Chapter Twenty-Three

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Today is my first day that I'll see Austin after our breakup. The first day on set where I knew I was pregnant. And I for sure knew that today wasn't going to be fun on the slightest sense; depicting the vile and hostile comebacks at eachother.

I wasn't ready to face Austin. Ready to face the fact that we'll never be together again because I sure didn't want to be a mother. He wasn't even ready to accept that. He wanted that child with every fibre of his body and I couldn't make him change his mind, considering he couldn't change my own one.

My abortion appointment is set for two weeks. Austin even knows its then but made no efforts to put a stop to it. He hasn't contacted me, or even talked to me. It's like we never dated, never shared any passionate moments and never knew we actually existed to eachother.

Staring at my reflection, I stare at the woman with the black dress. It hid my small pouch with the baby pretty well. I just stare at the person I have become and how I could possibly fix it. Who was I exactly? Who was I before Austin came into my world and crashed it?

Bear remains curled up on my bed as she continues to purr. I sit beside her, slowly patting her as I stare at myself. "So, Bear, who do you think I am?" I ask her as I continue to pat the small fluff of fur.

Yawning, she slowly rises and makes herself comfortable onto my lap. "Comfortable, isn't it? Not for long since I have work in–" I check my phone. "Twenty minutes and I have to leave in five," I sigh as I pat her a few times.

"Okay, I have to go, Muffin," I whisper as I kiss her small head and place her onto my bed once again. She groggily looks up at me, yawning before curling up and falling asleep for the tenth time today.

"Man, I wish I was a cat," I grumble.

Standing up, I grab my purse and head out of my house. It's a beautiful day with the sun shining down onto me and people hustling at nine in the morning. That was society nowadays–just work.


As I amble onto set, everyone is already hustling to prepare the stage. Today was the day where Austin and I had to play our love scene, the part where we had to pretend to be in love, kiss and eventually slow dance to 'I can't help falling in love'.

In fact, I wasn't quite ready for that.

"Lils, you're here!" Baz calls over. My attention is ripped away from the stage and I'm left staring at Baz with Carolina beside him. Ever since he introduced me to her, she hasn't left his side on set and I sure wasn't complaining. She was the ultimate best friend that I could ask for.

"Yeah, I'm here!" I smile as I walk over and give both of them a hug. "Are we ready for the scene?" I ask, hoping he could've done a rewrite on the last minute like he usually does. However, all he does is offer a nod and smile.

Leading me to the room, identical to Elvis and Priscilla's room, I stare it. It's absolutely beautiful. There's limited lighting to set the mood and to show how this whole scene was at night.

"Okay, I'm here! Sorry I'm late," Austin interrupts with a few huffs of breath. Clearly he was running here, considering there's so many stairs and hallways. "Are we filming now?" He asks quickly.

I stare at him. Stare at the man that once held my heart, just before he smashed it. But what really takes me off guard is when he glances at me. Not even a smile but a death stare, eyes narrowed slightly, face relaxed and mouth tightened.

I cower back. "Yeah, we are. I'm glad my two stars are finally here. Okay, let's get you on set now," he smiles, unaware of the tension between Austin and I.

He leads us onto the stage, the room where we're working for today and claps excitedly. "Okay, Lillith and Austin. It's your time to shine. As you know, today's scene is the time where Elvis and Priscilla are getting to know eachother. It's also their first kiss and dance, okay?" He explains as he glances between us.

"Yeah, I know sadly. Can we get this over with? I rather be performing," he snaps.

Sighing, Baz shakes his head. "Are we doing this again?" He asks.

"No, I'm fine. It's Lillith you have to be worried about. We don't want her hurling all over again," he rakes me up and down as he folds his arms.

"Well, that's true. But I'm sure she's fine. Carolina took her to the doctors already," Baz says as I could tell he wanted to start shooting the scene already but couldn't from this all.

"No, I'm fine," I shake my head. "Lets get this over with so I can go home," I say.

"Yeah, to cry. Cry how you lost everyone because of your stupid decisions?" Austin snaps as his jaw ticks slightly.

Eyebrows furrowing, my mouth falls open just a little. "Uh, excuse me? Who do you think you are talking to me like that?" I snap as I clench my fists.

"Oh, I don't know. Well, I was supposed to be your partner. I was supposed to be the father of your child. But now? I'm just a no one since your stupid decisions ruined all of those," he bites back.

"Maybe if you didn't talk like a dumbass, I would've made better decisions. Wait, I think I made the perfect ones. I don't need some man who talks to me like this. And I don't want this child," I snap.

"I don't know what I ever saw in you," he bites as he eyes me in disgust. "Just some girl to satisfy my desires. Oh wait, you couldn't even do that," his eyebrows raise slightly as he clenches his fists.

"Says the one who couldn't even last two minutes. Now, look where these two minutes got me! My career is on the verge of taking off but this child growing in me, because of you, is slowly stopping that," I seethe, blood boiling.

"Sure, blame the child. It's always the child's fault. And don't blame this on me either," he seethes. "You're the one that initiated the kiss. If you didn't let those damn hormones get the best of you, we wouldn't of been stuck in this situation in the first place!" He exclaims loudly.

"Guys!" Baz stops the argument. He walks between us, his hands up and he shakes his head. "What on earth happened between you two?" He asks. "No, I tell you what. I don't even want to know. We have a movie to shoot and you both will do the best scene I can imagine!" He snaps at both of us.

"Fine," Austin grumbles as he holds his hands up in surrender. "Lets get this over with already," he continues on.

𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 {𝐀.𝐁}Where stories live. Discover now