Chapter Eighteen

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Listen to 'Sweater Weather' above!!

The Stadium was peaceful at night. You couldn't hear the street life as cars sped past and people chatted loudly. There was no one around us, Austin and myself laying under the bright and sparkly stars that twinkled with such passion.

It was just us.

I lay on my back as I stare at the bright stars, gazing at each individual beauty that held a certain level of rawness. Each star told a different story as I gazed with complete adoration. I wanted to blend in, show a beauty for many people to stare at. I could never be as beautiful.

Austin, on the other hand, lays beside me, our hands intertwined together. I forgot how peaceful I felt beside him as we lay in silence and gaze at the stars. He reminded me that we were chaotic, yet, so perfect-blending like liquid.

During our short time apart, I realised I didn't want to be anymore. I've always had the problems where I had to be in control on what my significant other should think of me. If I didn't, it terrified me. The media was bad enough, but imagine them also thinking the same?

That was our case.

It was something that truly terrified me. But that also ruined a good thing for me. It was hard to fight, but with Austin, he truly was able to push these insecurities and fears aside, making me realise that it was more than the media and thoughts. It was our love and feelings.

I lay on the emerald green grass that reflected the beauty of a thousand of forests shining against the luminescence of the moon. It reminded me of home where my father and I used to lay on the grass and count the stars together. Especially after my father and mothers' fights that brought so much tension.

"Can I say something?" He asks.

"Anything, princess," I say, a small smile edged across my lips as he looks at me. This time, there was a bright beauty that shone against the luminescence of the moon and allowed me to gaze at his soul. His face told me that he finally accepted the fact that I call him that, and how he truly wanted to do anything for me. Even give up his pride for me.

"I think you're really pretty," he whispers, eyes glowering onto me.

I feel my heart explode as a smile beams against my lips. I felt like I was on cloud nine, finally someone appreciating me more than the media perceived me. I truly believed that I was loved as he gazes at me, no words other than those.

Austin's POV

Tonight I told her that she looked pretty.

And it broke my heart.

Her eyes glowed a brilliant blue, her smile inching up to her face as it beamed back at me. Her hair flowed around her as the wind gently caressed our cheeks.

It was unusual, how she cared so much. That her sovereignty purely lied in the depths of another person's words, the fact that using these syllables, her world was flipped like a button.

As she laid there, thanking me, I feel my face drop as I couldn't understand. How could one action so emersed in everyday life be so meaningless to me, but mean the world to another?

She's pretty,
Beautiful even,
Inside the beauty of the light streaks of the moon's luminescence that shone on her face, and streaks of blonde in her light brown locks of hair, a place where I found my home, truly and utterly there.

Her heart, though it remains unseen, was the prettiest of them all. How she cared of the smallest of things to the largest and always appreciated it. She appreciated me and forgave me, when I couldn't give her the complete world.

How couldn't she see that?

Yes, she was pretty.

But I also noticed the shake of her right leg whenever she was nervous. I noticed her eyes shine with tears whenever she was on edge or feeling utterly useless. I also noticed how she managed to hold herself together during the most toughest period of them all.

So, yes, she was very pretty. Inside and out, with every fibre of my body that bled, she was utterly and amazingly beautiful to me. She was a rare kind of beauty that held the essence of nature. I noticed all her small quirks, but that's what made her even more special to me.

Laying on the grass, I don't say any other words but that sentence. Because that's what my heart was speaking. Those words held the complete rawness of my thoughts and what I wanted to say for a while. It wasn't her physical beauty, but the beauty within her soul. I ached to be apart of her soul and bleed for her.

I stare at her. I memorise each aspect of her face that shone against the luminescence of the moon. I noticed the small mole on her left side, right beside her bright pink lips. I noticed the light shade of freckles that glittered around her cheeks. I even noticed her right lazy eye that you couldn't quite see unless you really stared hard enough to see.

I noticed the shades of her hair, light brown curls with streaks of blonde that embodies her soul perfectly. Most girls had straight hair, but her curls brought the uniqueness of her raw beauty. I also notice the stroke of her nose as it lifts upwards slightly, beautifully created by God himself and how perfectly designed it was for her specific face.

She was utterly and helplessly beautiful.

Lillith's POV

He told me I was pretty tonight. It was those specific words and the look he gave me that sent my heart racing. I stare in his eyes like it depended on it. My heart truly bled and belonged to him.

I also stare at his face, analysing each part that projected his own sense of beauty. With the brightness of his blue eyes like the depths of the sea, his lips were plump and pink as they reminded me of strawberries. The swirl of his black hair was completely enchanting as it reminded me of the beauty of night.

I see the stroke of his nose, slightly upwards as it was perfect. I notice his long lashes as they twirl to the sky. How I wish I could've had them but that wasn't in my books. He held the essence of raw beauty as he enveloped the scent of strawberries, mixed with the darkness of the moon that captured the stars.

"You look handsome," I whisper.

"I do?" He asks. I can sense the doubt crossing his face- like he didn't believe it.

I lean against my arm as I pull my body to meet his. My hand places itself on his cheek as my thumb strokes it. "You do," I confirm his statement. I truly believed it with every fibre of my soul.

He was utterly and helplessly handsome.


WHY AM I IN LOVE WITH MY OWN CHARACTER? LIKE AUSTIN, STOP IT. Why can't I find a man like the ones I write? Do I need to go to build a man?

Anyways, what did you this of this? I'm actually proud of it. I wanna cry ;(

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