Chapter Forty-Three

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Two weeks later

Today's the day where Austin and I would tie the knot forever and I couldn't be ever more thrilled. Even though there's nerves all through my belly, I'm a little too excited to walk down the aisle and see him there.

Carolina stands beside me as she adjusts my ivory laced veil strung through my silver tiara. I watch her adjust it and tighten it so it doesn't fall off when I walk down the aisle with her, considering I don't have a father or even a mother to walk me down.

I stare at myself with a laced dress that holds many designs that are strung into beautiful flowers and a laced corset that hugs my waist until it flows down into a fluffy princess dress that feels like feathers. I'm actually in awe.

My pregnant belly is very visible but I couldn't care less. I wanted my children right in those wedding photos. I wanted to see us all together as one big family.

"It's time," the female wedding planner barges in, pointing to her watch.

I nod, feeling the nerves churning. I couldn't believe we were finally doing this or even getting with Austin in the first place. "Are you okay?" Carolina breaks my thoughts, placing her hands onto my shoulders and squeezes.

I stare at her face, all glossy with natural make-up and smile. "I'm okay. Well, a little nervous but I'll be okay," I say with a small smile – I'm terrified. I gesture my hands out to show I am.

"You look serious so I thought you're having second thoughts," she says as she sucks in a deep breath. "But I want you to know, if you are, you've made the right decision marrying him," she says as she smiles brightly.

But was I really?

I take a deep breath as I take a seat, hypervilating. "Okay, say that I was. It's normal, right? I really love him but what if I make the wrong decision?" I ask her as I stare up to her.

"Look, darling," she starts as she takes a seat beside me and places a hand onto my arm. "It's normal to feel like this. You're just scared but it's okay. But don't you deserve to live that fairytale where the girl finds her prince and marries him? Austin is a good man and he's proved that and I know he'll go to lengths to get you back, considering I've seen it first hand," she says as she smiles slightly, eyes squinting.

I sigh, nodding. I really wanted that fairytale type of love. I wanted to be happy without any doubts and worries. Didn't I deserve that kind of happiness?

"I really do want that, Carolina. I'm just scared, that's all. It's a huge decision, but I do feel happy with him. I think that's enough, right?" I ask her again.

"Yeah, I think that's enough. You're happy, safe, you trust him and love him, what more do you need? Let your heart guide you, darling," she smiles lightly as she squeezes my arm slightly.

"Okay, let my heart guide me. Let's get me married. Thank you," I say as I smile and wrap my arms around her. I really did appreciate everything she did for me. She's like a mother and sister all wrapped in one and I love her dearly.

"Anything for you – Lillith, are you okay?" She asks as her eyes widen.

My body jerks forward once again, a pain shooting throughout me before coming to a halt. I place my hand onto my stomach, holding it as I try to find a way to not let it come again. I had no idea what that pain was and I didn't want to know why. I wasn't ready.

"No, I'm fine. I'll go bathroom after. I just want to get married already, okay?" I state as I stand up quickly and get ready to walk down the aisle.

"Okay, whatever you want, darling," she smiles as she slings her arm through mine and guides me towards the entrance to the whole venue. I'm ready for this, I've been ready for a while.

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