Chapter Five

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The red carpet consisted of two main events; one being before the shooting of the movie and another for the release of the movie. I was excited for both.

These main events always brought excitement coursing through my veins as I got to see so many fans who appreciated and adored you for who you are. I adored each of them myself.

I loved the lights, the appreciation and everything that came with these events. Especially meeting other actors, connections in where I could possibly get new roles for new movies I wanted.

Hollywood was all about connections.

To pull it off, my stylist, Andrea, styled me into her ultimate design of the year. The Blake Lively dress that was never worn but admired through her Instagram. It was spectacular with it's vital patterns and colours of blue and silver illuminating against the lights.

Even my hair and makeup matched the dress perfectly with blue and silver eyeshow, and clear lip gloss to pull it off. The whole thing was something I looked forward since I tried it on last month.

I had to make a statement. Make that statement that I was the actress playing Priscilla Presley in the biopic of Elvis. I needed to make that statement, making history for the next century.

Snapping a few photos for my Instagram to be posted later, I turn on my heel with a gleaming smile and head for the exit. The lights remain on me as I leave my home, the overwhelming paps deciding to snap my every move as I enter into my black van for the whole event.

The best part was that Harry Styles was already inside the vehicle. He was waiting for me, dashing in his dark blue suit to match my dress and hair styled into swift curls to the side. He smiles.

"You're Harry Styles," I gleam. My eyes rake down him to absorb this feeling and moment. I shouldn't be fangirling over my PR date when he should be considered my real one to the public but I couldn't help it.

"And you're Lillith Avery, aren't you? My supposedly girlfriend for this event, or even more?" He smirks as his eyes rake down my body, absorbing my appearance. Am I dreaming right now?

A blush creeps onto my cheeks. Even painted with makeup, it was obvious. "Yes. And I'm sorry. I really should keep myself together for this event," I laugh awkwardly as I adjust into my seat.

"No, no, it's fine. But yeah, it seems like a reasonable plan," he smiles with his pearly whites. "Wouldn't want to give off the vibe that we just met, would we?" He laughs it off, knowing he's right.

"Yeah, you're right," I say with a small smile. His magnificent forest green eyes capture mine, seeping in as he tries to study me. He's got all the right motives for being here. He needs this as well, but did he really with all that fame?

"Are you nervous?" He tries to make small talk with me. I was sure nervous with this. What would everyone think of someone like me with someone like Harry Styles? For sure this will be all over the news in a matter of minutes.

"Nervous is an understatement. I'm terrified," I try to laugh it off.

"Come here then," he says as he pats the seat beside him. Eyes wide, I couldn't believe what I was hearing him. I take the offer quickly, stumbling out of my seat and sitting backwards, beside him.

His hand grips mine, not before a quick 'is this okay?' My heart stumbles as I feel his hand intertwined with mine. He stares down into my eyes as his hand stays intertwined with mine. He had that certain effect from afar, and now it's become even worse. I couldn't breathe whatsoever.

"Did I say how beautiful you are tonight?" He asks. I shake my head. "Well, you are. You're stunning in that dress," he smiles, as his eyes explore my dress once again. He absorbs it all.

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