Chapter Thirty

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"Lillith. You look lovely in that white dress," my father compliments me as his eyes shine against the suns rays.

I stare down onto the strapless ivory silky dress that falls down to my knees, complimented with white ballet shoes.

"You really think so? I quite like it too," I smile down with my pearly whites and twirl quickly. However, my eyebrows furrow in confusion. "But, when did I even get it?" I ask with my eyebrows raised in completely confusion.

His smile brightens. "I bought it for you, darling. It's a welcoming present since you're finally home," he explains, but his face swells with confusion. "But don't you like it? I can return it if you like," he continues on as he folds his arms.

"Oh, no. It's perfection, dad. But what do you mean I'm home? Where's home?" I ask curiously as I gaze around slowly.

My attention is captured by the floral garden that seeps the magical colours of red, purple, yellow and white flowers that scatter around. Their shine is cast from the sun's luminescence and how it projects a glow deep within.

The animals aren't like the ones I've seen before. The fruit that grows on the trees aren't the colours I've seen before. Even the smell is quite different. Everything is so different, yet, so similar.

However, my eyes fall upon a vast palace with diamonds and gold shining against the sun and white roses clung on vines that fall down in rows on the walls. The doors are wide open, revealing the large gold chandelier that flowers hang down below from, casting a magical glow.

The pavement even allows me to walk down to the two doors that are wide open, leading to a long staircase to the next story. The breeze is light and warm as it seeps through my hazelnut curls.

"This. This is your home now, Lillith," my father gestures to the palace. "No more sadness, anger or frustration– just pure happiness. You're finally home with me," he smiles with his pearly whites as he slings his arm around my shoulders.


However, there's something missing about this particular home. Something that didn't sit right with me. I didn't feel complete or satisfied as I stand beside my father. Shouldn't I though?

"There's something missing, dad," I say.

"No, there's nothing missing. You left everything in that other temporary world and now you're here with me forever. Isn't that what you wanted?" He asks, as he looks down on me with furrowed eyebrows and a frown.

"I mean, yeah that is what I wanted but–" it finally clicks. "Austin. He isn't here with me, dad," I say as my eyes glance around frantically. "Shouldn't he be with me right now?" I continue on.

"That boy?" His eyebrows raise lightly. "No, he's still there, in that temporary world," he waves it off. "But you don't have to worry about him. I can easily snap a perfect bachelor for you now," he says as he prepares to click his fingers.

Eyes landing back on him, my eyebrows furrow. I take a step back from him as I didn't want what he was suggesting. I didn't want a random bachelor, but Austin himself. I had so many things to do with him and suddenly I can't do them with him anymore?

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