Chapter One

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Lonely was an understatement.

I felt like someone who had no home, no where to go ever since I entered the film industry. Everyone wanted something from you and wanted to change who you truly were. But I sure didn't want to.

I wanted to change the world step by step with smiles and faces that lit up whenever I popped up on the screen. I wanted people to see a character they adored and wanted to see more of; I wanted to be that fictional character.

Plus, being that character always allowed me to play someone else, pretend for a little while. I may lose myself most of the time, but I always try to come back to who I really am.

"You know, Lillith. There's this audition for Priscilla Presley for the upcoming movie, 'Elvis'," my manager, Sanders, manages to say. I turn my attention back to him, his shaggy blond hair falling onto his hazel brown eyes.

Turning off the TV show 'Friends', this really catches my attention. I may not have any new roles coming, waiting for more to come, so this seemed like the perfect opportunity. Who doesn't love the legend Elvis Presley, better yet, playing his ex wife, Priscilla Presley?

"Are you serious?" I ask with wide sapphire-lit irises. "Like you're not playing me right now? And you're so casual about it? Of course I'm down to play that, sign me up," I quickly state as I sit up straight, fixing my hair.

With a smirk, he laughs. "Hun, I know what's best for you. So I've signed you up, and you have an audition on Tuesday," he says with a gleaming spark to his eye and a bright smile. I sigh in relief cause I thought he wouldn't know better. I had to play this role.

Shaking my head with relief and a smile. I lean back on the couch. I needed to play this role, I had to. With my father being a huge Elvis fan, wouldn't I make him proud that I'm playing a star in Elvis' biopic? Of course, he will.

As Sanders heads off to his house, I get preparing. I had to be the best. I had to see every outline of these two's lives and how I can adjust to their works. It may be hard and challenging, but I had to try.


"Lillith Avery. You have the role, my girl," Baz Luhrmann announces. With his silver white hair slicked back and fashion gleaming in the spotlight, his smile shone most of all. I really got it.

Smiling ear to ear, I knew with the little time I spent, I had tried to make it perfect. Even though there were a few more famous actresses, I had to pull it off. But now I had to figure out who I was set with, who was going to play Elvis, the legend himself.

Hugging Baz off, I stumble away to catch my breath. Heart beating fast, smiles reaching my eyes and face and heavy breathing leaves me rattled to the core. It all seemed a little surreal ever since Sanders threw that bomb over me.

Stumbling through the corridors, lit all the way up and crew members with their equipment, I had to find the exit. I needed some air to just cool off. Rejuvenate before I entered back in again. Some relief before the storm.

"You ain't nothing but a hound dog," I hear the faintest deep and melodic voice echo into my ears. A voice I've never heard before. Someone that seemed way out of reach, a distance way off into the horizon.

No, I needed time to breathe it away. But it sounded so captivating. A little look wouldn't hurt, and it seems like he could possibly be the new Elvis, considering how well and similar he sounded. Who could that possibly be?

Stopping at the door of the roof, I stand behind the shadows. It's quite bright and breezy, but with the perfect spot, I liked how well I blended in with the shadows. But what caught my attention was something way more endearing.

With blond locks and sapphire-lit irises, he was tall, slender and muscular. Toned in all the right places, and fashion well to the 50s. Button down silky shirt with white high risen trousers, all well dress accorded with black shiny shoes.

A sight to sore eyes was a perfect description. Better yet, a wooden guitar in his hands as he strums to 'Hound Dog'. One of the actors auditioning for Elvis I'm sure. He seemed like the perfect actor, someone who could play it well and perfect. He could make Elvis proud.

Stepping through the shadows, I dare to approach him. After all, he didn't own the roof and I had every right to be here. I take a moment to breath, closing my eyes and sinking into its depth.

"The hell are you doing here?" A deep, raspy voice captures my attention.

Eyes snapping open, I fall into his own. My heart drops as I take in the moment that I've been caught. He's talking to me. I knew he will but I wasn't ready at all, to become a victim to his intense stare at all.

"Can't a girl catch a moment?" I say, my voice quivering ever so slightly. I just couldn't catch a moment. However, as his eyes continue to gaze into mine, chills run down my spine. More like sprint. I wasn't ready for this moment.

"Not around here, doll face. When a man has a guitar in his hands, isn't that a sign enough that he wants to be alone? I have an important audition," he snaps. His jaw ticks as his eyes drawl down my body ever so slowly as they shift back to meet mine once again.

"Excuse me? You don't own the roof. Just need a few minutes before I get out of your hair, you twat," I snap.

Eyes narrowed, eyebrows furrowed, I place my hands on my hips as I shift onto my left leg. Clear disgustment radiated off me. I didn't like his attitude whatsoever.

"A twat? You have any other comeback, doll face?" He raises an eyebrow as he shifts on his seat.

"Doll face? Stop calling me that. And do you have any other name to call me? Better yet, my own name?" I snap as I shift once again and huff loudly.

"Better yet, get me some water since your time is up, doll face," he shoos me off with his hand, as he scrunches up his face in clear disgust. "Isn't that your job?" He arrogantly states. Rude, disgusting, arrogant, son of a-

"Excuse me? You clearly don't know what I'm doing here–assuming my job and why I'm on the roof, which you do not own by the way," I stare as a matter of fact because I am correct. I am.

"Look here, doll face–" he starts.

"If you don't stop calling me that–"

"I'm not done," he snaps with a gesture of his index right finger, a guitar hanging between his thumb and ring finger. "I have an important audition that's coming up in a matter of 15 minutes. I need to practice without the intrusion of some girl who's using up the space I need. Run along and cry to daddy," he snaps, scrunching his eyebrows up and frown tugging on his pink lips.

He doesn't know. Doesn't know what I'm going through and doesn't know where my father is. Assuming, assuming the worst of me like everyone else does. And with that, I do the only thing I can do. I don't explain–he doesn't deserve an explanation anyways, but I turn and walk away.


New story! What did you think? I have an obsession with Austin rn so enjoy a story I decided to write!

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