Chapter Forty-Eight

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Standing in front of the mirror in my baby pink dress, my makeup set to a natural look and curls tamed, I truly stare at who I am. I feel like shit. I know mothers' are not supposed to go back to normal, bodies taking time to work the loose skin off but I didn't like it.

Aside from that, the press tour is finished. The movie is finally set to be released, the red carpet and premier to be tonight. I couldn't wait to be finally out in the world after the hectic few weeks I've had within the hospitals, with the twins and stuck finalising the film to be released.

Finally, after endless breakdowns, fights, laughter and love, all our hard work paid off. I couldn't even thank Baz and the team enough for creating this movie together with me and bringing along countless memories who turned out to be my life - Austin and my twins.

"Who's daddy's little girl?" I hear a familiar loud and squeaky masculine voice.

My eyebrows furrow and lips tightening into a tight line as I walk out of our bedroom, through the hallway and slightly into the living room where Austin and the twins are. My eyes trail to Calen in his little cot as he continues to doze off, while Sophia is in her fathers' arms.

Austin has his hands wrapped around her tiny waist as he holds her above his head, eyes blazing into hers and hearing a small squeal from her tiny lips. Even Austin's lips are tilted into a large and bright smile, eyes sparkling against the sun light as they remain glued to her.

I take my phone off the small table beside the fire place before hitting the record button. I film the moment where Austin continues to smile, slowly throwing her with his hands around her, her squeals flowing through the house. I smile without a care as I watch the moment unfold.

"Aren't you cute. You're cuter than mumma," he cackles as she squeals once again.

"Hey, I heard that," the words tumble from my painted lips as I walk towards them. "But the twins are the only exception," I say as I grab his attention, smiling down towards me.

"What do you think, bubba? You think mum's cute?" he asks her as he rocks her slightly.

I look down onto my daughter, smiling. She blinks. "I think that's a yes," I smirk. "See, she even said mum's cuter than dad," I continue as I wipe off a little of her saliva that falls on her lips.

"Yeah, right. You're just making that up, doll face," he whines as he looks down to her.

"Did I hurt that big ass ego of yours, princess?" I ask him as I place my hand onto my hip.

"As a matter of fact, you did," he shrugs with his head held up high and frowns. "An apology might do, or even a kiss will suffice," he casually shrugs as a smile creeps onto his face.

"You're dirty, princess, but fine. I'm sorry I hurt that fragile ego of yours," I shrug with a smile causing his lips to sarcastically sneer at me. However I cut him off as I quickly place a kiss onto his lips, taking him off guard. "There, did that suffice for you, my princess?" I ask.

"Actually, no. I think another will help. My lips are quite lonely, as you can tell," he says as he puckers his lips and tries to fight back a smile that continues to creep onto his face. With that, I place another lingering kiss back onto his, a smile finally surfacing onto them. "Now, that. I've missed those lips of yours. They taste like fairy floss, actually. Soft and feathery," he laughs.

I slap his shoulder. "You and your food -" I sarcastically snap as I roll my eyes.

"Hey, I wasn't the one who asked for subway and boost the second I woke up from death itself, doll face," he shrugs his shoulders as a smirk attaches to his lips.

"Okay, fine! Stop calling me out," I groan as I place my hands onto my face, a blush surfacing onto my blushed rosy cheeks. "I love my food," I whisper, a small smile creeping onto me.

"Hey, look at me, doll face," he says as he uses his free hand to remove mine from my face. "I want to your face everyday of my life, Mrs Butler. You're my wife now so I wanna see you blush, only for me," he says as he grabs my left hand, gazing at the ring he gave me on our wedding day. I smile down onto it, reminding myself of my newly wedded husband and new life.

"You're sappy, Mr Butler," I say with a small smile, holding onto his hand. "But I like it. Don't ever stop," I shrug casually as I look down to hide the embarrassment. I hold tightly onto his hand that wraps around mine, feeling our hands connect and bodies and souls too.

"And who said I would? Sappy is my new middle name after you entered my life. I don't remember the last time I didn't say shit like that, it's low-key embarrassing," he says with a loud laugh. However, it's cut off with the sudden cry of Calen.

"That's my cue. When's Briella coming today? The event is at six. You told her that, right?" I ask as I grab Calen from his cot and hold him in my arms.

"I think I know how a nanny works, darl. You call them up and tell them the time. She confirmed and said she'll be able to make it, thankfully," he says as he rocks Sophia.

"Okay, good. Now, look at baby Calen. Now, he's cuter than daddy. Am I right, baby? See, he blinked!" I point at him as he blinks back at me, his tiny lips set in a tight line.

"You're pathetic, but he's the only exception - " he's cut off by the door bell. "Think she's here. Right on time," Austin says as he checks his jet black Rolex watch.

Nodding, I amble towards the door, with Calen in my arms. I open the door to a blond haired and brown eyed twenty-six young woman who recently graduated in family care and has been with us since the birth of the twins. "Bri, glad you made it. How are you?" I ask politely.

"I'm good, thanks. You?" she asks, which I return give my response. "And there's my little man, Cal. How you doing?" she says as she grabs Calen off my hands and rocks him gently.

"And Sophia is back in the living room with her dad. Food is in the fridge, have an emergency, call 000 before calling me, okay?" I voice the instructions like I always do.

She nods. "I gotcha, like always. Now, go and enjoy your hardwork. You and Mr Butler deserve it," she smiles broadly as she follows me to the living room. I smile at her.

"Ah, there she is. How you doing, Brielle? Sophia is in her cot and you know the rest, like Lillith always explains," he explains as he points to our little girl soundlessly asleep in her baby cot.

"Yeah, I know I explain it a lot but mum's always have to be cautious," I say as I look down onto my beauty of my daughter. I quickly fix her as she fidgets around a lot. She's been doing that a lot so we always have to make sure she's okay, in case anything happens to her.

"Okay, now, go enjoy your night! I've got them handled. It's only a few hours,"  she says as she encourages us to walk out the door, thanking her and holding hands through. Waving back at her, Austin opens the door for me as I slide in and closes it after me, like a gentleman which he always manages to do for me. I, of course, appreciate his small and large gestures.

I watch as he slides in the driver's seat, buckling in and taking a moment to look at me. "What? What are you staring at?" I feel the heat surfacing to my cheeks and cover my face.

"Hey, what did I say about covering your face?" he asks as he removes my hands from my face. "And, why can't I appreciate your beauty? You look dazzling, love," he says as he leans in and places a kiss onto my left hand, right above my ring that unites our love for eternity.

"You're such a charmer, did I ever tell you that?" I say as I smile largely.

I hate him for being that perfect.

"Hm, a few times. But I prefer to stay that way, considering that always manages to put a smile on your face," he says as he grins, stroking my hand. I laugh as I roll my eyes sarcastically. "Okay, we can't be late to our own event. Time to make history, darl," he says as he starts the car.


𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 {𝐀.𝐁}Where stories live. Discover now