Chapter Eight

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Slipping into the daylight, my eyes flutter open once again. All I see is stars as I stare into the eyes of Austin's sapphire-lit irises, capturing my soul. I can't even tell what was wrong with this as I fall hostage to his strong touch.

"Hey," his deep raspy voice flutters into my ears. "You've been out for half an hour," he whispers as his eyes glances down onto my lips back to my eyes.

The way we were still in the dressing room, undressed and held into eachother's arms was something wild. The fact no one has checked on us is even more impressing, assuming everyone wanted to leave the two stars alone to talk and figure it out together.

"Hi. I was?" I groggily state as I stretch my arms out. However, I was still fixed into Austin's naked arms. This felt so wrong, yet, so right. Like I was meant to be right in his warm embrace. But what triggered me is how would he act after this all ended? Does this mean we're together? That he doesn't hate me anymore? Or...I have no idea anymore.

Sensing a shift in his mood, he rises from the couch and takes a deep breath. "We shouldn't of done this, Lillith," he whispers as I sense the regret laced within his deep and raspy voice. His hand runs through his messed up hair.

"What do you mean?" I ask, as the panic surfaces to my skin. I rise from couch and sit beside him, the blanket draped along my bare and naked body. "Austin, do you regret doing this with me?" I ask, unsure if I really wanted to hear the answer that was about to come through.

His eyes look deep into mine. The single word that shatters my heart into pieces of glass, without no intention of being glued back together anymore. "Yes." It was that one answer that left me bewildered and shook to the core.

"What?" I shake my head, eyebrows furrowing as I try to process this. "So, we just did it here and you're just gonna leave me like this? Why didn't you stop?" I ask as gesture outwards.

"Would you of let me? I told you we should've stopped," he shakes his head.

"Wait, now this is my fault?" I snap. Sensing by his look, he assumed so. "No, this is not my fault, Austin. You could've pushed me back. You had the will power to stop but you didn't. Don't turn this on me now, okay?" I snap as I stand up with the blanket draped along my body.

He rises from the couch, naked. My eyes drap down his body but I quickly replace it by gazing into his eyes. He shakes his head as he begins to get dressed. "Lets just forget about it, okay? We both did something we regret. This doesn't change anything," he continues on.

"What do you mean it doesn't change anything? It changes everything, Austin!" I frantically add as I gesture around. "And who said I regretted that? You may of, but I didn't. I thought we had something special," I snap as I take a step forward and cross my arms.

He gulps as he rakes my body. He shakes his head as he takes a deep breath. "No. I don't know what you're on, but I do this all the time. You're not anyone special, Lillith, just the girl I'm supposed to play the role with," he says without a doubt.

"And the girl you just slept with," I snap. "You're just one sick, annoying, and rude man who doesn't give an absolute crap about anyone," I continue as I feel the anger boil within my veins.

He takes a step forward as his hands wrap around my waist, tugging me close to him once again. "Well, it's better to let everyone think you don't care because it saves you the pain and heartbreak. You would know this better than anyone, Lillith," he whispers as he stares down.

"Don't do this, Austin. You're confusing me," I whisper. "Can't you tell me what's wrong?" I ask as I desperately wait for an answer. But who was I kidding?

𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 {𝐀.𝐁}Where stories live. Discover now