Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Austin's POV:

Feeling the overwhelming feeling of anger radiating through my veins, my eyes capture so many screaming faces.

My eyes capture so many flashing lights stream down onto my skin as my feet pull me to the black and chipped road.

Their hands grab my arms, pulling onto my hair and their screams pierce my ears. They all drown out my screams.

I managed to spot Lillith a few minutes back in a security guards white vehicle so I knew she was safe with him.

My heart pounds through my ears as I hear piercing screams and every single voice ringing in my ears. They all wanted a piece of me and the whole crew.

I breathe harshly, heart pounding fast as my eyes glance all around, trying to find Baz and Carolina but it's no use.

"Leave me alone!" I scream, as I push the male reporters away from me. Their flashing cameras stick to me, holding me for ransom. "I said, let me go!" I say.

The words tumble from my lips as I use my hands to push them away from me. However, it's no use as their hands remain attached to my body.

They hold me hostage in between them. Their eyes piercing through me as they scream all sorts of nonsense about interviews, photos, Lillith and the baby.

"There's been a crash!" A female reporter exclaims. Now, that's the only thing that manages to catch my attention. "It's Lillith. She's been in a crash!" She yells.

Heart dropping, I stand frozen. Chaos seeping away, I don't hear anything. I don't hear the screams or screeches.

My eyes capture so many flashing lights and their lips moving, but I can't hear them. I just–no, that couldn't possibly happen to her and our child like that.

"Move!" I scream as I push reporters out of my way. They remain in their places as they capture their photos. "I said, move now!" I exclaim as I try again.

With a single male reporter in front of me with his camera, I grab it with such force that his eyes widen. I hold the black camera in my hands before smashing it onto the concrete ground. I had to make them aware I'll do anything.

Everyone stops. You could hear a pin drop with how quiet it has gone. All faces, all wide eyes and mouth agape.

"I said, move. I swear, I won't hesitate to smash another one!" I exclaim as I heave harsh breath through my nostrils and chest rising up and down loudly.

"I'm sorry, man," I hear a few whisper.

But I didn't care about their apologies but Lillith. I cared more about her than this whole movie and the people with me. They didn't mean anything to me.

Pushing past, I don't hesitate to knock people away with my shoulders and hands. I needed to get to her. It felt like a race, a place where I had to find her.

"Austin. Calm down!" Baz comes into view with Carolina beside him. His hands snap onto my shoulders, trying to calm me down but I couldn't do it at all.

"Let me go, Baz. I'm serious," I snap as my eyes blaze down onto him. I rip myself away from his embrace. "She's been in a crash and I have to get there,"

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