Chapter Forty-Five

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Austin's POV

We're still on the road. We're still headed to the nearest hospital with Baz driving, Carolina trying to comfort Lillith and myself constantly telling her to breathe.

I feel my lungs collapse with every breath, the sinking feeling that involves me thinking; what if she doesn't make it out alive? Isn't there a possibility?

I hated thinking like this but my mind keeps swirling around this fact, especially how my mother died birthing my twin brother. Now I don't have a mother, a father and a brother, considering he also died during the process.

What if my Lillith dies during that, along with the twins? What if it runs through my family, happening to me too? I just couldn't bare that thought. I couldn't even believe I was thinking like this?

My mind spins with all these possibilities, lungs burning as I frantically breathe, fearing, as I hold onto her hands. I grip them as I allow her to push all the pain to me, it was the least I could do for her.

I watch as the sweat pours down her body, sticking like glue as she frantically breathes with every pounding part that radiates through her body. I don't know how she's so strong through this.

She grits her teeth, hands into mind as her squeezes her eyes with every contraction that pounds through her. A scream pushes through her lips.

"Two minutes, Lillith, hold on," Baz shouts back. I could see him squeezing the steering wheel as he speeds through traffic and lights to reach the nearest hospital. Even Carolina looks back, heart breaking but what could she do?

"Baby, look at me," I say as I force her eyes to look directly into mine.

"Yeah?" She breathes.

"I'm proud of you. We're nearly there. A few more and we'll be holding the babies. Can you imagine twenty toes and fingers?" I ask, low enough for only us to hear, as a smile tugs on my lips.

She smiles, the first in a while. "Yeah? Twenty toes and fingers? Those two watermelons, I'll finally hold them. I can't wait," she breathes as she leans back onto the seat and smiles up to the ceiling. I can tell she's about fantasising it and I'm glad that distracts her.

Baz pulls up to the emergency entrance to the hospital, jumping out along with Carolina to reach the nearest doctors. I even jump out, rushing to her side as I open the door and help her out of the car. It's hard for her but she gets out.

I feel my mind spin, the only thoughts is her and the babies. We could do this. She can do this. I believed in her, how she's able to make it and push through.

Three male nurses rush towards us, Carolina and Baz behind them as they pull her onto the moveable bed. I even help them because with wedding dress and two twins inside of her, it's harder to hold her and pull her onto it.

I stare down into her eyes.

I brush away the strands of her that's glued to her sticky and sweaty skin. I take in the beauty of her, how she's pulling through and doing this for us.

"I'm scared," she whispers.

I feel my heart break - break into thousands of pieces because no lover wanted their spouses to feel that way. I wanted to shock all that fear, pain and stress away from her and be able to do it for her. I wanted to take that pain away.

"I know, baby. But I promise, you'll make it out. And if you don't, I'm coming right with you. I promise," I whisper as I feel the harsh words leave my tongue.

"Lock it?" She breathes, hoping.

I hold my pinky out and lock our pinkies, uniting the promise and our love. I truly believed that she will make it out with the babies, but if she didn't, I'm coming right with her. I'm taking no time to jump right beside her and hold her hand all the way to heaven, it's what I truly wanted.

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