Chapter Fourteen

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I felt bad with what happened and I honestly believed I hurt Austin's feelings with the time I spent with Harry. It was only a brief five minutes but to Austin, I think he thought it lasted more than that. I honestly regretted it a little too much but I had a way to make up for it.

Packing up the picnic basket, I stare at what I had created. I had all sorts of sandwiches, chocolates and drinks, decorated with flowers and a wine bottle. I just knew the type of things he loved so I decided today was the perfect day to have a day out.

We both were shooting for the last week so we hardly had any time dedicated to only us so I had to take advantage of this free day to patch our relationship. It was the least I could do considering what happened with Harry and how jealous and protective Austin got over me.

Pulling up to his house, I beep the horn as I wait for him to come out. To my luck, he does just that as he steps out and locks the front door behind him. He turns around and I see how gorgeous he truly was today.

With his black curls all over the place, he wore black shorts and a white top, as well as his running shoes. He knew it was a day out in the rural areas so he didn't want to go over the absolute top.

Sliding into the passenger seat, his body glides over to mine. "What's up, Doll face?" He smiles as he pecks my lips.

"Hi, babez," I smile into the kiss. My hand strings into his hair as I pull him closer, trying to take advantage of the passionate moment. I wanted to soak up into his touch forever and never let go.

"Hm, I see you can't get enough of me. What's the occasion?" He asks as he breaks the kiss and stares into my eyes.

"Can't a girl show some love?" I smirk as I peck his lips once again before he lands back onto his leather seat. "Plus, I've missed you, considering we haven't seen eachother properly for the last week," I state as I shrug my shoulders lightly.

"That's true. But I've seen you pretty well over the last week," he smiles as he looks over to me and grabs my hand. "Monday, you wore that pretty white dress to set. Tuesday, you wore those black jeans with the white shirt of Elvis. Wednesday, you wore that floral blue dress. Thursday, you wore that beautiful black dress with red roses; and Friday, you wore those grey trackies," he lists my outfits of the week with each finger going down as he speaks.

My wide eyed gaze stares at him as I process what he just said. Did he really pay attention to all of that? I thought he never cared on what I usually wore but he just proved me wrong. And I loved it when he proved me wrong as well.

"You're absolutely stunning," my eyes widen as I lean over and press my lips against his. "I didn't know you paid so much attention to my outfits," I whisper.

With that, I feel Austin grip me and pull me over to his lap as I gasp. "Hm, much better. You were too far from me, baby," he smiles as he locks our lips again.

"Oh, I see. Do I guess we have no time for what I have planned?" I ask as I wrap my arms around his neck and stare deeply into his mesmerising eyes.

"I like this plan a little more," he mumbles against my lips. "But maybe we can save this for a little later?" He continues as he pecks them once again. "I'll drive," he says as moves from the passengers seat to my driver's one.

"Damn, your lap was actually comfortable. Now all I get is this stupid leather seat," I grumble as I see him smirk with satisfaction.

"Okay, so where are we going?"


Sitting onto the picnic mat with all the food around us, I take a bite of my sandwich. It was quite peaceful here as hardly any people come around this particular park. They usually go to some tourist attraction, but I was apart of this land, so I knew the right places.

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