Chapter Thirty-Two

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Pulling my curls into a messy bun, I spread some curls out to make it look decent and stare at myself in Austin's mirror. Well, it's something at least.

"Hm, you look good, baby," Austin voices as he ambles into the room. "You managed to tame that lions mane of yours. I'm proud of you," he smiles.

Rolling my eyes, his arms wrap around my waist from behind and he places his head onto my right shoulder. I stare at the both of us gazing into the mirror.

"So, you looking forward to living with your husband?" He asks with a smirk.

"Hm, not quite sure. Depends...are you gonna leave the toilet seat up?" I ask as I tilt my head to the side to look at him.

"That's a tricky question," he sarcastically chuckles. "But depends on how I'm feeling. If you're a pain in the ass, I will, but if you're not, I won't," he says as he casually shrugs his shoulders.

"Oh, what every woman wants to hear. Thank you, my dear husband. You just know how to make me feel special," I sigh sarcastically before placing a hand onto my chest dramatically.

"Hm, you got used to the husband thing real quick, huh?" He smirks slightly.

With heat rising to my face, I glance away from his intense gaze. "No. I'm being sarcastic. Why on earth would I want to be some wife of some peasant?"

"Peasant, I see? Well, this peasant managed to knock this lady off her feet. I'm surprised you haven't thanked me yet," he smiles as he bites his lower lip.

"Thanked you for being a pain in the ass? Oh, thank you kind sir," I sigh dramatically as I place a hand on my chest once again. I take a step back from his embrace and gaze around.

"Like what you see?" He gestures at his body. In fact, I really do.

"Not in the slightest," I smirk. "But this place. If I'm supposed to live here for the next eight weeks, we need to redecorate. It's so bland...and bland," I say as I gaze around.

"Well, thanks for your input but it's not bland," he says as he acts offended. "Look at this fake ass plant. It's green," he gestures down to a small plant.

"Okay, and? That's about all the colour I see. Everything is white and I don't like it. Let's bring paintings, some photos– some life to this place. Please, Austin?" I beg him as I clasp my hands together.

"Hm, I might consider if you get on your knees and beg, perhaps?" He smirks as he gestures downwards.

"Oh, you're dirty. Nuh, uh. I'm not doing this right now!" I exclaim as I roll my eyes sarcastically with a smile and walk right out of his bland bedroom.

"No, I'm kidding! Fine, we'll add colour!" He exclaims as I hear him run after me. "It's your eight weeks. I'll do anything that you want, okay?" He smiles down onto me.

"That's more like it, babes," I nudge his shoulder before gazing around.

"Okay, it's your place officially now. We'll add so much colour. Even paint the walls pink, if you want," he laughs.

"Wait, that's a great idea," I play along.

Eyebrows furrowing and a frown tugging on his lips, he shakes his head. "Wait, I was kidding about that–"

"And I wasn't," I smirk slightly.

"But, I was thinking something temporary. We'll add some plants here," he says as he gestures to the window. "And some photos...of perhaps us?" He asks with a small smile as he gestures to an empty wall in the hallway.

Eyes widening slightly, I smile. "You're serious? So, aside from the fact I'll be living with you for the next eight weeks, you also want to see me when I'm gone?" I ask curiously.

"Hunny, I want to see you every second of my life," he says as he ambles closer and wraps his arms around my waist. "I want to see you when I wake up, when I fall asleep, every second of the day and even during my dreams,"  he says.

"Hm, I like the sound of that. So, you're down for shopping?" I ask, earning a long sigh but a firm nod in response.


Staring at the decorations that Austin and I managed to fix up, it looks definitely new and different. His house is quite large with many rooms extending in different directions that he hardly uses and dust sprawling around, which we managed to clean.

With that, we managed to buy new decorations such as fake plants to scatter around, picture frames that hold many pictures of us together and some new bright furniture to spice the place up. It definitely screamed that I've been here and I'm glad I touched it up.

Even thought it's been touched up with paint and decorations, it still had Austin's glow and charm to it. It still managed to show that this place belonged to him through thick and thin.

Even Bear has gotten used to it as she remains sprawled on her cat tower, seeping in the bright sun that shines through the clean glass windows. She manages to feel right at home.

"This seems like you're gonna live here for more than eight weeks, babe," Austin says as he gestures around. "Like me, as Austin, would never have that," he says as he points to a few candles.

"You can always remove then after I leave," I laugh as I shake my head.

"Hey, hey," he drawls on as he raises his hands in defence. "I would never have these but doesn't mean I don't like them. Plus, they remind me of you," he says as he smiles gleefully.

Attaching his arms around my waist, he holds me against him. "Hm, they do?"

"Yeah, they do," he confirms my statement. "I wanna smell you everywhere I go so I'm keeping them, Doll face" he says with a smile as he shrugs his shoulders without hesitation.

"I like the sound of that," I nod slightly.

"And what about the nursery, babe?" He asks as he lets go of me and steps back.

"The nursery?" I question. Shit, I didn't even realise all the things that'll come with having a child. I understood the basics of making sure the child stays alive but having a nursery? I've read all books and attended most sessions for learning about children, but a nursery went straight past my head.

"Yeah, the nursery," he confirms with a small nod and an 'are you serious' look. "So you're really gonna dump the child anywhere to sleep, are you?" He asks.

"No...well, obviously not," I answer as I fold my arms. "I mean, I learnt more of what I need to know for a child, but a nursery went straight through," I say sheepishly. I was so busy with the shooting of the movie and working on myself and keeping the baby alive that it went straight through my head.

He shakes his head. "Okay, we gotta get to it, babe. Can't have the baby sleeping around on the couch," he chuckles.

"Definitely not," I laugh. "Are we painting the room pink or blue?" I ask.

"Oh, well, I haven't thought of that–"

"Well, that makes two of us, baby," I laugh as I sling my arm around his waist and hold him close to me. "But I'm calling a boy so blue" I shrug my shoulder as I look up at him.

"A boy? Nah, it's definitely a girl. Let's paint it pink," he says with a smirk. "But are we really gonna bet on it?" He asks.

"Bet? Nah, we shouldn't because I'll definitely win," I smirk lightly. "But I can't resist that. Tomorrow's ultrasound where we find out if it's a girl or boy. We'll see who wins then," I continue on.

"It's a deal, Doll face," he says as he slaps my hand in a firm handshake. "What do I get if I win?" He asks.

"Hm, let's see. If you win, I'll walk around dressed as a clown–" I trail off.

"No, as tempting as that sounds, I wanna name our child," he smirks as he waves me off quickly. "But if you do, you can name her whatever you want,"

Tempting but did I want that? I give in.

"Fine, it's a done deal, babe." I slap his hand into a firm handshake once again.


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