Chapter Seventeen

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With the sun's rays blinding me, my eyes flutter open with an exasperated sigh. It was my day off today from set and I couldn't be happier. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed working on the movie but sometimes I needed a hard break from it.

I've been tired lately, the constant stress of Austin overthinking my mind and my body has felt weak and numb. I just wanted to lay in bed and binge watch 'Jane the Virgin' which sounded like a good plan.

Turning on the TV in front of my bed and watching the TV show, I grab my chocolate from beside the bed and begin to munch on it. I just wasn't in the mood to actually get up and do anything. Knowing me, it was hard to believe since I'm always out and about, working.

My body felt weak and heavy as I continued to eat my hazelnut chocolate and fall hostage to the sweetness of this particular day. It was beautiful outside, the birds chirped and spring breeze blew all day around. It was peaceful.

However, to my luck, my phone begins to ring with its obnoxious ringtone. I sigh and place it on speaker as I stare at the caller ID–no one that I recognised. I should be more careful, considering what happened but I was curious.

"Hello?" I say into the phone's speaker.

"Lillith? It's me, Harry," he says.

Eyes widening, I straighten myself up as I prepare myself to talk to the man of my dreams. He was my celebrity crush after all and I finally had another opportunity to talk to him. But what really catches my attention is the fact, how did he get my number?

"Harry, oh my God. Hi, how are you? How did you get my number? Is everything okay?" The words slip harshly off my tongue as all these negative thoughts pop into my mind.

With a deep chuckle, I could sense the smile through the phone. "No, I'm fine, Lillith. I got your number through Baz. Remember the one who hooked us up for the red carpet?" I hear the actual smirk.

"Oh, yes, him. Sorry, this all slipped my mind recently. I haven't been that well," I say as my head slightly shakes. "But what's up? Is there a reason you're calling me right now?" I curiously ask.

"Uh, yeah, there is. I just wanted to see if you wanted to do something today. I mean, what am I saying? Austin wouldn't be okay with that. I'm sorry, I shouldn't of called," I hear him ramble as the panic surfaces through the phone.

"No, no, no!" I quickly interject. "Actually, we're not together anymore. It would be fine if we hung out abit, I mean, if you're still down for that?" I continue. I mean, Harry was becoming a close friend of mine and Austin didn't have control of the friends I wanted to see or be with.

"Wait, for real?" I sense the surprise. "Wow, I can't believe he let a girl like you go," he says, a smile edged in his voice. With that, I feel the blush rise to my cheeks. "But, I mean, you're down though?" He continues to ask.

"Yeah, for sure. Where to?" I ask.

"It's a surprise, m'lady. Do you trust me?" He asks. But did I actually? Was I ready to hang out with another man that wasn't Austin so soon after the breakup? My heart wasn't ready to move on but I needed sunlight after all these days locked up on set, filming those scenes.

"Yes, I do. Pick me up in an hour?" I say.


Pulling up to the Country Bank Stadium, my eyebrows furrow as I wonder what was the reason that Harry brought me here. I wasn't sure as he pulled open the door and allowed me to step out, with the assistance of his right hand.

Smiling, I take a moment to stare up to the raw beauty of the Stadium and how many people played here. I really appreciated the gesture but I wasn't quite sure why Harry had brought me here. "Harry, what are we doing here?"

"Why not check it out?" He asks as he smirks. I roll my eyes as I continue to follow behind him. I just wasn't sure if I was supposed to be here. I didn't feel comfortable, like I was possibly cheating on Austin. We weren't even together, yet, the guilt was eating me up raw.

He opens the large doors, revealing the beauty of a huge stadium with seats and a large lawn for many celebrities to sing and for rugby league members to play. It was actually beautiful as no one was here and it was only us against the world. But I still wasn't sure if I wanted to be in Harry's presence alone.

"It's beautiful, Harry," I say as I gaze around. It truly was and I wasn't lying. But what takes me off guard is when a group of people with horns and drums come playing in stacks of rows. They're dressed in blue and white uniforms, perfectly ironed, and a hat with a white feather extending outwards to the sky.

Eyes widening, my mouth falls agape. Did Harry do this all for me? What on earth was actually happening right now?

"Harry? What's happening?" I try to say. However, my attention is caught by a certain someone at the top of the bleachers, dressed in a black Prada suit, top to bottom. It wasn't anyone but Austin. The one and only Austin.

"I love you, baby! And if it's quite alright, I need you, baby!" He sings into the microphone. He continues to skip over the bleachers, happily singing with a smile."To warm these lonely nights, I need you, baby!" He continues to sing.

I stand there shocked. My eyes remain wide, mouth agape as I try to process what on earth is happening. So Harry brought me here, helped Austin to try to win me over? Because, what on earth?

With a small dance and gleeful smile, he ambles over to me. "Austin? What on earth is happening? Who are these people? And why are we here?" I continue to ramble the words. I just wasn't sure myself.

"It's all for you," he smiles down onto me. "I just wanted to apologise. I was stupid, reckless and I shouldn't of treated you like that based on people's perceptions of you. I should be the one person who you rely on and trust, and you shouldn't worry anymore. I see you as someone who deserves better, but I'm willing to become better for you," he voices as a small smile tugs on his lips.

"I- Austin. You did this for me? This grand gesture? Oh God, I'm actually so stupid," I shake my head. "You did all of this because of some insecure shit I was going through. I'm glad you owned up to what you did, but thank you," I rant, as a tear slips down my rosy cheeks.

I know I deserved good and I believed so. Austin was willing to try for me and show me that he wanted to become a better man. I shouldn't let some insecure moments of mine determine what relationships I have, or I'll end up with no one. The only thing I was glad for, was how he owned up to his mistakes.

Throwing myself for a hug, I dig myself deep his arms. I know how weak I am to fall hostage so quickly after a breakup, but I didn't know how to stay away. This just showed me he was able to become a better man and how I shouldn't ruin my chances based on my insecurities.


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