Chapter 17

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"This is nice" you say cuddling up to Steve on the sofa watching your favourite movie. "Things have been abit crazy lately" you bring the blanket up to cover you more.
Steve kisses the top of your head. "Yeah I'm just glad you're okay after the whole Tony situation"
"You know he would never intentionally put me in danger right" you turn so your looking up at him.
"I know but it seems he doesn't always think through his actions, I don't know what I would've done if I lost you in that explosion" he wraps his arms round you tighter.
"Nothing happened okay I'm here and I'm fine" you kiss him.

Your phone goes off and you look to see a text from Nat.
"Still on for tomorrow?" She asks
"Yep see you at 10am" you reply
"8am" she replies
"9?" You text back
"Fine" and you laugh and Steve looks at you.
"Just Nat checking I'm still on for training tomorrow, managed to get her to change it till 9" you smile at him.
"Don't think I'm gonna be that easy to roll over when its our session" you looks at you
"Mmm we shall see about that. Also I prefer our other cardio sessions" you smirk at him
"Oh do you now" you leans in towards you
"They are my favourite" you kiss him.

You're in the gym with Nat working out.
"Right come on then let's see what you have learnt" Nat smirks at you.
"Don't go easy on me" you smirk back.
"Wouldn't dream of it it" she laughs
As you're both fighting you get the upper hand putting Nat in a headlock.
"You've got pretty good" she says before flipping your over her shoulder and pining on your back on the floor "but you still forget some of the basics" she laughs
"Ow" you then use your legs to loop round her neck catching her off guard and rolling her to your side and stretching out her arm.
"Even" you smile at her as you let her go and you both get up.
"Some of your moves have Stark written all over them" Nat laughs taking a drink
"Well he was the first one to train me" you smile at the memory.

"So how are you and Steve?" She looks at you with a smirk.
"We are good" you say with the biggest smile on your face.
"God you two make me sick" she laughs
"Oh stop we aren't that bad. Anyway how about drinks tonight I feel like we need to the find the infamous black widow a hot date" you wiggle your finger at her
"Oh please like I have time to date" she smacks your hand away.
"Hmmm wouldn't have anything to do with a certain person would it" you look at her trying to hide your smile
"I don't know what you are on about but I'm always down for drinks" she laughs as you make your way out the gym.
"Tonight 7. Our usual party spot?" You shout as you head to your car.
"Sounds good" she shouts back.

"You look beautiful" Steve comes up behind you kissing your neck.
"Hi I wasn't expecting you" you say applying your lipstick.
"Should I be jealous?" He smiles at you.
"I mean Nat is hot but she's not my type, although..."
"Okay that's enough" Steve turns you to face him.
"Girls night sorry, trying to find Nat a man" you wink at him.
"God help her" Steve laughs.
"Rude" you lightly slap his arm. "Don't wait up" you say kissing him on the lips.
"Do you have to go" his hands start wondering your body.
"Sorry solider can't let my girl down" you kiss him before spraying your perfume and making sure you have everything you need in your bag.
"I will come get you girls when your done" he says following you out into the hall.
"You don't have to do that" you say putting your shoes on.
"It's fine, I have some stuff here so if you don't mind I will crash here and come get you when needed, also it will make me feel better knowing you got back safe" he smiles at you.
"You're the best" you peck on him on the lips and check yourself in the mirror one last time.

"Six shots of tequila" Nat orders at the bar.
"God I forgot how much you can drink" you laughs
"Oh please you party with Stark this is nothing" she responds.
"Both lead to me feeling like death the next day" you laugh back at her as the shots are placed in front of you.
"Cheers" you both say as you begin to drink the shots.
"God I hate tequila" your face screwed up.
"Two daiquiris please" you shout at the bartender.
Grabbing your drinks you and Nat move to a table.
"So anyone grabbing your attention?" You say looking round the club. "Oooo what about him, he's cute" you saying pointing to a guy.
"Really Gracie" she rolls her eyes at you.
"What he looks nice... oooo what about that guy" trying to slyly point to another guy.
"Should Steve be jealous" she raised an eyebrow at you.
"Oh please these guys are nothing compared to Steve I mean have you seen his ass and well just about everything" you laugh.
"Jeez stop drooling" she teases.
"Come on Natalie let's dance" you finish your drink and grab Nat by the hand leading her through the dance floor.

"God my feet hurt" you say as collapse onto a chair.
"Don't think we've danced that long in a while" Nat laughs.
You look at your phone and see several texts from Steve.
"Damn it's late the clubs gonna shut soon" you send Steve a text to come get you.
"Stevie is gonna be here be soon" you say to Nat.
"Oooo Stevie" she teases.
"Come on let's go" you get up but stumble. "God the rooms spinning" you laugh. "I blame you" you say grabbing hold of Nat to help her up.

Steve pulls up to the club and waits in the car before he sees you and Nat stumbling out the club laughing.
He gets out and crosses the street to help you both.
"Stevie" you smile as you see him.
"Stevie" Nat teases
"Come on you two" he rolls his eyes grabbing you both one with each arm and helping you get into the car.
"You two are terrible together" Steve laughs at you both slumped in the back of the car.
Steve pulls up to where Nat is staying.
"Bye Miss Rushman" you wave to Nat as Steve helps her out the car.

As Steve get back into the car "Stevie I want cheeseburgers and fries" you do a puppy dog face.
"Whatever my lady wants she gets" Stevie laughs at you. "How do you and Nat always end up in such a mess?" He looks at you.
"I'm sober" you hiccup back
"Sure you are" he says focusing on the road.

After getting food Steve carries into your apartment. "Why thank you kind sir" you say as Steve places you on the couch and takes your shoes off.
"Come on let's get you to bed" he picks you up.
"I'm lucky to have you Stevie" you smile up at him.
As he places you down in the bedroom you run to the bathroom to be sick.
"This is Nat's fault" you say with your head in the toilet. Steve comes to hold your hair and rubs your back.
"No you can't see me like this" you try and swat him away and he laughs.
"Gracie I think your forgetting this isn't the first time, I will go get you some water" he says getting up.
"Thank you" you respond before being sick again.
Steve comes back in and you're half asleep on the floor.
"Grace you can't sleep there" he laughs at you.
"But the tiles are nice and cold" you say with your eyes shut.
"Alright let's get you into bed" he scoops you up off the floor.
"My teeth" you say and he chuckles taking you to the sink. He helps you clean your teeth and remove most of your makeup, before he takes you into the bedroom, places you down and unzips your dress before pulling one of his shirts over your head then tucks you into bed.
He climbs into the bed next to you and pulls you close to him.
"I love you Steve" you say half asleep on his chest.
"I love you Gracie" he kisses the top of your head and watches you sleep to make sure your okay before finally drifting off himself.

You wake the next morning and feel like your head is being hit with a hammer, you feel the other side of the bed empty. You get up and walk into the bathroom taking in your appearance, your hair a mess and some makeup still on.
You tie your hair into a messy bun and wash your face, You wonder into the kitchen seeing it empty before hearing the front door go.
"Morning beautiful, I. thought you would need this" he comes over handing you a coffee and a pecking your lips.
"You really are the best" you let a small moan as the coffee hits your lips and Steve chuckles.
"Got you your favourite bakery goods as well" he places a paper bag on the counter.
"And I will enjoy those later but coffee is good right now" you smile at him plopping down on the sofa. "Remind me to never drink with Nat again" you groan holding your head in your hands.

Steve laughs and comes to snuggle on the sofa with you. "I'm pretty sure you said that last time"
"Duvet day" You look up at him.
"Whatever you want princess" he kisses your forehead and wraps you up in a blanket.

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