Chapter Thirty-One

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Grabbing Austin's hand, I feel unsure. I didn't know what I had missed for the last three days but I know it was Austin performing for the movie since he only told me that.

I take a step out of the hospital room that I've been in for the last three days and take in my true surroundings. There's so many doctors, nurses, patients and family members scattered around.

However, my eyes fall onto a small child with chartreuse green eyes and curly gold locks that casade down to his shoulders. He looked to be around a year old, tucked in his mother's arms.

"Look how cute," I whisper as I gaze with a small smile. Is this how it's going to be like? To have my own little me tucked in my arms, a little person who depends on me to survive?

Austin's eyes also fall onto him, a small smile also forming on his. "Just imagine a little mix of us walking around," he says as he pulls my attention to him.

"Hm, yeah? That'll be even more cute," I shrug my shoulders with a small laugh.

"It will, considering he'll have your curls," he whispers as he inches closer and twirls a curl around his index finger. I stare up into his eyes as my hands wrap around his waist.

"You don't know that," I whisper.

"But I'm hoping he will. He'll be the cutest little lion with that mane," he smirks as he watches my mouth fall open with my eyebrows raised slightly.

"So you're saying I look like Simba? That I have the hair of a lion?" I act offended.

He jokingly glances away with a click of his tongue and mouth tight in a smirk. "I mean..." he tries before I smack his chest lightly with a small scrunch of my nose.

"That's not fair. It's really hard to manage this hair every single day. Give me some credit, princess," I say with a roll of my eyes as I point to my apparent large lions mane.

"But come on. Wouldn't it be cute? He'll have our eyes, have your lions mane–"

"He better not have your attitude, Mister, or I'm stuffing him right back in," I say as point my index finger right at him.

"Not you treating our child like a sausage–" he tries with a laugh.

"You're comparing him already to a lion and sausage? Bro? Come on," I roll my eyes as I fold my arms against my chest.

"What's so bad about that–" he tries.

"It's a sausage!" I exclaim with a huff.

"Well, you're saying you'll stuff him right up and sausages get stuffed with meat–"

"I know how they're stuffed– no, why are we even talking about this?" I snap with a small smile attached to my lips.

"Cause you brought up the concept of a lion and sausage and I'm just–" he tries once again with a wide smirk.

"Stop it!" I shake my head with a laugh.

"Oh, come on!" He smiles as he ruffles my hair. "What's so bad about this birds nest? You pull off any hairstyle," he says.

"Birds nest? Bro, come on! You're just making it worse right now–" I exclaim as I slap away his hands from my hair.

"You're a tough cookie. You survived all that crap, can't you survive a few insults about this lions mane?" He smirks as he gestures to it once again.

"You really know how to compliment a woman, don't you?" I sarcastically add. "And tough cookie? Who says that?" I laugh as I shake my head slightly.

"It's just my charm, baby," he smiles with a shrug of his left shoulder. "How else did I pull you?" He says as he slings his arm around my shoulders. "And tough cookie? Well, I say that now. Let's just say that you're my little tough cookie,"

"No, it was definitely not your humour–ew," the realisation hits. "I am not a tough cookie. That's just cringe," I wave him off with my left hand.

"What else should I say? You're my doll face? My baby? My sausage? My lady with the lions mane, even birds nest?" He lists all the pet names before I slap his chest harshly and roll my eyes.

"No, don't say those. That's just cringe. Doll face is fine since I'm used to it, but the rest? I think not!" I exclaim as I gesture my finger out like a mother lecturing her son about time curfew.

"Oh, come on, sausage–"

"Mr and Mrs Butler?" The same doctor with grey hair and thick round glasses says as she ambles over to us.

Attention snapping away from Austin, a smile attaches to my face politely. Mrs Butler? That's new but I didn't care to correct her since she had important news that I desperately wanted to hear.

"Yes, I'm she. Is everything okay?" I ask.

My heart frantically beats, worried for the news that's about to come. However, to calm my nerves, Austin wraps his hand around mine and holds me closer.

"Okay, great news!" Relief washes through me. "Your baby is perfectly healthy. Just continue to procedure like every pregnant mother goes through. Continue to go to your ultrasounds and make sure you're okay," she continues.

Austin and I both nod. "And secondly, you're fine," she smiles. "We completed those tests and there's no more damages to your ribs, face and brain. We managed to sort everything out. However, you just need to take it easy these next eight weeks," she says as she adjusts her glasses and holds her clipboard tightly.

"Oh, thank God. Thank you so much, doctor," I say as I shake her hand.

"Thank you so much. And I'm sorry for being such a pain in the ass back there," Austin says sheepishly as he shakes her hand and earns a laugh from her.

"No, it's completely normal. I would've been worried if you didn't act like you did," she says as she tucks her hand back and smiles between the both of us.

"Will I be able to act?" I ask desperately.

"Yes. Just take it either on set but other than that, you're perfectly capable to. One more thing," she drags on. "Since you're married, it's easier for Austin to take care of you. He just needs to keep an eye on you in case of anything," she says as she glances between us both.


That's why they called me Mrs Butler and why they said I was requesting my husband. It's because Austin said in the first place we're married to eachother.

"And if we're not living with eachother?" Austin drifts off as he wonders for an answer from the doctor.

"Then I suggest you do. Lillith, she's had a tough accident and even though she capable of doing many things, she needs a helping hand from you. If not, I can always suggest an aid for her–"

"No, that's perfectly fine. She's staying with me," Austin butts in quickly.

"Just for a few weeks, then she'll be okay to do everything on her own. Is that okay, Lillith?" Her attention falls on me.

I stand frozen in my spot. I mean, wouldn't that be a good idea? I have a helping hand from Austin with the baby and if anything happens, it's easier. He's also closer to set so I won't have to rush.

Plus...I get to stay with him.

"Yeah, I would like that," the words tumble from my lips. "I'll like that very much actually," I continue as I gaze at a smiling Austin, bright and pure.

A smile forms onto my lips as his arm slips around my shoulders and pulls me closer to his body. "Then it's settled. Thank you, Doc," he smiles brightly.

Thanking her one more time, she heads off to her other duties. Austin and I stand there, watching her leave before his attention falls back onto me again.

"So, my little cookie," he trails off with a small smirk. "Wanna go home now?" He asks as he looks down into my eyes.

"I thought you'll never ask, princess."


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