Chapter Thirty-Three

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The morning of this fine spring breeze brings a complete delight to my vibe. The wind blows through my hair as I absorb the delicate smell of many flowers of lillies and roses that bring a certain scent to my nose.

It's magnificent with the sun gazing down onto my skin, bringing a certain warmth as I walk hand in hand with Austin by my side. He remains walking on the far side of the pavement as we amble over to the doctor's surgery.

I've seen Samantha a few times before and after my coma and everything remains perfectly normal and healthy. However, we still hadn't heard the heartbeat or even known the gender.

"So, I have a few names on what we should name our daughter," Austin says as he breaks the silence between us.

Rolling my eyes, I click my tongue. "Correction, our son you mean," I say as I casually shrug my shoulders.

"Hm, keep telling yourself that," he says.

However, curiosity burns in my veins. "Okay, say it was a girl. What's the names you've picked out for her then?"

"Now that. That is a good question," he drawls on as he points his index finger in my face. "That's something you'll have find out when she's born," he says as he casually shrugs his shoulders.

"You're really gonna tease me like that then?" I ask with a small pout on my lip.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am," he says with a slight smirk as he pinches my lip.

Ambling into the doctor's surgery, they instantly let us in due to our appointment. My hand folds around Austin's as he leads me to the surgery.

The smell is pure hospital like with chemicals and medicines for patients. It's even so bright with white paint as paintings of such hang on the hallways.

Knocking on the door, it opens to reveal the one and only doctor I could hope for; Samantha. With a gleaming smile, she waves us inside and to take a seat.

"Always a pleasure to see you, Lillith," she says as she nods in my direction. "Hopefully you've been doing everything I've requested from you?" She asks me.

Nodding, I smile. "Everything to your liking. I wouldn't trust anyone else,"

Nodding twice casually, she turns her attention to Austin. "And I trust you're feeling better after that little fall from you?" She says with a small smile.

With the redness of his face, he sheepishly scratches the back of his neck. "Well, Doc, you're quite observant," he says. "And yes. Quite better, thank you,"

"Okay, while everyone is okay, shall we begin? I'm sure you're both eager to find the heartbeat, as well as the gender?" She asks as she glances between us both.

"Yeah, you're correct. I mean, that's why we're here after all," Austin sarcastically adds with a sharp shrug.

"Oh, darn. I thought you were here with for me?" She laughs as she shakes her head. Smiling, I try my best to not fidget.

"Anyways, can we begin?" I ask.

Nodding, she leads me to lay on the ultrasound white bed with sheets and directs me to lay comfortably down. She continues to switch the machine on, making sure gel is intact and everything.

"Okay, this may be a little cold, darling. Just take a deep breath while I apply it," she informs me. With that, I continue to follow her instructions as she applies it.

Feeling the cold gel, I tense up as I feel it press against my stomach. I even realise my stomach has begun to grow, beautifying the aspect of pregnancy.

"Okay, let's see now," she says as she gazes at the screen of the machine as her little moniter rubs against my stomach. I watch as she continues to do her job, gazing so intense at the screen.

However, what takes my attention is when Austin wraps his hand around mine. Smiling down onto me, I take the liberty to stay courageous as I look back and spot the little fetus growing inside of me; completely remarkable.

"Okay, there's baby one," she smiles at me as she points at one with four little legs and arms. "And there's baby two," she continues on as she points to another; completely shocking us both.

"Wait, wait, wait. So you're telling me there's two?" Austin gapes at her. "So not just one baby, but another one?" He continues, clearly shocked by the news.

Even I remain shocked as I stare at both gaping right back at me. With four legs and four arms, they remain cocooned. I stare at both the little miracles pushing inside me, completely stunned by the news that rattles me to the core.

"Now that is correct Austin. You're having twins, apparently," she says. "Congratulations. You're a family of four," she exclaims excitedly.

"Four?" Austin whispers, stunned. "Oh God, I feel dizzy right now," he nervously states as he holds onto me for support. "Couldn't even deal with one, yet, here we are with two. Now that's something you don't hear everyday, do you?"

"Two babies," I whisper as I stare at the two on the screen. "I couldn't deal with one, yet, here I am with two?" I continue.

"It's okay–" she tries to sooth me.

"How is that okay?" I exclaim. "I'm gonna shoot out two fricking watermelons out of me and you're saying it's okay?" I snap at her as I sit upright.

"Lillith, listen to me. It's going to be okay. Every mother feels like this but I'll be there for you, okay?" She drawls on as she holds my arm to comfort me.

"Two watermelons," Austin whispers as he stares at the screen, mouth agape.

"Both of us. Austin and I. We're going to help you, through the birth of your children and after they're here, okay?" She continues as she glances towards Austin before looking at me once again.

"Okay, I trust you, Doc. Thank you," I nod with a small smile. Although there's apart of me that continues to be frightened, I just knew it'll be okay. I have Austin and Samantha to help me.

But what takes me with surprise is when I hear two little heartbeats echo through my ears. Freezing, I gape at the screen. She's turned the volume on as I hear two little heartbeats echo through, making me realise they're actually real humans.

"Can you hear that?" She smiles.

My heart beats quickly as I gaze at the screen, mixed with so many emotions. What was I actually feeling? True joy and happiness that seeps through me.

Feeling Austin's hand wrap around me, I feel him come closer as he stares. "Wait, those watermelons have heart beats?" He asks the most stupid question known.

"Yes, Austin. Those watermelons do," Samantha confirms his statement.

"Woah, that's crazy," he whispers.

However, his attention snaps onto me. "Those little humans are in me right now?" I ask as I gaze into his eyes.

With a smile, he nods. "They sure are, baby. You're carrying the most beautiful and smartest little creatures known. I'm proud of you for doing this for us," he says as he places a kiss on my forehead.

Taking a moment to suck up and cherish this time, I capture Austin's eyes. I see a whole future with him; our film being created and released, a whole family playing and us being wedded as one.

However, we're cut off suddenly."Now the exciting part," she exclaims excitedly. "The genders!" She continues on.

"Oh, genders. Time to place an identity of them. Make it real now, won't you?" Austin says with a click of his tongue.

Smiling with a roll of her eyes, she turns away as she grabs two papers and a pen. "I already know of them so I'm going to give it to you and you can read them,"

Nodding, I wait nervously. I didn't know what it could be. Either a girl and boy. Or either two girls or two boys. Many options and my mind wanders through.



So what do you think they'll be?

𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 {𝐀.𝐁}Where stories live. Discover now