Chapter 44

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Well shit that didn't exactly end well.

Reaching for your new bracelet that you were tinkering with only a few hours ago in the safety of the compound, you get F.R.I.D.A.Y to call an emergency team meeting.
"Any chance of a portal home? Oh and want to come and try and help explain what the hell is happening, because I'm not entirely sure the team won't think I've gone crazy if I explain" You turn to Wong and give him your puppy dog eyes.

Opening a portal to the tower you both step through entering to the meeting room to shocked faces.
"What the... Gracie are you okay?" Steve and Bucky rush to your side to asses the damage.

Thankfully you just have a few bumps and scrapes nothing too major thanks the others protecting you, that would've been the perfect time to practice with the suit you've been building yourself but it all happened so quickly.

"Who's this?" Pietro asks pointing to Wong.
"This is Wong, and I'm fine stop fussing" I try and push away from the two people fussing over me.

"You were with Tony right where is he?" Nat asks looking at me like she probably already knows the answer.

"Yeah about that...." You pause and everyone just stares at you expectingly.
"So he ended up on the spaceship with Dr Strange oh and I'm pretty sure Peter Parker stowed away on it too. But that isn't even half the news I need to tell you guys" you take a deep breath.

"Wait so Stark is in space" Fury clarifies as he walks in.
"Who's Doctor Strange?" Bucky asks.
"A wizard I met like Wong here" you point to Wong who is just standing awkwardly near you.
"We're not wizards" he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say anyway like I said Stark being in space is only one of the pressing issues. The other being probably actually more urgent"

"What's more urgent than Tony missing in space?" Steve asks looking at you concerned.
"A big purple dude wanting to wipe out half or possibly all of the planet and possibly universe" you deadpan.

"I'm sorry what?" Nick is the first to speak breaking the silence that has fallen over the team as they take in your words.
"Wong over to you buddy, I need to contact Thor. Guys please listen to what he has to say and take it seriously it's a matter of life and death" you smile at Wong as you walk out the door.

"Heimdall" you shout and the rainbow appears to take you to Asgard.

"The fact you're still here is a good sign, what's the status?" You ask getting straight to it.
"He has the reality stone he beat the guardians to it" he states.

"Shit. Are they alive?" You ask but fear the answer.
"Yes they survived but he has Gamora" you let out the breath you've been holding at his words.
"Guess he wanted his daughter back, okay so he now has two and I'm guessing he's in search of the third."

That makes Thanos two you guys two and two unknown since you don't know where the soul stone is or if he will manage to get his hands on the time stone.
"He will come here" you say to Heimdall.
"We are prepared" he confirms but something isn't sitting right in your stomach.

Shit Tony and the others need help.
"Send a message to the guardians of Tony's location ask them to rescue the idiots please."

"Gracie" you turn and see Thor and Loki walking towards you.
Rushing up to them you give each of them a tight hug.
"Are you hurt?" Loki scans your body.
"No I'm fine" you smile back at him.

"Please be careful" you say tears forming in your eyes.
"We will. You protect yourself as well" Loki hands you a sword.
"Thanks" you can't help but laugh since you think of the powers the others hold and you just have a sword.

"I love you guys so please make sure you don't die" you have this deep churning in your gut.
"We love you" Thor smiles and Loki nods.
"I will see you idiots soon okay" you take a deep breath before pulling them both in for one more hug each.

Heimdall takes you back to earth and you can't shake the bad feeling so you take a moment to just sit down in the grass.
Jesus today has been an incredibly exhausting day not exactly what you were expecting when you decided to spend the day with Tony.

Shit Pepper!
How on earth are you going to tell her that Tony is in space with a wizard and a kid.

Laying back on the grass you close your eyes and just take a moment to breathe and pinch the bridge of your nose to try and stop the impending headache.
"Gracie" Steve comes running over to you but you don't bother opening your eyes.
"Did he explain everything" you sigh.

"Yeah he did. You okay?" He asks laying down next to you.
"He got the reality stone. I've sent Peter a message to go rescue Tony, Strange and Peter. Thor and Loki will defend the space stone. That leaves us with Vision's mind stone, which we can't destroy without killing him and I won't allow that to happen. We don't sacrifice the lives of our loved ones" plus Wanda would never survive if she lost vision since they have grown close.

"We are looking at ways to see if we can possibly remove it from Vision without killing him and then destroy it" Steve pulls you to him.
You take a moment just to welcome his embrace and it's only when Steve wipes your cheeks you realise you've started crying.
Taking a moment of comfort in his arms you take a steadying breath.

"Right no time for tears I need to go find Pepper then we need to get our asses to Wakanda because if anyone can help with getting that stone out of Visions head it's them" you say getting up and dusting yourself off.

"I love you, you know that right" Steve says and you just look at him confused with the sudden need to declare it.
"I just felt like you needed to hear it and also you make a great leader if I do say so myself" he pulls you into a hug.

"I love you and you're the leader of the group not me" you kiss him.
"We can lead together" he compromises.
"Together it is, now come on we have a planet to save" you lead him back inside the compound.

A little while later you are sat with Pepper having explained as best you can the circumstances which lead to Tony being in space.
"I've got people looking for him we will have him home in no time where I will happily make popcorn so I can watch you kick his stupid ass" you smile at her trying to ease the situation.

"Oh he's getting an ass kicking alright" she replies.
"Like I said I will be there front row to watch" you and laugh and she joins in.

"You think he's going to be okay?" She now asks nervously.
"This is Tony we're talking about of course he's going to be okay" even though you say the words that dreadful gut feeling washes over you again.

"Yeah you're right" but you can tell she nervous.
"You going to be alright by yourself whilst we go to Wakanda?" you hold her hands.
"Yeah I will be fine. Be safe I don't want to have have to tell Tony bad news when he comes back" she pulls you into a hug.

"I will be fine I've the got the team with me" you give her the best smile you can muster.
"Go save Earth then" she smiles back at you.

Is this a battle you can win?

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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