Chapter Three

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Our kind of relationship between Austin and I wasn't the kind of thing you wanted. Any director wanted their stars to get along, be able to show the world that they were compatible with each other. But this wasn't our case.

If he wanted to dislike me, I could do the same. I couldn't stand anyone hating on me, but this was different. I didn't want to earn his love if he wanted to act like that. I deserved better than that, someone who would treat me good.

Standing in my crimson red dress for our first day of shooting, I fluff up my tamed curls before applying more red lipstick. I felt dangerous as this colour brought out the colour of the skies within my eyes.

I looked good. I believed so. I had to. I had to make an appearance and be the best Priscilla, after herself that anyone could be. I couldn't let anyone down or I would let myself, as well. I had to be the boss.

Strutting away from my bedroom, I make my way to my ivory painted corvette. Driving myself was always the best as it was something I could do myself. Something I had control over.

The wind blows through my hair as Lana Del Rey blasts through my ears, the trees and people roaring past. Identical ivory painted houses with long lawns and fancy gates rush past me as well.

Pulling up into the parking spots in front of the studio catches my attention. People rush around as they set up props and I could already tell they have read the script, as well as understand the plot of the whole story of Elvis.

I have read it. I've read the script in detail so I understood it quite well. I even understood the scenes I had to do with Austin, as well as the scenes where I had to kiss him, which I wasn't ready for. I wasn't ready for this story.

Ambling past props and people setting them up, I walk through the chaos. I knew I had to reach the music studio where Austin and Baz were recording songs for the parts where Austin had to sing these two songs. I knew he was not lip syncing two songs, something showing me that he can actually sing.

As I glance through the tags of names on the black doors, I finally reach it. The first scene was the recording of 'Baby, let's play house'. It was a great song...but with Austin's was even better?

"Well, you may go to college," I hear his voice echo through the door. It was deep, husky and matched Elvis' perfectly. But what am I thinking? This man was completely mean and rude and I didn't go for that type of men. A rule I always abide by.

The guitar strums through my ears as I hear the echoing of young girls which I knew was going to be apart of the movie. They had to play it to get into the vibe of the movie and embrace it whole. I loved it even as they fully indulged into it.

"You may go to school. You may have a pink cadillac." He continues to sing, the guitar strumming as he sings along with the other instruments in the background. It was purely perfection as I hear him continue on with the strums of guitar.

Sucking in a deep breath, I open the door slowly as I catch him standing with a guitar in his hands and wiggling. Now that was something Elvis always done but seeing it in real life, it was something else quite different, exciting.

"Lily!" Baz's voice rings in my ears. The music falls silent as I see pairs of eyes land onto me–Austin's burning into mine. Clearly he was annoyed with his eyebrows scrunched, lips tightened into a frown and body posture hunched over.

"What's she doing here, Baz? Wasn't this supposed to be a rehearsal for the songs?" Austin's voice rings in my ears as he looks over to Baz with his hand flicking out in complete annoyance.

"Yeah, that too. But I need to see the chemistry and how well you work together. Get into the rhythm of the movie," Baz says excitedly as he grabs Austin's guitar and places it down.

"Nah, I think the songs are the priority. We can do that shit later, couldn't we?" He snaps as his jaw ticks. Clearly he's still angry and annoyed but I couldn't care less. I had to be a professional since this will boost my popularity and pay within this movie.

"No," I cut in. He looks at me, eyes narrowing as he takes a step closer.

"No?" He repeats my statement.

"No. I'm willing to do this. Whatever Baz asked, I will do since I'm a professional. So suck it up princess, and try to work with me," I snap as I narrow my eyes, taking a step closer and tilting my head up to meet his eyes. I had to square up and woman up to his level.

His jaw ticks, nostrils flaring. "I am a professional, Doll face, and watch what you call me. The only snobby princess here is you, so watch it," he snaps down at me, chest puffing as he tries to square up with me.

"Hmm? Princess, I see," I whisper as my eyes narrow to slits and lick my lips. "I quite fancy that. Snobby? Not so much, since you don't really know me," I say as I arch my right eyebrow, challenging him into pushing back. He's a ticking bomb, I could tell.

"Don't really know you? Doll face, I think you're an open book," he whispers as he uses his right thumb and index finger to tilt my head back, eyes looking into his.

"Open book? Name one thing about me then? Something that no one knows," I state as I raise an eyebrow again. I wanted to challenge him, get him to crack and see who I'm working with.

"Your favourite colour is blue," he whispers. I smile because he couldn't be serious, it wasn't even blue. "But it's actually pink," he states, face next to my own and lips close to my ear.

"That's a good guess," I say as I look back into his eyes. "Anyone can guess that. There's not many colours in the world," I gulp as I narrow my eyes and try to stop the chill running down my back. It was quite chilly right now.

"You don't trust easily. You try to please everyone, but you know it's impossible," he continues, as his teeth tug on his lips. No, he couldn't be serious. "And you're just like me, Doll face, someone who deserves better," he says quietly, hands stroking my chin as he stares down.

"We're not the same. And no, you're wrong," I snap as I take a step back. A smile tugs on his lips, finally realising that the only person who is a ticking bomb is myself. "I do trust easily," I say.

"And that's a good thing?" He asks. He folds his muscular arms and leans back, legs spread as his black pants flare. He's squaring up with me. I couldn't let him win, no, I deserve better than this.

"No, that's not what I mean," I snap.

"And what do you mean, Doll face?" He says with a face that screams innocence. But I knew he was far from that. He held that kind of vibes that seemed so innocent but he was more than that. He was evil, someone I couldn't trust.

"I trust my family, my friends," I say.

"And I'm not judging you, Doll face. Glad you're proving me wrong, not for long, though," he chuckles, as he runs a hand through his jet black dyed hair. A cheeky grin catches his lips, knowing damn well he's winning against me, in my own war.

"And cut!" Baz exclaims, clapping his hands. For a second I forgot he was there and apparently Austin did too. "That was perfect! The chemistry was phenomenonal!" He continues as he gestures between us, glancing as well.

"What?" I snap as I narrow my eyes. "Ain't no way you let us carry on like that for some chemistry test," I continue. All he does is shrug because he was right.

"That's my job. I needed to see the chemistry and who I was dealing with. And you both passed. The fans will definitely eat this up, well, I did for sure!" He smiles with his pearly whites.

"I, for sure enjoyed this," Austin sarcastically states, eyebrows raising. "A complete waste of time with some girl when I should've been rehearsing, Baz," he snaps as he slings his leather jacket over his shoulder and turns away.

"Okay, half an hour break then! Mate, I'm sorry. I just needed to–" and with that, I watch Baz run after Austin, apologising as they continue to run off.

Petty, little, and snobby princess.


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