Chapter Sixteen

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The night after our talk was the worst. All I kept thinking was of Austin and what I could've done to change it. It was these damn insecurities of all those moments I was perceived in the media.

The media was something I struggled with. I could hardly find someone I truly liked without them running off. I was either a slut in their eyes or a useless woman who didn't deserve anything.

But after the tragedy of my father, I also became the fatherless girl. These kind of things actually hurt me because my life revolved around it and there was no escape from that kind of reality.

The one person I really relied on and trusted with my whole heart was also someone who perceived me like that. I really thought I could've had a chance at a proper relationship without this kind of crap interfering between us both.

Oh, how I was wrong, though.

To add onto my luck today, I sit on the bathroom floor as I feel my body hurl all my insides into the toilet. I definitely think this is food poisoning, considering I ate alot today without consideration of my diet and how I could lose weight.

Hurling, I feel pale and dizzy. I hated how weak and truly disgusting I felt. I mean, I had a day off tomorrow so thank God, I would be able to sleep in anyways. But just the icky feeling and blunt thoughts was enough to send a flood of tears down my pale cheeks.

"Oh God, dad. What the hell is wrong with me? I don't feel so good," I whisper.

The thing is, I didn't know who to call. My dad wasn't here anymore. Austin, I just couldn't face him. My mother, she'll use me all over again. And there wasn't anyone I could possibly talk to. But Baz.

Grabbing my phone, I slide on his contacts name, hoping he'll pick up. Considering it's midnight, I seriously doubted he would. To my luck, his voice suddenly rings through my ears. Relief washes over me as I sigh.

His voice is groggy, assuming he just woke up from his slumber. "Hello?"

"Baz, I'm so sorry for calling this late," I quickly apologise as I prepare myself.

"No, no. It's fine. What's up? Are you okay?" He asks, his voice holding panic.

"Sorta, and no," I say. Feeling the agitated bile, I manage to throw out the last of my remains in the toilet. "Well, that's your answer. I'm sorry," I whisper. I truly felt bad for Baz as he had to hear the worst of my sickness.

"You don't sound fine. I'm coming over right now," he says without a doubt. With that, I hear the other line go dead and I'm left alone with my thoughts.

Relief washes over me as I realise I won't be alone. I just couldn't handle this without someone beside me. As much as I wanted Austin beside me, I couldn't. Baz had been like a father figure to me for the past few weeks so I knew I could count on him to always show up.

Hearing the doorbell ring, I quickly scatter away from the bathroom. My legs work their way to the front door and I open the door to reveal Baz in his grey trackies, assuming he just woke up from his deep and peaceful slumber.

In his hands, there's hazelnut chocolate and some other treats. "You just happened to go to the store at this time?" I ask with a small smile.

He chuckles. "Nah. I already had these at home. Thought these could help sober you up a little," he shrugs as he walks in, feeling like at home.

I close the door behind, ambling past him as I grab some ingredients to make some tea for us. "In case I haven't said this before, Baz, I'm really thankful. I just didn't know who to call," I say, hoping I didn't sound as desperate.

"No, it's fine, Lils," he waves me off. "On set, after set, we're family and family always show up," he smiles as he places the chocolate and treats on the white kitchen bench. "But seriously, what happened?" He asks curiously as he takes a seat on the benchs' chair.

"I seriously don't know. I've been like this for the past month. Throwing my insides out, eating like a damn pig and feeling the absolute worst," I shrug my shoulders. "I've been doing everything but I don't know anymore," I say.

"Hm, that sounds bad. Tell you what? Why not binge some Vampire Diaries as we eat chocolate and relax?" He asks with a smirk engrained on his lips.

With that, I feel the smile erupt on my face. I nod as we continue to make our way to the living room with our food. I plop down on the couch and turn on Netflix, playing our favourite show.

"So, Stelena or Delena?" He asks as he eyes me with a small smile.

"No, you're going to go off at me!" I laugh as I shake my head. "Everyone does," I continue to eat the chocolate.

"I'm serious! I won't judge, Lils," he says as I can already feel the judgement.

"Fine, it's Delena," I hide in shame.

"No, you did not-" his eyes widen.

"You said you won't judge me, Baz!" I hide my face behind my hands.

"I'm not judging! It's just that, come on? They're the most toxic couple," he argues as he takes a bite of the chocolate, savouring the taste.

"And? That's what makes the show more interesting. There's always drama. Plus, it shows how much they care for eachother, considering they're willing to fight and grow together," I argue back, trying to make my point.

"Oh, get a grip! Have you seen Stelena? They're the absolute sweetest couple," Baz says as he shakes his head. "Unlike Damon who clearly can't get a grip," he rolls his eyes as he looks at me again.

"No, thanks. That's just boring. Without drama, you won't have all these emotions that they bring out of you. It's fun," I shrug my shoulders.

"You're just lame. See!" He points to the screen where Stelena was being affectionate. "That's cute. Damon showing his love by yelling at her? Not so cute," he argues as he shrugs his shoulders before looking at me again.

"The only person who's lame is you."


Delena or Stelena?

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