Chapter Forty-Nine

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Feeling the anxious nerves corrupting my stomach, I take in a deep breathe as I prepare myself to enter the venue of the release of 'Elvis'. I couldn't believe that all these endless tears and laughter brought us up to this moment where the world will finally acknowledge and understand the beauty and heartbreak of Elvis' life in these scenes that we created.

"You nervous, babe?" Austin asks as he parks in front of the venue.

I'm blinded by the endless paparazzi with their cameras and screaming on both sides of the red carpet. People wait around the car, waiting until we leave the car and head inside. However, Austin stops me from leaving the car as his hand reaches over and grabs my hand.

I stare at him, my heart fluttering like the first time I realised I was in love with him. I stare at the beauty of his ocean like eyes that shine against the blinding rays of cameras that capture us. I'm enchanted. Happy to realise that I finally have him with me, and our kids by our sides.

"I'm good. I promise," I relax as I stare at him. It's something about him that relaxes me.

"Pinky promise?" he says as he uses my same trick on me. I nod with my lips melting like butter into a smile and lock our pinkies to remind each other that we were here for each other. 

"And a kiss?" I shyly add as I turn away, feeling the heat rising to my cheeks.

"What was that I heard?" he says as he uses his thumb and index finger to my chin, turning my head to meet his eyes. "A kiss?" he says as his lips spread into a small smile, another small blush rising to his cheeks and holding him hostage like it once did to me.

"If not, it's fine. I don't know what I was thinking," I exclaim, embarrassment holding me hostage and I turn away and place my hands onto my cheeks to hide me away.

However, I'm taken off guard as he turns my head to meet his, melting our lips together like honey dripping. My eyes widen slightly, however, I give in as I allow myself to fall hostage to his sweet taste. His hand rests on my right cheek, gently caressing it as he continues to fall deep into love with me, a gentle yet rough texture devouring us.

I'm the first to break the kiss as I knew that we're still being watched. I know for a fact that the kiss will be aired but I couldn't care less as we're husband and wife and we're allowed to do this kind of stuff together. Instead, I place a kiss onto his hand, catching him off guard before I escape from the car and straight into Hollywood.

And like they all say, Hollywood's Dead.

With no privacy and constant attention, Hollywood is bound to be dead. However, I couldn't care less as long as I have Austin beside me. With his presence and support, I knew for a fact that I could do anything and be anything if I put my mind to it. It was us against the world.

"Lillith! Austin! Over here. Please look in this direction."

"Over here! We need a quick interview for this movie!"

"What a lovely couple. I was rooting for them since day one!"

However, the last sentence catches my attention. Is someone really nice enough to realise that Austin and I were bound to be together forever? That since day one, we were destined to be together despite all the endless tears and fights?

My attention is caught by a middle aged woman, brown locks swivelled into an elegant bun and green eyes that remind me of Harry's, who I haven't seen forever. I smile at her, obviously catching her attention and walking towards the reporter in my elegant flowing gown.

"Mrs Butler. What a pleasure to meet you. I'm Crystal, a reporter of Channel Seven," she introduces herself with a smile. I shake her hand. "Mind if I have a quick interview?" she urges on before I'm dragged along into Hollywood once again.

"Yeah, anything. How could I help you?" I ask as I wait patiently for her questions.

"We're all watching the movie tonight, how are you feeling about that?" she asks.

I speak into the microphone. "Hm, great question. I would say that I'm quite nervous for everyone's reaction, how they will perceive the life of Elvis and who he really was. But at the end of the day, I'm also so excited since it's nice finally putting out the work we all put so much effort into. I really do hope people adore this movie as much as I did," I give an answer.

I quickly scan the premises since I still needed to say hello to the rest of my co-workers and give a few more interviews around. We also need to take a few more shots for magazines and social media, which will also give a lot of press for the coverage of the movie.

"That's lovely," she breaks the silence. "Now, you and Austin. I'm dying to ask you about you two, including your fans, since I was a number one supporter-"

"And thank you for that," I interject. Her eyebrows raise. "Without people like you who encouraged our relationship, I would've thought Hollywood's Dead. Instead, I'm glad people like you exist, or our relationship wouldn't of survived. Just needed someone to believe in us," I explain my thoughts and feelings to the world. I really needed that support here.

"It's no problem. It was lovely meeting you and I hope everything goes well," she says as she walks away to meet other people who I worked with.

Me, on the other hand, walks straight to say hello to the rest of my co-workers who made this movie possible. Baz, Carolina, Tom and Austin are sitting on our table as they chat with passerby's as they wait for the introduction for our movie, eventually screening it.

With a few hello's and photos, I make my way to the table, taking a seat beside Austin. He smiles up to me, his teeth gleaming against the light, and grabbing my hand. Everyone seemed so beautiful under the light with their elegant yet colourful dresses and suits. This was something I had always dreamt of, a dream I dreamed of when I was a little girl.

"May everyone take your seats?" the host begins. With that, everyone begins to make their way to their seats, eventually all seated. "We're all here for the premiere and screening of the movie, 'Elvis' in which it had been in production for the last three years. With the genius and dedicated work of the crew and main characters - Baz, Austin, Lillith and Tom, this wouldn't of happened so can we give a round of applause for their hard work?" he continues on.

With that, I hear the whistles and loud claps of the audience. I stare around, the noise fading out as I appreciate the smiling faces that cheer us on. With the endless fights, laughter and crazy moments, we finally made it to this moment where I dreamt of and hoped for. This was even more special as I had close friends and husband that cared for me, all because of a movie that Baz decided to bring to life after decades.

Turning on the screening, the crowd falls silent as we watch the production of the film that we all created and developed into a moment that we could cherish forever. It's funny because we hadn't even watched the film until this moment, so I knew for a fact it would be special. Each moment had a special time in our relationship as well, which brought butterflies to my stomach.

I turn to meet Austin's eyes that glow against mine. I watch him for a brief moment as a smile attaches to each of our lips, a proud moment on how far we eventually came to. I really needed this moment that made me realise that I've accomplished so much in a span of three years. How life could change from then to now, but oh, how appreciative I was of it.

"We made it, doll face." he mouths.

"We made it, princess," I mouth back before he presses his lips onto my right hand.


I'M CRYING. Why did it have to end? Don't worry, there's the epilogue! 

I wanted to say, thank you to all the readers and the loyal ones who stayed by this story and motivated me with their comments! (You know who you are!) I would say, I was so close to deleting the story in the beginning, but when I realised people actually enjoyed it, I knew I wanted to finish it. So, thank you all for being apart of this wild journey and I know you're all crazy obsessed fangirls/boys with Elvis and Austin, just like I am. I'm glad I'm apart of this fandom. I love you all and thank you for enjoying the wild journey of Austin and Lillith'. Y'all made me laugh when everyone thought she died, BUT YOU SHOULD KNOW, I always do happy endings. So thank you and I love you endlessly!

~Love, Natalie. 

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