Chapter Thirty-Nine

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A wild roller-coaster it was.

From the emotional whirlwind to the adrenaline that rushed through my veins, I felt all different emotions.

I didn't know what else to think on that moment but that simple answer. That answer to my wish that I previously wanted.

One second I was wishing on that lantern for God to unite Austin and I as one and the second, he's on one knee.

I just couldn't believe this at all. The fact that he planned all of this and to make it up for me and our previous dramas.

But with that simple look in his eyes and smile that held a thousand stars, I knew my answer. I knew that one answer that'll change my life and his for the better.

"Yes." I exclaim loudly.

That simple word.

That simple word that had the power to change everything from chaos and drama to delight and happiness in a split second with a large smile on his face.

Smiling ear to ear, I watch Austin rise up without another thought as his arms wrap around my body. I feel his body press against my own, with such force.

Holding my breath I didn't know I'm holding, I grip onto him. I didn't want to let go of this moment or let it slip away. I wanted to remain like this forever.

"She said yes," he repeats over and over again as he slides the diamond ring onto my left marriage finger. My heart flutters as I gaze down onto the beautiful ring held onto my finger.

"I said yes," I confirm his statement.

"You said yes," he says once again as he nods and smiles brightly ear to ear. "Don't get me wrong, I had my doubts you would even consider saying yes but you don't know how glad I am you said that," he exclaims as he releases a long breath and places a hand on his heart.

"Now, why on earth would I say no to you?" I ask as I walk closer and place my hands onto his chest. His hands wrap around my waist and pulls me closer.

"I don't know. Maybe I was a jerk? Insensitive, arrogant, and selfish?" He rambles on as he casually shrugs his shoulders and gazes down onto me.

"Well, yes at first. But you proved me wrong Austin Butler," I smile up at him. "You're considerate, kind, selfless, handsome and a one of a kind man, princess," I name all characteristics as I trace his lips gently and delicately.

"You really think so, Doll face?" He asks.

"Oh, I know so," I say with a sly smirk.

Grabbing my hand, he leads me to the open green grass that lays under the twinkling stars high above in the night sky. The blanket of black sky holds so much mystery but beauty within.

With a mat on it, he tugs me down onto the grass and asks me to lay down. I lay down, taking the full moment to absorb how wonderful and beautiful this scene is right in front of my very eyes.

"So, what do you think, my future bride?" He asks with a small smile as I rest my head on his chest and soak in the moment.

I'm hopelessly devoted to him.

"Hm, I could get used to that to be honest," I say with a small smile as I glance over to him slightly.

As his large hand places itself over mine, I truly felt like a teenage girl again. That teenage girl that loved hopeless romantic books on a rainy day, hoping for the kind of love that sweeped her off her feet.

I felt the kind of love I wished for when I was fifteen and witnessing all these girls getting boyfriends and feeling like the last one who will ever find love.

Now I was truly glad I waited for a kind of love that could truly consume me. I'm glad I pushed all these men away just to spend a evening with Austin under the stars and lanterns as we wait to start our new family together.

"I'm glad I met you," Austin breaks the silence, voice whispering for only me to hear and I feel myself melt once again.

My eyes snap up to see the magnificence of his face. The moon's luminescence shines against his jaw that's sharp and defined as his oceanic blue eyes shine brightly.

"You do? After everything that happened?" I ask curiously.

"After everything that happened, I'm glad I still met you," he whispers as his lips grazes my hand and places a kiss. "I thank God I was able to meet you and go through everything together. Look where it got me; spending an evening next to my bride with our children and under the beauty of the stars," he says.

Heart swelling, I stare up in his eyes and peck his lips gently. I want to savour this moment and take in the beauty of him. He truly meant the world to me, as well as our children growing inside of me.

"I love you, to the stars and back," He whispers.

"And I love you, to the stars and back," I whisper as I lay against his chest. "But seriously, what do you to name the kids?" I ask, curiously as I gaze up.

"Now that, that's a very interesting question," he says as he bops my nose. "Which I won't say cause I want it to be a surprise. FYI, I'm naming our daughter," he says as he casually shrugs his shoulders.

Gasping, I sit up right. "Who gave you the right?" I ask as I cross my arms.

"It's just that, I really want to. I have a name and everything picked out. I want her to be Daddy's little girl," he shyly says as he runs a hand through his hair.

"Daddy's little girl?" I giggle. "That's cute...and new? I never knew that," I say as I poke his arm gently.

"Yeah, keep judging," he rolls his eyes. "It's just that I want to raise her to be like you," his voice lowers as he glances away. "I want her to be independent, strong, creative and a woman who deserves all the love in the world,"

Feeling my mouth fall open, I stare. He wanted her to be like me? I just couldn't fathom the thought he wanted that.

"You really want that?" I ask.

"Yeah, I really do. I want her to be like her mother, better than everyone," he says as he grabs my hands. "You inspire me, you make me better and teach me. I want someone's son to have that in our daughter like I have with you," he says excitedly with a twinkle in his eyes.

Feeling the tears pricking in my eyes, I take a deep breath. I couldn't think straight, how and why he's saying this. I didn't know he even thought this but I know I want my son to be exactly like him, to the absolute core.

Jumping into his arms, I nuzzle my face into his neck as I hold him close. I breath in his masculine scent of the heavens as I feel his arms tighten around my body. I feel his face bury into my neck, pressing against mine and pressing a kiss onto my skin, all sweet and sensitive.

"I love you, to the stars and back." He whispers once again.

And I truly did love him to the stars and back, with my ultimate being.



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