Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Austin's POV:

It's three whole days since Lillith slipped into that coma. Three whole days since I've lost my mind, nothing but the pure thought that Lillith might not even wake up. I tried to not think it but I couldn't help those thoughts.

Walking to her room with two grilled cheese sandwiches in brown bags and another two orange juices, I take a seat in the most uncomfortable seat. It was something I got used to for the last three days; a usual habit I'm used to.

Sighing, my eyes fall onto her. So pale, barely breathing as she depends on the machines. Dark bags under eyes, once pink lips melting with butter and so full of life; now so lifeless. Oh, how I wished she would open her blue eyes.

"Hi, baby," I whisper; hoping.

My legs buckle beside her, hands holding hers as I wanted her to feel my presence. I might not mean that much to her but she meant the world to me. I was once too blind to see what I had in front of my very own eyes.

"Third day in your coma. Please, push through this for me. They have given the baby another three weeks of life before they have to take him out. I know you don't want him, but maybe, maybe you changed? It's your choice–not pressuring you," I say with a small shrug and hope lingering within.

"There's also some other bad news. Baz is trying to push the procedure but the company wants to replace you. Please, wake up. You're irreplaceable, my darling girl," my trembling voice says.

Sighing, I take in a deep breath. I wasn't the guy with patience but with her, I had to at least try. I didn't want her to wake up and show that I haven't changed into a better man. I wanted to be a better man, for her and for myself.

I truly stare at her.

I wish she was a book, so I could flip through her pages and underline all my favourite parts about her. I would fold the corners and come back to that, telling my friends about all the great things I knew her for.

I would place her on my bookshelf next to my bed where I would come to escape reality and dream about all the things that truly make me the happiest. The happiest I could be with her, the daring sunshine that brought glee to my of darkest days.

I would read her over and over again, take her everywhere I go because she would make me happy with how she chose her words, flowing through paper and melting my cold heart.

I can't fathom the thought that I would have to survive the world without her in my arms. I can't even imagine a world without her in it because I couldn't remember the days she never was in them.

She held the beauty of the sun right in her hands, a natural glow seeping from her skin, while her eyes captured the essence of the deep blue ocean, specks of shallow and deep water cast within.

I just couldn't think about it at all.

Grabbing my latest IPhone, I click onto the Twitter icon and feel the anger burn within my veins. The fact that she could leave, her and my child due to the violent people at our side. How they truly didn't care about our well-being but money that they could grasp.

'You all should be ashamed of yourself.'

Simple but effective. I have to make the statement that these people have truly ruined our lives. Like I understand this is apart of Hollywood but it shouldn't be. People should be able to live their lives while making others the happiest.

But coming to my senses, I manage to scroll through tweets that mention myself, Lillith and our unborn child. So, so many capture my attention.

'Lillith pregnant with Austin's child? I guess that whole hating charade was meant for publicity for the movie. It's probably going to be wack anyways.'

'Despising Lillith right now. Like couldn't I have Austin's child? I swear I'll be the perfect house wife, even mother for his unborn children. On my knees, begging.'

'Whole movie is gonna be trash. Austin can't act. Lillith is just seeking attention through him. And Baz can't even direct. Have you seen his other films? Trash.'

Rolling my eyes, I turn my phone off and lean back onto the chair. Now, what the hell was I supposed to do without her? Today is even my day off and I knew for a fact that I wanted to spend it with her–all day and every day.

"So," I tap my shoe. "I'm evil, evil, evil as can be," I mumble, nodding my head with the song. "So, I know you can't hear me, well, they said you can, but I don't know. I know I'm being annoying but–" I sigh loudly as I rake my hair.

Standing up, I pave up and down because I'm truly bored. I knew I had to be patient with her, but these three days were truly boring. I even imagined all the things I wanted to do with her.

However, what truly takes me off guard is when I hear the machines beep even louder than before. A loud and abnoxious sound that rattles me to the absolute core and bones.

Heart dropping, my attention falls onto her before snapping onto the two nurses and doctors who filter in quickly. It happens so quickly, all of them filtering in with so much speed that I'm left there trying to process what's happening to her.

"Patient one. Heart rate is beginning to drop!" The oldish woman with greying hair and thick round glasses exclaims.

"Sir, you have to leave now," the other nurse who happens to be around my age exclaims, trying to pull me away.

"No, what's happening?" I exclaim. My attention has spiked as I frantically look around, heart pounding in my ears as I watch the two nurses assist the doctors.

"No time for answers. The patient is on the process of heart failure. You must exit the room before I call security," she continues to speak, no emotion attached to her face or even her voice.

"No, you don't understand. She can't be. She was just fine!" I exclaim, as I brush away her hands from me. My eyes remain trained onto Lillith who remains lifeless on her ivory bed.

"She will be fine. But you need to leave the room or else she won't. You do understand the consequences, sir?" She tries once again, gripping my arms.

"Lillith!" I exclaim loudly. "Wake up–" I try to speak my sentence. However, my attention is caught by a bulky security guard who ambles into the room.

"You're coming with me, mate," he says.

With that, he grabs me by the arms and pulls me right out of her room. "No, you don't understand. I have to be there when she wakes up! She'll wake up when she knows I'm there!" I yell.

Pulling me onto the nearest waiting room, he pushes me onto the chair. "You try to fight and I swear I'll leave a bruise on that eye. Actor or not, this is a serious emergency that needs to be done," he says as he folds his arms against his broad chest, filtered with rather large and black tattoos.

Sighing, I tap my foot anxiously on the tile of the waiting room. Heart failure? No, she can't die like that. We had so much to do together– a whole life to live with love and happiness.

"Please, wake up."


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