Chapter Forty-Seven

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Austin's POV

The burning bright candle has died out.

I sit on the waiting chair in front of Lillith's door as I slouch forward, hands holding each other and staring forward towards her door. I still have the smallest hope that she will emerge from this and come straight through this door and right into my arms. 

I hope that God hasn't written down her time now and hope he would bring her back to me. I hope that with my sins, he would still take pity on me and bring back the love of my life. He can see my suffering and how my heart aches and burns for her. I couldn't bare the thought that I lost my soulmate and in this life, I believed that we all just had one.

Sam is beside me as her hand rests on my shoulder. She's speaking to me but I can't make out a single word - in fact, I did not want to. I wanted to stay in my own zone and focus on what I have lost. What God has given me and ripped away from me in a mere blink of an eye. I mean, couldn't he bring about a miracle and bring her to me once again?

The security guards are no where in sight, Carolina and Baz are still downstairs as they are aware of what's happening. For all I know, they're waiting and hoping she will come down. The nurse and Ryder, even the two doctors have left. 

Everything is so fuzzy in my mind. I couldn't process what was even happening. 

Everyone has left me. I'm all alone to defend myself and my children from the evil of this world. How could I even defend Calen and Sophia when I couldn't even think straight. The second I walk out of this hospital room, that's when the challenges with my kids start. I didn't know how to be a single parent and I'm sure scared for it all.

"Samantha. Room 1610. Heart has spiked!" The third doctor shouts as he barges out of the door of Lillith's room and into my sight. That captures my attention, shocking me from my wild and untamed thoughts.

My attention is caught by Sam and the third doctor who rush back into the room, leaving me rattled to the core. I stand up, heart racing as I rush along with them into the room. I watch the moniter of her heart begin to spike, one by one, leaving me gasping for oxygen.

My eyes widen to the size of eggs, breathing speeding as my heart races. I stare at Lillith's hand as I realise her pinkie twitch and raise shakily. I watch her lips release another gasp as her eyes shock open, slapping to mine as she stares at me with wide eyes. 

We both stare at each other with wide eyes.

"I managed to shock her. All it took was one more shock and I got her heart to start," the third doctor, Mason, who I assumed by his name tag, voices informally. "Quick, we need to run some tests and make sure she's okay. Bring them in," he continues to shout orders to Samantha.

I watch them continue to run tests and make sure she's okay. I stand there with wide eyes, mouth agape as I try to process what actually happened. All it took was one more chance from Dr Mason to make sure she would be revived. Luckily, that worked perfectly.

They also continue to ask Lillith questions but I could tell she didn't want to listen. Her eyes remain glued onto mine, as we stare each other down, and I realise we're the only ones here. The world has faded around us, leaving us in a single clear globe. Even the colour to my canvas begins to flow with colour as it paints the world in a variety of mesmerising colours.

The side of my lip ticks into a small smile.

I feel the weight of the world shift from my shoulders. With God finally bringing her back to me, I let go of the breath I was holding in. She was the light to my darkness. She was the colour to my dull canvas that had no colour, black and white covered onto it.

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