Chapter Nine

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"Ain't no mountain high enough!" Austin exclaims as he twirls around to the song. His body moves along with his hands as he continues to move, singing in all types of tones and keys. Being a singer, he sure didn't act like it but this is what made it better, much more better.

"Ain't no valley low enough," he continues to sing off key as he shakes his ass, legs spread as he continues to wiggle. It was quite a sight but this made it much better. Much better than his brooding and hating self.

"Ain't no river wide enough, baby!" He sings. But what takes me off guard is when his smiling self snaps onto me, his eyes dragging to meet mine. My heart stops as I see him slowly pounce on me, grabbing my hands to make me dance alongside him.

"Austin, I can't dance!" I laugh as my head throws itself back. His hands roam down to my waist as he tugs me closer to his body. I press myself against him as we move in sync, bodies swaying side to side as we smile brightly.

"Although we are miles apart," we sing in sync as we sway alongside one another and hold hands. He twirls me around, body slamming onto his as we fall down onto the couch.

"Austin!" I giggle as he presses his body down onto my own. "No, I can't do this today!" I squeal as his smiling lips kiss every part of my face until they meet my lips. The butterflies, they're right there.

"But I can do this all the time. I can kiss these lips all the time, baby. They're mine, all mine," he says as his lips keep connecting with mine again and again.

"Nuh uh, princess. Who says they're yours?" I ask with a small smirk.

"I say they're mine. No other man can touch them except mine. Unless they have a death wish, they can," he smiles.

"So if Harry touched them?" I ask.

His eyebrows raise. "Then I'll chop his dick off with such an honor," he smirks.

Eyes raising, I gasp. "No, Harry is such a nice man. I can't let you do that. We need baby Styles' running around," I say as I shake my head.

"Then I suggest him not touching these. I'm so serious, Doll face," he raises an eyebrow, trying to act serious but he can't remain still as he breaks into laughter. "I can't do this. I won't chop his dick off, but I won't let him do that," he says as he rises off me and stands up.

"Oh thank God. Well, I don't think I wanna be in prison, you know?" I say.

He raises his eyebrows. "What does this have to do with you?" He asks.

I step closer, hands touching and resting against his chest. "Well, I would have to be beside you. I'm an associate with all of this," I smirk. "Partners in crime till the end of time," I continue on as a smile plasters onto his pink and luscious lips.

"I like the idea of that, baby," he smirks as he nuzzles into my neck and holds me hostage to his cologne. "You smell good. I smell Love Spell – my favourite smell," he whispers into my ear as he holds me by the waist and places a kiss on my ear.

Goosebumps run down my spine. "Hm, you like that, baby?" I laugh as I nuzzle close to him and hold him in my arms. He hums in response as he closes the gap between our lips and allows us to fall into the depth of such a love spell.

"I could really get used to this. Look how sexy you look in that dress, baby," he whispers as his eyes rake down my body. It was a crimson red dress that held tightly onto my curves and projected all the right parts to the world. "Twirl for me," he says with his eyes shamelessly staring.

With that, I do just that. I slowly twirl as I allow him to analyse all the details on my body. This earns a low 'hm' in approval as his hand guides to my waist and pulls me against him once again.

"This should be all for me. I don't like to share as you could tell before," he says as his fingers grip my waist tightly. I could remember all the details through the time I was with Harry. He despised me, yet, he still tried to pull me away.

"Yeah, and the way you were with Amelia. I didn't like that at all. As you can tell, I don't like to share you at all too," I say as a small blush rises to my cheeks.

Turning away, I try to hide the embarrassment. I don't know how he played this all too cool. However, I feel his fingers pull me by my chin to meet his eyes. He has a smirk plastered.

"Hm, you don't? And why is that?" He asks like he doesn't know the reason.

"Because," I trail my finger up to his lips. "You're mine and only mine. Unless a b*tch wants her hair chopped off, she better not try anything," I smile innocently as I flutter my eyelashes up.

A grin rises to his lips. "That's my girl. Trust me, after I walk with you, everyone will know their places. Plus, you're my bestest girl, my only girl," he whispers as he places a lingering kiss onto my lips that allows my heart to lurch forward with adrenaline.

Grabbing his hand, we walk to our first love scene we were supposed to film together. It being the ultimate scene where I was introduced and our first kiss was on screen. Now, that scene brought butterflies to my stomach as I can finally do that in public without anyone noticing that we were a couple.


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