Chapter 40

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Jesus fucking Christ it feels like someone is banging from inside your head and your throat is drier than the Sahara desert.

You don't have the willpower to open your eyes as you lay there trying your hardest not to throw up, just how much did you drink last night?

What happened last night? When you try and think about it most of it comes up blank.
Where are you right now?

Suddenly feeling a hand slap onto your stomach, am I in bed with Steve?
Slowly opening one eye you notice a bunch of red hair next to you, before slowly turning and seeing another red head near you.

You realise you are passed out on a pillow fort in the lounge with the girls around you.

"Oh my god my head" Wanda groans.
"Shhh" you say her voice going straight through you.
"I need water" Nat groans but doesn't make an attempt to move.

"Did we die?" You groan.
"Feels like it" Wanda whispers in response.

You hear chuckles across the room but can't move your head to look who it came from.
"I can't move I might be sick" you groan.

"Oh don't say that, now I might be" Wanda almost gags.

Closing your eyes again you take a few deep breaths.
"Why are we on the floor?" Nat now asks.
"Beats me" you reply eyes still shut.

"You really don't remember ?" You hear Bucky laughing and its way too loud.

"Okay turn the noise volume down a notch" you groan.
"When you girls are ready, we have coffee and food" you hear Steve's voice.

"Nope that's done me" you quickly stand up to rush to the nearest toilet before spilling the contents of your guts.

Never drinking again!

"Gracie?" You hear Steve's voice behind you.
"Don't come in here it's not pretty" you say before you are sick again.
"I've got you" he holds your hair back and rubs your back.

Once you're done being sick you lay for a moment on the cold bathroom tiles, before asking Steve to go fetch your toothbrush.

Cleaning your teeth and running water over your face you sit back down as wait to feel the queasiness pass.
"What the hell happened last night" You groan.
"You and the girls may have had a tad too much fun and also tried to out drink Valkyrie" Steve kisses your forehead.

"Well we are fucking idiots" you laugh.
"We did try and tell you but you weren't listening" Steve teases.
"No wonder I feel like death" you lay your head on his shoulder.

"Wanna get coffee?" He pulls you up.
"Yes please" you answer as he helps you out the bathroom.

"You all good?" Bucky brings you into a hug as you enter the kitchen.
"Yeah just need coffee but the truck load please" you smile at him and he places a kiss on your forehead as Steve hands you a bottle of water and a coffee.
"Drink the water first" Steve says and you down it before sipping on the hot coffee.

"I did try and warn you girls not to try and out drink me" Valkyrie appears in the room.
"You got problems with the amount you drink" you tease her.
"Nope I'm all good" she laughs.

"Where's the others?" You ask not really remembering how the party ended.
"Guardians went to sleep on their ship, Thors lot went back to Asgard with the exception of Loki and Thor" Steve explains.

"You have an interesting bunch of friends" Tony says entering the room.
"I know. Also god you look how I feel" you stare at him.
"Geez thanks Gracie" he rolls his eyes.
"Just keeping it honest" you wink at him.

"Here" Bucky puts some bacon in front of you and you push it away trying not to be sick.
"Nope can't face it" you slowly shake your head.

"What about this?" Loki now approaches you with your favourite pastry from Asgard.
"Omg" you leap into his arms as a thank you "has anyone told you that you are the best Loki Odison" you kiss his cheek.

"Just you" he laughs placing you back down on the seat.
You don't notice the look shared between Bucky and Steve, and the tick in Steve's jaw.

Picking up the pastry you take a bite and can't help but let out a small moan.
"Wow must be good" Nat teases.
"Almost better than sex" you joke "probably why I ate so many while I was in Asgard." Causing the girls to burst out laughing.

After finishing the pastry and two cups of coffee you go see the guardians.

"Thank you for coming last night" you say as you begin to hug them all.
"We have fun" Rocket admits.
"I am Groot"
"He said you look like you had fun" Peter translates.

"I know I look like shit this morning" you laugh "but I definitely had fun and it means so much that you guys came all this way."
"Wasn't going to turn down a free party" Rocket laughs.
"Good to know" you smile.
"Well I hope to see you guys again soon"
"You sure you don't want to join us?" Peter asks.
"I mean hell yeah I do but no more running" you reply "Be safe out there saving the world" you give them all a final hug before they leave.

Heading back inside you try and bypass everyone wanting nothing more than to crawl back into bed and sleep the rest of the day away.
Successfully doing that you peel back the sheets and sink into bed, closing your eyes the second your head hits the pillow.

"Gracie" you hear Steve whispering in your ear.
"Hmmm" is all you can manage not wanting to be woken up from your peaceful sleep.
"Baby you need to eat you've been asleep all afternoon" Steve tries waking you up.

Slowly opening your eyes, you see Steve lying next to you smiling.
"Come on sleeping beauty you need food after last night" he gently kisses your lips.
"Oh god I completely ruined our night together didn't it?" You groan as the memory of Steve promising to rip your dress off hits you.

Steve can't help but chuckle.
"You did but you were having fun and I didn't want to spoil that" he smiles at you before gently kissing your forehead.
"I still have some making up to do, so tomorrow we are going out on a date. So you need to come eat so you have all your strength back"
"Ooo a date are you going to tell me what we are doing or where we are going?" She raises her eyebrows at him.

"Nope you will find you tomorrow" he smirks.
"Errr why can't you tell me" she groans in annoyance.
"Because it's a surprise, now come eat Tony ordered  your favourite food" he picks you up and carries you out the room.
"I can walk" you chuckle.
"I know" he kisses your forehead as he continues carrying you downstairs, before placing you on the kitchen bar stool.

"You're the best T" you smile as you see your favourite food piled on a plate in front of you.
"I know" he simply walks past you placing a kiss on your forehead.
After eating with the team and laughing as they tell you stories from last night since your memory is still hazy.

"Why don't you come join me in the shower?" You whisper to Steve.
"I need you to be able to walk tomorrow and I'm not sure I could go gentle with you" he whispers back with a smirk.
"Okay you need to remember that big brother has super solider hearing as well, and I didn't need to hear that" Bucky screws up his face.
"Sorry not sorry brother" you smirk at him causing him to roll his eyes.

It feels good having him back in your life with the all the others that you love, and you can't help you smile as you look around the room filled with those who mean the most to you.

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