Chapter Six

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Harry vs Austin.

They were head to head, staring into eachother's eyes as if Austin was about to pounce onto Harry himself. In fact, I've never seen him to do this before. Act mad to anyone else that wasn't me.

"Austin, mate. It's honour to meet the man himself," Harry compliments, clearly not aware of the anger projected on Austin's face. "Glad I could finally meet you," he continues on as he extends his hand to shake.

However, Austin doesn't extend his hand out. Instead, he looks Harry dead on in the eye and raises his left eyebrow. "So, you must be Lillith's date tonight?" He asks warily.

Harry's eyebrows scrunch slightly. "Yeah, I would assume I am tonight. Unless she's a lookalike of the woman I'm supposed to bring," Harry sarcastically chuckles as he touches my shoulder slightly.

Austin's eyes trail to the slight touch. His jaw ticks, as his mouth frowns. "No, he's actually my boyfriend," I quickly interject. Death wish, I absolutely had.

Eyes wide, he glances between Harry and I. Instead, he laughs. Like a genuine fake laugh. "Yeah, in your dreams, Lillith. Guess delusion is apart of the long list of what's wrong with you," he says with a shake of his head.

"And? Why do you care if Harry is my boyfriend? You already have a woman over there, and I have my own man," I snap as I cross my arms over my chest. His eyes trail down. "My eyes are up here, Austin," I snap again.

His eyes snap back onto mine, scoffing. "Not like there's anything to see," he scowls, eyebrows furrowing. My eyes widen as I take a step back. Rude was understatement. He was worse.

"Hey, watch how you talk to my woman," Harry interjects as he takes a protective step in front of me. His arms draw out as Austin takes a step back from us. "Lillith is a good woman, and she doesn't need someone like you always putting her down, okay?" Harry snaps back with a raise of his right index finger.

I think I just melted for this man.

Instead, Austin scoffs. "But out, mate. You're just another phase she's going through. Lillith, come with me now," Austin snaps as he takes a step forward.

"What? Before you didn't even care about me and now you're acting out when I say I have a boyfriend?" I snap. I take a step back as I shake my head.

"I'm not acting out. He's just no good for you–"

"And you are? You don't have the slightest idea how good this man has been to me. You, on the other hand, have not been the greatest treat. So leave me alone. Let me enjoy my night," I bite.

However, as I try to turn around, I feel Austin's large hand grab my arm. I swing around to face him, eyes on eyes as we remain inches apart. I could feel his breath mingling with mine as I stare up into his mesmerising evil eyes.

"I hate you," I seeth. I hated him with every fibre of my burning blood.

"No, I won't let you hate me. Hate is a rather harsh word," he bites back.

"Well, you're making it easy to hate you," I snap as my eyes glance between his eyes and lips. Making it way too easy to either go off or tear into his bare body.

"That's the whole point. It's rather easy to hate. You make it easy to hate you," he elaborates as his breath mingles with mine once again.

But suddenly, I realise we're still in the middle of the red carpet as Harry eyes us with furrowed eyebrows and a frown tight onto his pink lips.

"Can we please get out of here?" I snap to Harry, unaware of my own tone. He just riles up my blood to the point where I had to get away from him. Get away from that pair of eyes that deceive me.

𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 {𝐀.𝐁}Where stories live. Discover now