Chapter Forty-Four

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I feel my lungs burn from the amount of breathing techniques I push through. I feel the tears soak down my rosy and powdered cheeks that rush like a roaring waterfall into the depths of my pores, holding me hostage against my will and allowing a scream to escape.

My brain is consumed with the dramatic and profound pain that radiates through my body, holding me against my own will and pushing my body to the absolute core. I knew this was bound to happen but I did not recognise and acknowledge how painful it would be.

Jolts of electrifying pain zaps within my veins as I grip Austin's hand. I hold him, pushing my pain on his hand; a scream piercing my ears from his lips as I continue to squeeze him. He falls to the ground, on his knees as I squeeze his hand senseless. I feel bad, don't get me wrong, but at the moment, I couldn't care less. All I cared was about this roaring pain that jolts within my veins, down to my stomach.

"Oh God, this is happening. It's really happening!" Austin exclaims.

My eyes snap onto him, watching as his face folds into panic and fear. Everyone around us is also abuzz as they watch the scene unfold in front of their very eyes, Carolina and Baz rushing to my aid to comfort and calm me down but I sure couldn't do that at all.

"Baz, we have to take her to the hospital now," Carolina snaps with fear also enveloping her face, eyes wide and lips trembling. I watch as she looks over to Baz as he glances between everyone, also feeling light and abuzz with the sudden situation that I'm put in.

I should've known something like this would've happened. Of course I'm not that lucky to have a normal wedding day, I was never lucky. Who was I kidding? I'm officially married with two children on the way on my exact wedding day. An anniversary.

Baz nods, mumbling words of comfort as Austin and Baz hold me by my arms and lead me towards the car. My attention is caught by Austin who looks at me with frantic and wide eyes, madness seeping from his roots and how he trembles underneath my touch. "Oh, God, it's really happening right now," he continues to repeat, chest hyperventilating. "I'm going to be a dad-"

I couldn't care on what happens with the guests, assuming they've left or madness has descended upon them, as well as curiosity. The bride's water breaking after tying the knot? Now, that's a first you know hear about any day, or ever within society. All I can think of is the two watermelons threatening to explode at any moment right now.

Austin slips me into Baz's car, sliding in beside me without leaving my hand. I sit beside him, the pain softening but still in tact. "Look at me, baby," Austin breaks my thoughts as his hand grips my hand and squeezes it to capture my attention; it works perfectly.

"I'm looking," I breathe, eyes fighting to stay wide awake and threatening to sink into a deep slumber, to never wake up again. "I'm still here, still here," I repeat, exhausted. "Distract me. Tell me a story to distract me," I breathe, begging for mercy to stop this pain.

"A story? Babe, I don't know if this is the time," He says, clear panic laced within his deep voice but he fights this kind of panic that seeps through his cracks. He holds my hand, leaning over me as he whispers to keep breathing, over and over again so I actually try to listen to him

"Please. Distract me," I whisper as I lean back onto the seat of the car, hands on my stomach.

Carolina and Baz slip into the car, turning it on. "Hurry, please, hurry!" Austin pleads as he watches me fight for a breath from this pain that jolts through my body. "Please, keep breathing. Oh, God, please, I can't lose you again. Please, fight for us," he panics.

"Distract me," I repeat again, away from this pain.

"Distract you. Distract you," he repeats as he tries to comprehend it but he's too jittery and nervous to speak all sentimental. "Okay, here it goes," he whispers to himself as he takes in a deep breath. "Remember that story I told you on that roof? About the orphan and his dead father?" He asks as he waits for my answer, and I did remember that story on that roof.

I nod. 

I let another scream out before falling back again. "Keep going," I relax myself.

"It was me- I'm that orphaned child who lost his father by a drunk driver. Well - " 

"Austin, it was quite obvious it was you," I breathe as I remember the scene.

"I know, I know, but there's more," he continues as he holds his hands up to me. "And why I always thought I would make a terrible father...because I never had one. Never had one to teach me or to watch my children be born. I was scared, scared to disappoint you and the kids because I never had anyone to teach me. Another reason why I was scared to get close to you, what you thought of me, why I pushed you away, because I didn't know how," he rambles on as he runs his large hand through his black locks, pushing them back.

I watch as silent as I can be. It distracts me from the pain that aches through me.

"But one lesson my father taught me before he died was that, no matter how life is, you always push through. Now, I'm asking you. Can you push through, Mrs Butler?" He smirks with that.

I laugh, despite the softened pain that aches through. "Why'd I forget about that? This whole thing slipped my mind because of this," I gesture down to my stomach. But I sigh. "But yes, I can try. I can try because you tried for me," I say with a small smile etched onto my red lips.

"That's my girl," he says with a smile before kissing my hand, eyes glued to mine while doing so. A small smile etches onto my lips, feeling like another school girl in love.

"I guess we both have something in common," I smirk. His eyebrows raise. "Daddy issues,"

He laughs. A laugh that echoes brightly into my ears, allowing me to forget the pain a little more. However, it ceases. I fall back into this whole fit. I fall back into the trembling pain that etches through my body, jolting through as I hold my stomach. I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping it does me justice but it does not. It's still here, solid as ever and always. "Oh God," I whisper.

"Go faster!" Austin panics, shouting to Baz to drive faster. "Hold on. Please, hold on." 

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