Chapter Four

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I just despised the idea of how Baz continued to bring us up against eachother but somehow I understood him. He needed to see the flame and chemistry between his two central stars. But the way Austin boiled my blood was really concerning.

I'm not the kind to hate on people but with him, he made it easy to. It made me crazy based on the idea that he hated me, like really despised me.I couldn't wrap my head around the fact I did nothing wrong, yet, I'm his enemy.

Storming into my dressing room for the majority of our production of the film, I plop down onto the grey soft couch. It felt heavenly, as if it's made out of feathers. It felt amazing under my touch, heavenly even.

I turn on my phone, immediately opening Spotify to play my favourite song of Beyoncé so far; Alien Superstar. Beyoncé truly was perfection as her soft voice seeps through my ears. I feel my troubles, fears and doubts flood away.

"I'm too classy for this world,
Forever I'm that girl.
Feed you diamonds and pearls,
Ooh, baby."

Heart racing, hands and body twirling around me, I dance away in front of the large mirror. I felt free, wild as I stay tuned to her voice and song seeping in. I wanted to stay in this world as I twirl around in my crimson red dress and fall into a world of bliss before shooting the scenes we were supposed to do.

However, what really takes my attention is the fact I see a face in the mirror, gazing at me in the crack of the door. Austin stares at me with his oceanic blue eyes, not even hesitant as his eyes rake down my body.

His body is tall and lean as his arms are crossed against his broad chest. His black dyed hair is styled to Elvis' young self and he manages not to touch it. His pink outfit, a pink suit as he was ready to perform 'Baby, let's play house'.

He was truly ravishing but I couldn't fall for that. I knew he would switch in a matter of seconds. He could be staring and enchanted, however, he can turn and go off at me. I didn't want to be enchanted by his mesmerising stares.

"What are you looking at?" I squeal, as I turn around and meet his wide eyed gaze. I knew I caught him off guard as he takes a step back, however, I open the door wide open to take in his appearance. He was truly enchanting.

"What are you looking at?" He fires back. However, he was hesitant. His eyes look all around except meet my wide eyed gaze. He fiddles with his fingers, tugging down his pink jacket held against his lean figure.

"What am I looking at? I'm looking at someone who clearly doesn't know the definition of privacy. And weren't you one who didn't want anything to do with me. Yet, you're spying on me?" I snap.

My hands intertwined, I crack my knuckles as I stare into his eyes. But he keeps trying to look away like he can't face me. He can't meet my own eyes for more than five seconds.

Collecting himself, his jaw ticks. "No, I was not spying. Your music was just a little too loud so I was checking out what was going on. If you weren't so self involved, you would understand I'm here to tell you, you have to get ready," he snaps. He gulps as he tries to collect himself once again.

He tries to turn away but I grab his arm to force his eyes to meet mine. "No, don't talk to me like I'm the problem," I snap. "Why do you hate me so much?" I ask. I wanted to know because I had every right to.

"Why do you have to know? Why does everyone have to like you?" He snaps. His eyes narrow, ripping his arm away from me as he takes a step back.

"Maybe because I'm supposed to be your wife," I continue. My eyebrows furrow as I cross my arms against my chest.

"Fake wife," he corrects with a point of his finger and left eyebrow raised. "And, not everything needs an answer. I have my own reasons," he snaps. "And you don't need to know them. Focus on your role," he continues once again.

"It is my business since I will be working with you for the next year. I deserve to know what the hell is up with you," I say as I take a step forward.

"No, you don't. Stop being a damn people pleaser! Not everyone has to like you!" He exclaims as he twirls, and walks away. I watch him, his broad back staring back at me as my mouth stays wide open. Who does he think he is to treat me like that?

No, I refuse to believe I am a people pleaser. So what if I like everyone to like me? It was better than people hating me. Hating on who I was, or my work. If he didn't like that, I was perfectly happy with that.

Storming to Baz' room, I stomp in, not before knocking. He's combing his white hair to the side as he stares at himself in the mirror. "Ah, there's my star. How are you, Lily?" He asks with a smile.

He meets my eyes. "How am I? I'm doing terrible, Baz. I can't cope with Austin. He makes it so hard to work with him, no, to even talk to him," I rant as I stomp my foot like a little girl.

He sighs. "I know. I don't know why he does that. It seems like you're the only person he acts like this towards," he shakes his head as he stands up.

I frown. "Are you serious? So do I have to suffer alone for the next year?" I ask as my breathing becomes ragged.

"No, no," he comforts me as he places his hands on my shoulders. "Listen to me. He'll eventually cool down and be okay with you. I'll talk with him," he says as he tries to comfort me.

I nod. "Okay, please do, Baz," I sigh.

"But now that you're here, we need to talk about this red carpet event. There's two happening. One at the beginning of the movie, just to introduce the actors and one at the release, to appreciate it," he explains with a stern look.

"Okay, and? I know this already," I say.

"However," he drags on. "You need a date. I'm organising a PR stunt for you, just for this event. Your date is with Harry Styles. This will bring attention and publicity to the movie, okay?" he elaborates, a small smile attached.

My eyes widen. With Harry Styles? Do not me get started. I love the bloke, but what does this have to do with the movie? Publicity, for sure. But shouldn't this movie do great through Elvis?

"You've got to be serious? No, I can't take advantage of Harry for a movie–"

"You're not. Harry's agreed. He's willing to help, plus, this will help him as well," he interjects, cutting me off. Well, in that case, this wouldn't hurt us both then. It'll benefit us actually, and I get to date my celebrity crush for the night.

Sighing, I agree.


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