Chapter Twenty

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Feeling absolutely like crap, I lay on the ivory bed in the doctors surgery room. The room is quite decent with ivory painted walls, equipment all around and small paintings to bring life to it.

Carolina remains on the white chair beside me, tapping her right foot anxiously and cracking her knuckles. I stare at her, the woman who selflessly cared for me at my worst of times.

"Are you okay?" I ask, anxiously.

She snaps her attention to me and smiles. "I think I should be asking you that, darling. I'm fine, but how are you? Feeling any better?" She asks as she continues to tap her right foot quickly.

"Abit better from before," I shrug. "But thank you. I actually mean it. You and Baz have been the greatest people I know. I can't think you enough for being by my side, Carolina," I thank her. I just couldn't help the overwhelming feelings I was currently feeling; happiness and gratefulness all mixed into one emotion.

"Oh, no worries, darling. We're always there for you. Anytime and anywhere, family shows up," she smiles brightly. And just like that, I knew she was the right person for Baz. It's just how she mimicked him and his phrases so nicely.

To our luck, the doctor arrives on time. With her tight hazelnut hair pulled back into a bun and chocolate coloured eyes staring between myself and Carolina, she's seemed like a sweet person.

"Hi, you must be Lillith," she smiles.

"That would be me. Hi, how are you?" I ask as I firmly shake her hand.

"I should be asking you that. What seems to be the problem?" She professionally asks as she takes a seat in front of me. She clasps her hands together as she eyes me for an answer. In fact, there was so many things happening right now.

"I–well, it's this stomach flu. It's been happening for the past month. I've been hurling, continuously eating and feeling so weak, top to bottom, all around," I explain my problem. I just didn't know how I could fix this, considering I've tried everything in books and on Google.

"Samantha, is it what I'm thinking it is?" Carolina interjects, as she eyes Sam.

"Hm, I think so. Lillith, I want you to go to the bathroom and pee on this," she directs me, trying to make her point.

My eyebrows furrow. "Uhm, okay? What do you think, you think it is?" I fumble over my words, hopping off the bed.

"Nothing to be certain–"

I gasp. "No, are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" My mind clicks into place, thinking how stupid I've been.

"Like I said, nothing to be certain. Just go and pee on the stick and we'll have our confirmation right there," she orders.

With that, I feel my heart race. But what I was? No, that couldn't be. I do what she says as I grab the stick and walk to the bathroom at the end of the hallway.

Minutes later, I walk back in, holding the stick in my hands. I didn't want to see. My mind fidgets around the place as I try to piece every single aspect of what was happening. The hurling? The sore stomach? The weak feeling? Could it be?

"Lillith, you are–" she tries.

"Lillith, oh my God! Are you here?" My mind flicks it's attention to Austin who bursts through the door. "Are you okay?" He exclaims as he glances around us all. I could tell this was out of his scene but I knew his good intentions behind it.

But what really takes his attention is the pregnancy stick in the doctors hand. Eyebrows furrowing, mouth agape, he stands there as he tries to process it.

"Austin, what are you doing here?" I ask. I walk over to him, gripping his bicep. I knew he was bound to freak because I sure was freaking as well. Every part of my mind is a frenzy mess, so chaotic.

"Is that what I think it is?" He whispers as he stares dumbfoundly at the stick.

"Are you the father?" Samantha asks, like she couldn't read the room already.

"The father?" He repeats. His eyes snap onto me, widening. "Lillith? What is she talking about? What does she mean by the father?" He repeats a little louder.

"Congratulations, she's pregnant," Sam announces with a large smile as she waves the stick in front of our faces. I stare at it, eyes wide as I try to process it. It feels like the whole world has shifted underneath our feet, time fading slowly away from us together.

"I'm what–?" I burst in shock.

"She's what?" He exclaims.

"Pregnant! With a baby? Ever heard of that? Oh, don't worry, you two. Every couple goes through this shock," she waves us off with a smile and places the stick onto the table beside us all. I couldn't believe how calm and collected she is while the two of us are in shock.

"With a baby–" and with that, I see Austin faint onto the floor. My eyes widen as he hits the floor with a thud and my heart stops for a brief moment.

"Oh my God, Austin!" I screech. "What do we do? Oh my God, get a doctor!" I exclaim, however, I realise Samantha is right beside me as she begins to work.

She knew what she was doing, bringing Austin back from his deep slumber for a brief minute. "There we go, Sunshine," she whispers as she taps his forehead with a white wet cloth. "Back to normal,"

Carolina grips my arm as she holds me up, observing the scene before her. "Is he going to be okay?" She asks, which earns a nod and smile from the doctor.

"This is normal. Luckily, I've been trained for this kind of thing, considering all these men faint when they find out their wife is pregnant," she laughs.

"Wife?" I feel dizzy.

"I need to sit down," I mumble. Carolina helps me to the white chair, plopping me down as I take in a deep breath. This was happening way too fast for me. First, I'm pregnant with his child. And now, I'm deemed as his wife?

Was I ready for all of this change?

It's only been a month since this whole thing, and it was going by so quickly. I wasn't sure if I was ready to face this kind of thing. If I was ready to take on that mother and wife role, considering I'm just starting out in this industry.

As Austin's eyes flutter open, he gazes around once again. "Oh God, I'm gonna be a father? How the hell did that happen?" He mumbles as he rubs his forehead groggily. "Wait, don't answer that. I think I know," he waves us off.

"I'll leave you two for a minute," Sam says as she readies her things and walks out. Even Carolina casts a sincere smile as she walks out to wait in the waiting room. I just couldn't process this all.

"Austin, what do we do?" I ask. In fact, I needed him to tell me that it'll be alright.

"I don't know," he mumbles. His eyes snap on me. "No, I know what we'll do," he confirms with a small nod. "We're going to raise that child. No way in hell I'm gonna risk that child being an orphan and making it feel like no one loves it. I think we can do this," he says.

Eyes widening, I gulp. I understood that Austin wanted the child, but did I? Was I ready to risk my whole career and everything to raise a small human? But more importantly, was I ready to be a mother? I just didn't know.

"I have to think about it," I mumble.


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