Chapter Twenty-Four

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With Austin in his army uniform, it resembled Elvis' one back in the days. The same kind of days where he used to talk and watch movies with Priscilla. But somehow, Austin pulled this whole look off perfectly.

Standing in my dress that Priscilla wore and a hairstyle that was fluffed to the side and wrapped in a low ponytail, I felt truly part of my role. I'm supposed to play this role and I knew my father would be proud of me.

"And action!" Baz instructs loudly.

Snapping into character, I stare out of the window, hand pretending to hold a cigarette to my lips. "And he said, Priscilla, that boy is no good for you. I said, you don't know him, daddy. He's lonely, and quite frankly I am too," I shrug my shoulders as I smile lightly.

Watching my fake parents walk past the door, I amble over and slightly shut the door to give us some privacy. With that, I amble over to Austin and plop right down in front of him on the floor.

"And well, he didn't really know what to say after that," I whisper with a smile as I glance away for a brief moment. It was a special scene today- a scene that will show the flourishing relationship between Elvis and Priscilla.

However, my mind cuts short as I stare into Austin's oceanic blue eyes. I fall in love all over again as I take in the sight of the man that caught my heart once. It reminded me of all the times we laid on the grass and just stared into eachothers eyes, holding hands and smiling like nothing was wrong.

His arm rests on the bed as we both sit in front of it, hand on his face. "I've never met anyone like you," he whispers, his deep voice ringing in my ears and lips puckered.

"Well, I sure hope not," I whisper back, a small smile attaching to my lips.

Austin, then stands up and walks over to the vinyl player. I watch him play a record, looking back with bright eyes. "Colonel says after this, I get to go home. No more singing, so I want to be a serious actor. That's my dream," he says as I feel his true character seep through Elvis' spirit.

I stand up as he pulls me beside the window, the moon's luminescence shining down onto our faces. I see Austin's real face, his real soul seeping through the character of Elvis. I get to see the true work of an actor in action.

"I just have so many dreams, Cilla," he whispers as he stares into my eyes.

"And I think you can make them come true," I whisper, perfecting my lines.

With 'Can't help falling in love' in the background, the soft melody seeps through our ears. I truly take in the beauty of his eyes, forgetting about all the times where we fought.

It's just his effect.

I take in the time to really capture this moment and take in its beauty. I wanted to stay in this forever where we were perfect and no fights ever occurred. I even forgot that we broke up, forgetting how this moment only mattered now.

I can even see Austin's mask fall like glass as he takes this moment as well. It felt like old times where the only thing that mattered was us and now. But that wasn't the case anymore. We had to move on, but could we really?

Austin leaning in, my eyes are caught between his eyes and lips. His full lips that managed to hold me hostage so many times before. I allow myself to fall into the depths of his effect-leaning forward gradually without having any doubts within my mind.

His lips lock with mine-soft and gentle. It's like this never stopped, never breaking up and being apart. The feelings are all still there as I feel the fireworks explode deep within my stomach and veins. I feel like I'm on a new high all over again, like in the Stadium where we ran together.

The world fades around us. All I could feel is Austin's soul intertwining with mine as we hold one another. I could even tell he didn't want to let go, considering his hands remained on my face, keeping me close to his body.

"And cut!" Baz exclaims loudly.

However, we don't let go. Specifically, Austin doesn't let go. His hands remain attached to my face, my hands around his waist as we stare into eachothers eyes. I could sense he didn't want to and I sure didn't want to as well.

We both had different directions and desires, but one thing for certain was our love for one another. It's a chemical attraction that keeps pulling us together. He didn't want to let go and I sure didn't want to as well. We belonged together like the colours of black and white.

"And cut!" Baz exclaims again. "Guys, I said cut. You can let eachother go now!" He says loudly once again; a reminder.

Snapping out of character, I rip away from Austin as I clear my throat awkwardly. "Sorry about that, Baz. Just someone couldn't keep their hands off me," I say as I shrug my shoulders.

Austin suddenly laughs. "Couldn't keep their hands off you? Says you. Your hands on my waist clearly were in no rush of leaving. Like I understand the hype of my waist, but come on, Doll face," he smirks sarcastically as he gestures to his tiny waist compared to his broad shoulders.

"Excuse you! Your hands were like glue on my face!" I bite back. "Like I also understand the hype of how beautiful my face is, but come on, princess. Your germs, ew," I say as I wipe my face dramatically and with a small smirk.

"Beautiful, my ass! Stop being a cocky bastard-" he exclaims loudly.

"The only cocky bastard here is you-'like I understand the hype of my waist'," I quote his previous statement as I roll my eyes sarcastically. "You can't be serious-" I snap back.

However, Baz intrudes. "Man, you peeps are seriously like an old married couple already. I say, go take a vacation in Venice and cool down already," Baz chuckles as he slaps our shoulders with a dramatic shake of his head.

"Oh, I wish. But someone is obviously gonna ruin it with his cocky attitude and rude sarcasm which, by the way, is not funny," I snap as I roll my eyes.

"My sarcasm, by the way-" he mimics me with a wave of his finger and a dramatic hand to the hip. "Is very funny. You're just dull and boring," he shrugs slightly with a raise of an eyebrow.

"Well, I'll go and take my dull and boring ass to Harry, in which he will appreciate it, unlike someone," I snap.

Eyes widening a little, he shakes his head. "Uh, no you're not. You're staying right here with me," he snaps.

"Uh, no I'm not," I mimic him with a sassy remark and shake of my head. "First, we're not dating ever since you decided that I'm 'only Priscilla' to you," I quote him with my fingers. "And secondly, Harry is a nice man. You don't have control on who I see or not," I shrug my shoulders as I turn my back.

"Lillith, I'm not doing this again!" He demands as I hear the desperation laced with his deep and raspy voice.

"Well, I am! See ya, Elvis!" I yell back.


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