Chapter Forty

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Holding up my ivory white dress, little Sophia grabs the hem of it as she ambles behind me on the aisle. My head glances back as she tugs slightly with a smile.

Her little bun with strands of curls fall down her face, a small toothless grin held against her lips as her princess puffy baby pink dress bounces with her.

I stare at her a little longer as I smile because she's truly gorgeous. I truly loved her with every fibre of my body. From her smile to her sparkle of her eye.

I turn away to stare at the crowd who gather on seats as they watch me walk down the aisle, smiles all around. They all looked amazing with their bright dresses and black and grey suits.

But what really catches my attention is the man at the end of the aisle. With his enchanting and mesmerising oceanic blue eyes and golden curls slicked back, a few strands falling on his forehead, his neat and tidy suit shines against him.

I stare at the man who captured my heart, all butterflies from pink and yellow that fly around my stomach, as I walk down with the melody of 'Sweet Nothing' by Taylor Swift.

My heart continues to race as I watch him stand with his hands intertwined and eyes trained onto me. A smile tugs on his full and pink lips as a single tear falls from his right eye down his cheek.

I take the moment to really take him in. I wanted to stay in this moment and absorb how I was so lucky have him. How I'm able to say he's the father of my children and my husband forever.

"I'm proud of you, darling," I hear a familiar voice whisper in my ears.

My eyes follow the voice as they land on my father, looking sharp in his black suit. Eyes widening, I gape at him as his arm remains slung through my arm.

"Dad? What're you doing here?" I ask.

"What else? I'm here to give my daughter away to her newly wedded husband. I couldn't miss this for the world," he says with a rather large smile.

"You came? I thought...thank you, dad. I'm really grateful you made it with me. I didn't think I would walk down with you," I say with a small sigh and stare up into his eyes that resembled my own.

"Like I said, I wouldn't miss it for the world. You're my little girl and I wanted to walk you down, even if I had to negotiate with God," he says with a chuckle, shaking his head slightly.

"So, you're still gone?" My voice cracks.

"Hunny, I still am," he says with a slow nod and he glances away briefly. "I'm a fragment of your imagination. But I'll always be here for you, my sweet girl," he says as he squeezes my hand slightly.

Heart cracking, I didn't want to face that fact, but I had to. I had to understand that he'll always be apart of me, through thick and thin. He may not be physically with me but he'll always be in my heart.

"I understand, dad, and I think that's okay. As long as you're still apart of me and I can still remember you, I'll take that any day," I say with a small smile.

"I'm proud of you, Sunshine. I'm proud of the woman you've become. You've become someone who made right choices, proved me wrong, and is bringing me the greatest grandchildren," he says as he places a small kiss on my forehead, taking a deep breath.

"Thank you, dad," I whisper.

"Now, I think it's time to continue on with your life. I'm always apart of your life but I think it's time to stop dwelling over me and to start thinking about your future with Austin and your babies," he says as he holds my hands firmly and stares me deeply in the eyes.

Feeling my heart crack, I know he's right. So with those words, I finally feel pieces of my heart that were broken heal. I feel bandages form onto them, placing themselves together as they have my little family tugged onto them.

My form of closure. I know he's right.

"You're right, dad. I'll see you again," I whisper as I stare up into his eyes.

"You bet, kiddo. I promise you that," he promises as he locks our pinkies and places a kiss onto my forehead. "Now, there's someone waiting for you," he says as he glances towards Austin.

Nodding, I turn to my dad. However, he's not even there anymore. All I see is empty air, no one to be seen. But what really takes me off guard is that no one is there– no Austin or a crowd.

I'm left standing in a deep hole.


Snapping my eyes open, my body jolts awake as I glance around. I'm sitting in a plane seat with Austin beside me and a whole plane filled with strangers.

"Baby, you okay?" Austin asks worriedly as his hand grips my hand tightly.

My eyes snap onto Austin as a smile tugs onto my lips. And for the first time in a while, I felt truly okay and complete with who I am and where I am.

That dream brought closure with my father and I finally had a clear look on what I had – Austin and my children.

Leaning back onto my seat, I place my hand onto my stomach. I smile up at him, relief washing through me.

"Yeah, I'm truly okay. I feel better – better than ever, really," I state with relief as I hold his hand and squeeze it.

Today's the day where we head all together to Venice for the rest of the press tour. Truly excited, I get to finally be on the red carpet and promote the movie after a little while of being home.

Also, it's our first time out in public as an engaged couple. I couldn't believe my ears or thoughts on the fact that I have Austin all to myself – from his smile and eyes to his goofy personality.

"I'm glad because we're in Venice, baby. Look outside," he says excitedly as he points out of the window of the plane.

Eyes widening, I watch as we soar past the beauty of Venice with tourists walking around and enjoying the summer breeze to the artistic beauty of the buildings all perfectly built.

"I can't believe this. I never knew I'll be here – the city of love," I say with awe.

"That's the city of Paris– yeah, you're right," he adjusts his words and smiles with a firm but confused nod.

"Yeah, I know that's Paris. Couldn't Venice also be the city of love? It's so beautiful and I know there's alot of love making here," I carefully say my words.

"So you're down for 'love making'?" He laughs like a teenage boy. "That's so cheap –" he says but quickly frowns when he sees my face scrunch up. "But I love it. I'll call it anything for you, baby," he says as he pecks my lips and gives a little laugh.

"I wish we could live here. Stuff LA, let's stay in the sun everyday and walk around these buildings, can't we, baby?" I plead as I gaze back at him and pout my lip – which majority of the time works on him.

Sighing with a smile, he nods. "It's definitely your pregnancy brain, but anything for you. I think I can take up a few gigs around here," he says as he casually shrugs his shoulders and ruffles up my curls.

"Perfect. We can get a nice house out in the rural areas with a pretty meadow where Sophia and I can stay all day in," I excitedly say as I clap my hands.

"Wait," he pauses. "Sophia?" He asks.

My eyebrows furrow but it clicks. I smile sheepishly as I turn away briefly. "Our daughter? Okay, I know you were supposed to name her but I had this dream that I called her Sophia and it sorta just clicked?" I sheepishly grin.

Laughing, he kisses my hand. "I love it," he confirms his love for the name but pauses. "But that means I'm naming our son. We're equal on this, okay?" He says.

"It's a deal," I lock our pinkies.


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