Chapter Eleven

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Hands intertwined, Austin's hand pulls me off the small white wall until my feet land onto the concrete floor. I pull my black hoodie over my hazelnut curls that cascade down my shoulders.

Gazing around, I see a few people glancing around as they try to find the two movie stars that caught their attention. I spot many with black cameras in their hands as they huddle in large groups from across the street.

"Austin, they'll find us," I say as quickly stand beside him. He was also wearing a black hoodie to cover his black locks.

"No, they won't. Trust me?" He asks. His lips turn into a small smile as his hand squeezes mine, sending butterflies to my stomach. His eyes gaze down onto me as he pulls me close and plants a kiss.

"You know, you're basically implying everyone to take photos and post them. Baz won't be happy with this," I shake my head as my hands rest on his chest. His hands rest around my waist as he holds me close, face inches away from mine. "We're not being so subtle,"

"And? Do we have to always hide away?" He asks. "Can't I kiss my girl in public? Is that such a huge secret?" He continues.

"If we were a normal couple then yes, it would've been okay. But we're not. Everyone wants a glimpse of us, Austin," I sigh as I shake my head. It was true. Everyone wanted a piece of candy that was rather known as us.

"That's sad. Cause I can think of a few things I would've loved to do to you in public," he smirks. My eyebrows raise as his hand twirls me around. "I would've danced with you," he says as a smile cracks onto my lips. "I would've skipped with you as we hummed to our favourite song," he continues on as he cracks into a small skip.

With a laugh, I shake my head. However, what really takes our attention is when the paparazzi's heads snap into the direction we were in. We were in big trouble now as the large group of paps begin stumbling over to us like hawks.

Shouting, screaming, they all wanted us to look at them. With that, I feel Austin's hand grip mine as our legs begin to stumble away from the large group. It was all chaos as each individual starts flashing their cameras in our direction.

"Austin! Lillith! Over here!" They scream.

"They're dating now? They're holding hands!" Another questions curiously.

"They're running! Quick, we have to reach them!" Another screams with their black camera in their left hand.

Rushing with mighty speed, I try to keep up with Austin. However, with his rather long legs, it was hard to. "Austin, I can't run that fast!" I screech in between my breath. "I have asthma!" I scream as I realise that this is bad for my health.

"Hold on, baby! Make the turn," he yells as he jolts me to the left. People remain running behind us, but what takes me off guard is when I feel myself jolt into a small corner in between two buildings.

"I can't breathe," I whisper in between breaths as my head leans back. "I need my puffer or I'll pass out," I continue.

"Oh God, do you have it with you?" He says, as he pounces into my bag. "Shit, shit, shit. Are you stupid? What kind of asthmatic person doesn't carry it with them?" He snaps as he scavenges through my bag, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm sorry. We were in a fricking hurry and I didn't have time to pick it up," I whisper snap as I glance down on him.

"Sorry, this is stressing me out. There's a pharmacy down the street. We have to try to get there without them noticing us. Can you do that, Doll face?" He asks as his eyes finally meet my own one's.

"I can try," I whisper as I feel my legs about to buckle.

"Let me carry you," he says as his arms wrap around my body and hold me. I lay in his arms as I try to regain my breath. Truly, why did I have to be born with this stupid thing where if I run a little, I'll faint in a matter of minutes? "We've got this," he whispers as his legs begin to run into the direction of the pharmacy.

I feel like it takes forever as he sprints, his breathing harsh against my body. Black blotches carry my vision as I keep trying to suck in deep breaths. I had to try. I didn't want to die like this anyways.

"Austin, Lillith!" They scream again.

They've found us.

Austin's head snaps in their direction, his eyes rolling and eyebrows furrowing. "Shit, I have to run faster," he whispers, as he continues to run, his breath harsh. "F*cken hell this is hard. I should work out more," he continues on, earning a brief smile from my own lips.

"I like you the way you are," I smile.

He looks down onto me, a small smile attaching as he rolls his eyes sarcastically. "You really want me to attack you with kisses right now?" He whispers as he places a quick kiss onto my cheek.

It happens so quickly as they swarm us. Their large bodies swarm us as the cameras flash in all different directions. It felt like a nightmare as my tortured soul feels the weight of Hollywood.

"Move!" Austin exclaims as I feel my body jerk side to side. "I said, move!" He continues as he shoves the large men to the side. I stare up into the light, his face being the only source of hope for me.

Pulling, shoving, and cries. It's all too quick as I feel them shove me in all sorts of directions. However, I felt safe within Austin's arms. He held me tightly to his body, as he continues to get hurt for me.

"Austin," I harshly breathe as I try to calm my breathing. It's no use though as all these people make it worse for me. They really know how to pull on my hair and body as I stay tucked in his arms.

That's when it happens. It happens all too fast as I feel my body fall onto the concrete ground. The sudden slam to my body jerks me forward as I feel the blood pound in my ears and heart. Even my breathing wasn't okay as I couldn't control it at all.

The cameras blinded me. It's a small hole that reflects the beauty of the sky, but the surrounding people with cameras blinding my vision pulls me into reality. It suffocates me as I feel like I'm drowning onto a chaotic world of anger.

"Austin!" I scream. My hands pull over my head, trying to protect myself as I feel the lights blind my burning soul. I pull my knees to my chest, the tears staining my burning cheeks and heart pounding like it has ran a marathon.

"Lillith!" I hear his voice. The warmth spreads through me as I see my guardian angel glide over me. I stare up, trying to catch his large hand but it wasn't any use. Another man grabs his hand instead as he shoves him back.

I watch as Austin shove the man back. "I said, f*cking move!" Austin screams. "I said everyone move the f*ck back!" He screams with such force that the cameras stop with their blinding lights.

It all dies down with his voice. His hand reaches for mine, pulling me up and doing me the favour of holding me once again to his chest. "Austin, I can't breathe," I whisper as I feel myself fall into the pit of darkness. It was all too much to my small body to handle.

"No, Lillith. Don't do this to me. Stay awake!" Austin exclaims. It was the last thing I heard as I slip back into the darkness. The darkness holds me captive to its will but all I can see is his face within my own mind. He held my mind, always lurking in every corner.

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