Chapter Twenty-Six

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The flash of lights from the paparazzi envelop me whole, leaving me overwhelmed with all emotions. The world spins around me from the previous interaction with Austin and the sliding of the vans' doors, revealing the flashing and bright camera lights.

"Austin! Lillith! Over here!"

"I'm here. Please, look over here!"

"Throw a smile over here!"

The paps scream all sorts of things that leave me confused and torn but the smile remains on my painted lips. I try to allow my face to remain natural as I gaze around as they continue to take photos of Austin, Baz and I.

Gazing down from the van, my eyes fall on Austin with his extended hand out. He's prepared to help me down with pure eyes as a smile gleams on his lips. I fall into his arms, grabbing his hand as I take a step onto the carpeted ground.

"Is it me or is Lillith pregnant?" I hear a reporter. Ears perking up, my eyes snap onto them as my mouth falls agape. "She's definitely gained some weight around her face, or is it for her role?" A man says to another male reporter.

"Excuse me?" I snap. I feel the hormones play me like usual but something about this statement fueled my anger even more. I amble closer to them. "Are you saying I've gained weight?" I snap back at him.

Wide eyes, they pull out their camera and snap some photos before they answer me. "It's just that. Its nothing– I'm sorry!" The man fuels me even more as he clearly doesn't care.

"You should be! I've worked hard for this body and you don't have the right–"

"Lillith. Come here!" Austin exclaims as he pulls me into his embrace. With my back pulled against Austin's front while his arms remains wrapped around me, he snaps back the man. "And you watch what you say to her, okay?" He says.

Cowering, the man shrinks back. I see the paps pull over him as he sinks back into the crowd, a whole new set of faces falling into view. It's way too much for me at the moment.

"Are you okay?" Austin pulls me in front of him as his hands attach to my face. "Did they hurt you?" He asks loudly over the absolute chaos around us.

I shake my head. "Not physically. I'm okay, Austin. But why do you care?" The anger fueling my veins still hasn't cooled down.

Eyes widening, he takes a step back. "Damn, I'm sorry. I was just making sure you were alright but I guess we're back to square one?" He snaps back.

I sigh, shaking my head. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to–" I apologise but it wasn't any use as he walks off to Baz. I watch him turn his back with a frown as he ambles away without hesitation.

Ambling off behind them, I make my way to the carpet where we're supposed to take photos for all the paps. I especially see Carolina, Baz and Austin in front of the Elvis sign.

I make my way to them, pushing myself in between them as Baz places his arm around my waist. However, Austin doesn't. His other arms remain still beside him as there's no touching between us. I knew I snapped at him, but is this called for?

The flashing lights stream around me, pulling me in all sorts of directions. They all wanted pieces of us, the whole cast of Elvis– myself, Austin, Tom and a few more. They all wanted to see the beauty of the people who created the life of the legendary Elvis in one long film.

However, watching a crowd in the corner of my eyes, I realise the security has begun to crowd around a group of people who have begun to come to us. They crowd around, pulling through as they scream heaves of cries.

"She's pregnant! Lillith and Austin!" A young woman around the age of myself shouts over the pulling of the security. They grip her as they try to pull her away but she remains firm in her stance and eyes blazing onto us.

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