Chapter Twenty-Five

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It's been a week since Austin and I's tender kiss. There's also another week before the abortion appointment. Ever since our break up, it has been the hardest to fight my desires and not fall back into his arms. However, this child reminded me of all the cons of our relationship together.

The past week has been chaos. Endless hurling, eating food non stop like a pig and especially my mood swings. They've been the worse as one second I'm skipping happily to some Harry songs, while other times I'm sobbing to 10 Things I Hate About You with chocolate icecream.

There's also been some shooting with the scenes; from Austin performing in the International hotel with a variety of Elvis outfits, to the scene of Austin and I where we both played in the field of the house. During those times, it felt so normal and simple, unlike our relationship that was filled with chaos.

Staring at my reflection, I pat Bear. She's also grown a few– a few pounds on the belly and she has also fluffed up abit. Cute was an understatement–the cat's been adorable and beautiful.

However, another thing that I was excited for was the Elvis Press Tour. After the set date of my abortion, the whole crew was set to head to a few destination spots for the marketing of the movie. Although we were travelling around the world for a few stops, Baz was determined to remain shooting.

It may be hectic but that's the film industry. The movie is set to be shot for the next year and a half and this press tour is perfectly designed to last for a month, enabling the whole crew to remain determined for the whole film.

Luckily, Baz obviously let me bring Bear with me, considering my moods lately. She's been my emotional support animal who was able to only calm me down. I adored her, every fibre of my body beating for the beautiful creature.

Tonight is the first night of the press tour, the whole cast dressing up. It's the first night in the country, Queensland, before we hit other states and then countries around the world.

Andrea, my stylist was also on set today. I remain staring at my reflection in the mirror, patting Bear as she worked extremely quick on my makeup and hair style that was perfected to my emerald green dress.

With a natural glow to cover up the flaws of my face, she paints my face to perfection with black eye-liner and a soft glossy colour to my lips. And the dress–suiting my body to perfection. A beautiful emerald green dress that puffed around my waist down and around my arms, beautifully dressed.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, Lillith," Andrea smiles as she fluffs up my tamed curls and stares at the mirror with me. "You're gonna knock Austin off his feet, darling," she continues on.

Heart breaking, I take in a deep breath. "No, he wouldn't care. That man is too obsessed with himself," I say as I shrug my shoulders like I didn't care.

"You mean, how obsessed he is with you? I see how that man looks at you, Lillith. The way his eyes light up when you walk into the room and how his attention is only on you. I see you both bickering most of the time, but he only does that with you," she smiles lightly as her hands remain attached to my shoulders.

"Yeah, right," I say as I roll my eyes. "That man will never give up. We may of been a thing but he doesn't want what I want. It just wouldn't work out," I say as a small sigh escapes my lips.

"If two lovers are destined to be together, then nothing can stop them," she smiles with her pearly whites. "Now, you have this event, Lillith. One of many," she says as she ushers me up.

Hugging her goodbye, I walk out of my room before making my way to the car where Austin and Baz were. They both dressed in their suits, designed specifically for them, and hair slicked.

"Lils, finally here, I see!" Baz exclaims as he side hugs me and helps me into the black van for us three. A smile tugs on my lips as I greet him. But with Austin, I couldn't even face him.

However, Baz plops me down right next to him. My heart drops as I feel his body heat radiate off him. He looked ravishing in his black tailored suit, matched with a white top and black shiny shoes. Even his black waves are styled to the side.

"Hi," he whispers, low enough for me.

"Hi," I whisper back, placing my hand onto my pregnant stomach. My manicured green nails match my dress as I rub it from the gross feeling.

I glance at Austin, realising his eyes are attached to my stomach. He didn't want to tear them away from his child. My heart tears apart for him but I couldn't do this to myself. I had to think for me.

"Do you want to put your hand here?" I ask. I shock myself and I realise I also startled him as his eyes snap onto me.

"Are you sure?" He whispers, his voice trembling slightly. "I won't hurt him?" He asks as I could sense the uncertainty.

I shake my head slightly. "No, you won't," I smile at his face, eyes wavering slightly. His left hand gently places itself onto my stomach, my heart skipping a beat from his tender touch. For the second time, it feels like a normal day together once again.

But what startles me is my brief moment. My mind rakes through the possibility of starting a family with Austin and how he would be an incredible father of my child.

I stare at the man beside me as his hand remains on my stomach, thumb stroking it without hesitation. Clearly he's so comfortable as he stares down with a gleaming smile, one that I couldn't tear apart from him.

"Hi, baby. It's your daddy," he smiles down, pearly whites shining. "I'm sorry that I won't be able to meet you, but I believe that it's for the best. Maybe mummy is saving you from me. Maybe I won't be the best father," he whispers, seeing his adam's apple bop.

My heart breaks. I never wanted to tear them both apart, but I wasn't ready for this whole different challenge. I could sense Austin was accepting my decision but he was still hung upon it. However, this whole scene breaks my heart.

Startling myself, I place my hand onto his one. It's Austin, myself and baby. It's the three of us against the world. But not for long after my appointment. It just wasn't meant to be.

Heaven's in his eyes as they snap onto mine, the beauty projecting through. "Has baby been annoying you lately?" He asks, as his hand remains in mine. It feels nice and warm around my own one–like our own little cocoon.

I nod slightly. "A little but nothing I can't handle," I say. I shrug my shoulders as I glance away for a brief moment. "I'm just sorry, Austin. I know I'm taking away this experience from you, but I have to be a little selfish for myself," I whisper, as I feel the heartache.

He stares into my eyes. "I understand. I wish things could've been better but I guess that's not how life works. Maybe in another life, we could've been destined together," he says lowly with a small sigh. And for the first time, there was no arguments and no distain.

"And maybe like Elvis said, when you're forty and I'm fifty, we'll be together again," he continues as he smiles softly.

"I hope so." I pray to God.


Damn, they're maturing. But what's a story without some spice?

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