from"

You smile knowing that's exactly what the Dr wanted to hear.

"There are already so many big men fighting this war. Maybe what we need now is a little guy huh?" He looks at you with the smile on your face

"We can offer you a chance and only a chance" Dr Erskine turns his attention back to Steve

"I'll take it" Steve is quick to respond

Dr Erskine stamps Steve's file "Congratulations Solider" he hands Steve back his file.

"Congratulations Stevie I knew you could do it" you bring him into a hug.

"Thank you Gracie" Steve gives you a quick kiss on the hand, making your heart flutter before he goes back to staring at the stamp not believing what's just happened.

"Wait how did you do this?" Steve looks back up to Gracie

"I am a women of many talents Rogers"she smiles grabbing his skinny arm leading him back outside.
"Did you want to go join Bucky and the girls dancing I can walk myself home"
"I promised I would walk you back and that's what I'm going to do besides I don't think they are missing me do you?" You offer Steve a sympathetic smile.

"Lead the way the then soldier"

"Thank you again Grace"  Steve says as you reach your apartment.
"Honestly Steve it's nothing and the Dr was right there's already so many big men fighting this war maybe it is time for a little guy from Brooklyn to join"
Steve smiles sadly at the fact you called him little, knowing you will probably never see him as anything other than your brothers scrawny best friend who always seems to needs saving.

As Steve lays in bed he sees your crawling across his bed in just your night dress hands roaming his body.
"Grace how did you?"
"Shhh I've wanted this for a while" you whisper as you kiss him hungrily. You start to palm him through his bottoms until you remove them to Steve's shock and start working his hard cock.
"Guess everything isn't little" you say
"Oh god Gracie" he moans as you pick up the pace.
You smirk at him as you start teasing his balls.
"Oh Gracie I'm gonna c..." before he can finish his sentence his hot seed squirts all over your hand and you lick it up while making eye contact with Steve.
Steve wakes up breathing heavy realising it was just a dream. He looks down to see his hard on and kicks himself for dreaming about Gracie this way.

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