Chapter 4

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"I know this neighbourhood, I got beat up in that alley." Steve says staring out the window of the car
"And that parking lot and behind that diner"

"Did you have something against running away?" Peggy asks
"Sometimes I was trying to defend Gracie, but if you start running they'll never let you stop! You stand up, push back they can't say no forever right?"
"I know a little of what that's like to have every door shut in your face"

"I guess I just don't know why you would want to join the army if you were a beautiful dame... or a women.. an agent not a dame
You are beautiful but...." Steve stutters

"You have no idea how to talk to a women do you?" Peggy smiles
"Well apart from talking with Gracie I think this is longest conversation I've had with one, women aren't exactly lining up to dance with a guy they may step on, plus they always tend to want my best friend Bucky"
"You must've danced?"
"Never had the courage to ask the right women to dance it always seemed so terrifying, plus I was waiting"
"For what?"
Gracie Steve thought in his head, smiling at the thought of her.
"Umm the right partner" Steve answers Peggy

The car pulls up by a shop and they get out the car
"This way" Peggy says walking toward the shop entrance
"What are we doing here?" Steve asks
"Follow me" Peggy responds while walking inside

The shop keeper walks out
"Wonder weather this morning isn't it?"
"Yes, but I always carry an umbrella"

The women starts walking behind the counter.
Steve follows Peggy though the back and is staring at a bookshelf before it opens up and they walk down the corridor before entering into a lab through double doors.

Looking down he notices Gracie amongst the people in white lab coats laughing with Howard before all the people go quite and stare at Steve and Peggy.
They walk down the stairs and are greeted by Dr Erskine
"Good Morning" they shake hands while a camera flash goes off
"Please not now" Dr Erskine says
Steve stares at the machine looking nervous
"You ready?"
Steve nods his head
"Good. Take off you shirt, your tie and your hat"
Steve looks around catching your eye and you smile.
Steve starts to undress shyly.

Steve makes his way into the machine as you make your way over to him.
"You okay Stevie?" You ask, lightly grabbing his arm as he lays back
"Never been better" he offers you a smile but you can tell he's nervous
"Comfortable?" The Dr asks walking up next to you
"It's a little big" Steve jokes and you both laugh
"You save me any of that schnapps?
The Dr looks at you "not as much as I should have but she's to blame" you shrug and have a cheeky smile on your face
"Next time" the Dr laughs
"Stark how are the levels looking" you shout
"Levels at 100% we may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we are ready as we'll ever be" He responds looking at Steve laying on the bed and then at you.
"Agent Carter don't you think you would be more comfortable in the booth?" Erskine asks
"Oh yes of course sorry" she replies. She looks at Steve meeting his gaze and smiles and he smiles back.
You watch the interaction happen like before at the camp you feel jealous.
"Good luck" you whisper to Steve before walking away.

Next minute feedback fills the lab
"Do you hear me? is this thing on? Ladies and gentleman today we take not another stop towards annihilation, but the first step on the path to peace. We begin with a series of micro-interactions into the subjects major muscle groups. The serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change and then to stimulate growth the subject will be saturated with vita-rays"

While the Dr has been talking you've been helping prepare ensuring everything is where it should be. You inject Steve with a needle.
"That wasn't so bad" you chuckle to yourself as the Dr responds
"That was penicillin" he rolls his eyes
"Serum infusion beginning in, five, four, three two" he touches Steve's arm for reassurance
Howard pulls the lever and the serum starts injecting into Steve.
He starts to groan in pain
"Now you two" as you pull another lever as the machine starts to lift closing around Steve
Erskine knocks on the machine
"Steven, can you hear me?"
"It's probably too late to go to the bathroom right?"
You laugh slightly
"We will proceed" Dr Erskine nods at you and Howard. You turn the dial while Howard puts on glasses then turns the wheel on the panel
"10%, 20, 30, that's 40%"
The light in the room gets brighter and you put your glasses on.
"Vital signs are normal" you say while helping to monitor Steve
"That's 50%, 60, 70"
Steve starts screaming from inside the machine
You see Peggy get up from her seat looking worried
"Steven" Erskine shouts running to the machine
"Shut it down" Peggy shouts down
The doctor bangs on the machine "Come on Stevie" you whisper under your breathe
"Shut it down!" Peggy shouts again
"Kill the reactor Mr Stark, turn it off! Kill it! Kill the reactor!"

"No" you respond "he can do it" as Howard starts to turn it off
"she's right I can do this! Keep going" Steve shouts
They look at you and you nod. You feel Peggy glaring at you.
Howard turns the wheel again "80, 90, that's 100%"
The machines humming and the control panels start sparking "ow" you say as one catches your hand.
The machine powers down and you stand there holding your breathe
"Mr Stark?" Erskine shouts before the machine starts to open revealing Steve.

You stand there in disbelief as you witness the sight in-front of you. The once little skinny Stevie now not so little, his muscles now huge, his once skinny frame now with a impeccable 6 pack covered in slight sweat, you feel your panties getting slightly wet from the sight before you.
"Your drooling" Howard teased
"Huh" you respond, your fave turning red before trying to gather your thoughts again. Howard chuckles and heads towards Steve.
Erskine and Howard help Steve down from the machine
"I did it"
"Yeah yeah I think we did it"
"You actually did it" Howard stares at Steve in disbelief
Next minute Peggy is standing infront of Steve staring at him "how do you feel?"
"Taller" Steve pants while he's trying to gather himself. You notice Peggy staring at Steve and her slight touch of his body.
"You look taller" she says handing him a shirt
You stand watching the interaction before someone draws your attention away congratulating you on helping on this project.
You look around noticing Dr Erskine staring at someone with a concerned look on his face.

Next minute there is an explosion and your thrown to the floor hitting your head as you fall.
"Stop him" Erskine shouts before there's a gun shot.
Steve looks for you and sees you on the floor unconscious, panic filling him but he notices Howard already making his way to you, so he directs his attention to the doctor as Peggy takes off in pursuit after the agent.

As Steve reaches the doctor he realises it's too late, Erskine looks at him and points to his heart before taking his last breathe. Steve looks back at you and sees Howard and some nurses helping you. Howard gives Steve a nod of reassurance that you will be okay.

Steve takes off after Peggy and as he reaches the street he sees a car heading straight at her and he runs to push her out the way.
"I had him" she shouts at him and he starts following the car

Steve runs bare foot after the car his speed surprising himself. He leaps on top of taxi as he fights to stay on top. Suddenly gunshots are being fired and Steve dodges them. As the driver is trying to shake Steve off he crashes into car causing the taxi to flip. The agent gets out the car and starts shooting at Steve who grabs the taxi door for protection.

As witnesses scream in terror the agent grabs a kid and starts shooting towards Steve
"Get back"
"Let me go" the little boy shouts

As Steve follows the agent puts a gun to the kids head "wait don't" Steve pleads
The agent goes to shoot but the gun jams so he throws the kid in the water and takes off
Steve looks down at the water
"Go get him I can swim" the kid replies to Steve

As Steve runs down the dock he sees the agent in a submarine looking boat and jumps in after him, he catches up and yanks him from the boat onto the dock.

They fight before the agent drops the serum
"Who the hell are you?"
"The first of many cut off one head and two more shall take its place" he says as he bites down on a cyanide capsule from his tooth.
"Hail hydra" he starts to foam at at mouth

Steve stands there catching his breathe before taking in his new appearance.

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