Chapter Two

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The day I had to meet my co-workers is something I was looking for all day. It was the time where I had to meet the people I will be working with for the next year and a half as we produced this new movie.

I've met Baz, and a few other people who were supposed to play fangirls. However, I haven't met any major actors that are set to play in the movie.

With this being the first meeting, we had to meet up for a picnic, food being organised to chat and get to know each other. Now, I wasn't always a fan of people but this was an exception. I had to make the most of this role and movie.

I had to play with the rules. Had to get to know my co-workers and try to make the best movie of the century. We were playing the life of Elvis Presley after all.

It had to be spectacular, amazing, something my father would also be proud of. I couldn't let down my father who absolutely adored Elvis.

Curling away my hair from my face, my hazelnut curls manage to stay calm. My sapphire-lit irises stare into the mirror, gazing back at me, and my blue floral dress flowing down my toned body. I had to be presentable, as well as be comfortable in this hot weather in Australia, Queensland.

My home town.

"Okay, Lily. You're beautiful. Amazing. A one of a kind woman who can make everyone proud. You've got this," I say into the mirror. I had to play the best Priscilla since she will be watching after all. I couldn't let her down at all.

Turning away, I grab my purse with my belongings and head out of my home. It's not as big as those famous celebrities, but I never preferred those types. The small types of places were my kind of thing.

Even the drive to the park was nice.

I blast some Elvis, 'Wonder Of You', to get into my character or warm up to the idea. The vibe was immaculate, however, all I see is people with bewildered expressions. Just wait until they see me on screen...

Parking was easy since not many people come to this particular park. But this day seemed unusual as people are crowded around. Near a lakes edge, it was spectacular but isolated for people with picnics and fishing in boats for dinner. It was nice and neat.

Crowded. It was crowded with many kids and parents, as well as my co-workers who manage to sit on benches and eat sandwiches and play Rugby. I felt like family instantly.

But what I really wonder was; who really is going to play Elvis himself?

"Lillith! Lily! Over here," Baz shouts from one bench, waving his hands.

With a smile striking my painted lips, I walk over to him. He was underdressed compared to yesterday but this seemed a little surreal and unprofessional which was way better. I felt at ease.

"Baz. Finally, I thought I got lost for a second!" I laugh gently as I hug him gently. He was warm from the sun. He smelt like honey and lavender, a lovely mix as we finally let go of one another.

He laughs, shaking his head gently. "Nah, you're a smart girl. Anyways, you have to meet the crew. Everyone is lovely. You'll get used to them easily, considering you're you," he smiles as he gently smacks my shoulder.

I nod with a smile. Hopefully they did like me because I didn't want to have enemies on this set. It'll be a nightmare since I would have to work with them for the next year and a half. So what could I possibly do if they hated me?

"Tom Hanks. The Colonel," Baz introduces the Tom Hanks himself. With a grey shirt and pants, he truly looked exactly like those in the movies. Starstruck was an understatement. I was shocked with wide eyes and my mouth wide open. I couldn't believe it.

"You're Tom Hanks!" I squeal unexpectedly. I never do. What on earth am I doing? I just didn't want to embarrass myself in front of the man I've watched so many movies of.

With a laugh, he instantly pulls me in for a hug. "You're Lillith Avery!" He mocks me. He knows me? He knows my name? What a great start to the day.

"You know me?" I gawk at him.

"Well, Baz told me. Told me you're a tremendous girl and I can see that," he smiles down into my eyes. Lord, have mercy. I couldn't believe I was going to act in front of Tom Hanks, considering he was famous and was way more professional than I truly was.

"Okay, that's enough Tom Hanks. You need to leave some excitement for the rest of the crew," Baz chuckles as he pulls me away from Tom with my arm. But my eyes remain glued onto him, clearly mesmerised by this actor.

"The hell is she doing here?" The sane familiar deep raspy voice captures my attention. Eyes snapping away from Tom, they land onto the same pair of oceanic blue eyes I met yesterday. "She didn't even get me water yesterday, you think she can get me some today?" He snaps as he eyes Baz and I.

Glaring, I take a step back. "Austin. This is the Priscilla to your Elvis, mate," he introduces us as he gestures between us. No, it couldn't be...

"No, you've got to be kidding me," I blurt out as I stare at Baz. "No, I can't work with this...Austin dude," I snap as I gesture back at a glaring man who seems like he wanted to attack me. He sure would've if Baz wasn't here.

"The only time I'll agree with her. I can't work with her either," Austin snaps as he gestures back to me before maintaining eye contact with Baz.

"Wait, let me get this straight. You've met before? And not even a day later, you hate eachother? What even happened?" Baz elaborates, asking, as he looks between us, clearly annoyed.

"Don't ask me. Ask him," I shrug as I point towards him. I catch him dead on, watching as his face falls and eyebrows scrunch up. He hated the way I cornered, as I can tell, but I didn't even know why he suddenly hated me. Why he would treat me like I was below him, someone without clear value.

Sighing, he shakes his head. "No...I don't hate her. Hate is a harsh word. Dislike is more like it," the words flow off his lips. "I don't need to explain myself. There's something about her I don't like and I have the right to remain silent," he snaps as if he's being interviewed or held against his own will.

I seriously still didn't understand his dislike towards me. But if that was the case, I disliked him as well. If he was going to treat me that way, I'll give him his own taste of medicine. It was sure bitter as well, as bad as I can make it.

"Guys, you have to figure this out. You'll be working with each other for the next year and a half on this movie, and even worse, each others' love interests," Baz intrudes as he shakes his head at him.

However, I see Austin's face give in. He hated the idea, but we had to remain professional if we wanted to make this movie great. "Whatever, fine. She can be the Priscilla to my Elvis." he flinches to the words, jaw ticking suddenly.


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