Chapter Forty-Two

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It's been a hectic few weeks of filming and press tours. We've offically wrapped up filming and touring, but now, all that's set is the release of the movie.

Now that's when the weeks will become even more hectic as we'll be doing press tours, interviews to satisfy the production of the film and to promote it for the world.

The wedding is in two weeks, which I'm thrilled for, however, my stomach is in chunks of nerves. On the other hand, my due date to birth the babies is in three weeks. I know they're so close together but I wanted one moment for ourselves before the babies take that away.

"Can I have a hot chocolate, please?" I ask with a smile towards the barista.

With her blond waves and blue oceanic eyes, she definitely screamed a beach babe, all about the beach and sun. Jealousy spikes as I knew I'll never be as pretty as her. But I knew I shouldn't let that degrade my worth and who I was. I didn't want my children to think like that. 

"And a flat white for me, please?" Austin interrupts with his order, arm slithering around my shoulders and shooting a bright smile to the female barista.

Flashing a smile, I watch her face twist into adoration as she grins and quickly jots down our order. "Is that all?" She asks, directly looking at Austin as she bats her lashes seductively.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, that's all - are your eyes alright, darling? I think you got something there with all that batting," I interrupt with a hint of rudeness laced within my voice and gesture to her eyelashes that keep eyeing Austin like he's a piece of meat for her to devour.

"Oh, no, everything is okay," she sheepishly says as she turns away from Austin.

"Good, now I expect that order to be fast and good, or no tip for you. I don't appreciate all of this from you, okay?" I snap as I eye her up and down with complete sassiness. As a matter of fact, I had no idea why I'm acting like this but I did not appreciate her on my fiancé like this.

"Babe, are you okay? What's wrong?" Austin whispers into my ear as he looks at me. With that, I shrug my shoulders because I didn't know the reason either. Jealousy, yeah, I think that.

Turning away from her, I stalk away to the seats in front of the window of the Cafe. I take a seat, gazing out into the world where all individuals continue to stroll on with their days.

"Thank you, darling, I appreciate them," I hear Austin say to the barista as he eyes her with a bright smile and leans against the counter. The Cafe is quite small so I'm able to hear every single detail they would talk about.

"Oh, it's no problem," she says with her squeaky and annoying voice. I watch her as she bats her stupid and fake eyelashes as she twirls the strands of her blond locks. What spikes my attention is when she grabs my man's hand and strokes it with her other hand. "Your hand looks heavy, mind if I hold it for you?" She asks with a mischievous glint to her oceanic blue eyes.

Oh, she did not just do that -

Standing up, and trying to not run out of breath from the pregnant belly I have because of him - who as a matter of fact is flirting with that girl - I begin to walk to her, preparing to pull her golden locks from her head. I just hated anyone who hit on him and I stand by that.

We're getting married and I'm birthing his children, and he doesn't have the decency to rip his hand from her sticky ones? I just did not stand by that kind of behaviour.

"You see that ring on my finger? The ring on the hand you're holding?" I hear Austin speak up as he continues to hold her hand, lean against the counter and points towards the ring.

Her eyes droop towards the ring, her eyebrows raising. "You're married? To that chick? I mean, I can always be on the side - she never needs to know," she says with a small grin and winks.

"It's funny because you clearly haven't met my wife, have you?" He questions as he slides his hand away from her touch. I stand a few away as I cross my arms and watch. 

"She's pregnant with two of my children and her bad attitude is clearly worse, considering she is. If she catches you, she won't hesitate to cut your hair or even my balls, so I won't risk that. I plan on having more children, darling," he says with a small smile as he straightens himself and grabs our drinks from the counter bench. This causes her to purse her lips and gulp.

Eyebrows raising, a smile forms onto my lips because what are the odds?

He turns to meet my eyes, smile widening. "There's my girl. You okay?" He asks as he walks over to me, handing me my hot chocolate and placing a kiss onto my lips.

"Actually better than ever. I'm proud of you. Glad you know the consequences of flirting with other women, darling," I say with a grin and peck his lips once again.

"Oh, I know. I still remember that talk where you threatened to cut and shave their heads if they ever tried to do that with me. I'm glad you're like that, babe," he says with a smirk.

"I'll be right back," I smile innocently as I walk over to the counter, eyeing the 'Manager' who has the tag and is working and smiling with customers. "Excuse me?" I interrupt.

Eyes turning to me, she smiles. "Oh yes, what can I get you?" She asks brightly.

I smile because I knew what I exactly wanted. "You see that worker behind the counter, making coffee?" I point towards the same girl who flirted with Austin. Call me hormonal during this pregnancy because damn straight I am.

"Oh, yes. Susie. Lovely girl," she says as she nods towards the so called Susie.

"Well, not so lovely Susie decided to hit on my man, and get physical with him. Luckily he put a stop to it but I would prefer she stop it before she causes even more problems," I say as I keep a stern look on and cross my arms against my chest.

"Oh, she really did that?" She asks and I nod in confirmation. "Oh, yes. I'll deal with her right now and I promise it won't happen again," she explains with a frown and nod in assurance.

Nodding and thanking her, I walk towards Austin. "Like I said, I'll always cut a b*tch for you."

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