Chapter Nineteen

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The feeling was indescribable. I grip Austin's hand as I felt truly high on the adrenaline. He pulls me along, hearts racing, breath harshly leaving our bodies as the sweat pours down our faces.

It was truly captivating as I felt the high on adrenaline and the love we both felt. The high wasn't something I felt before him. He brought a new and exciting side to me as he grips my hand, tightening as our sweat continues to pour down.

"I can't. You're going too fast, Austin!" I exclaim as I feel myself being taken to a new high. He brought a new side to me as he grips my hand tightly and pulls me to the Stadium's bleachers.

The cops were right on our trail. Apparently we weren't supposed to be here at night, extending our invitations a little over time. So, with that, I found myself running alongside Austin as we try to outrun the cops behind us.

With a laugh, Austin pulls me under the bleachers where no light but from the moon seeps through. The moon's luminescence shines down onto his sparkling eyes and smile as he looks up. His hand presses against my lips to stop me from giggling while the other hand wraps around my waist.

"Shh, they can hear us, Doll face," he whispers with a small chuckle. I could see the excitement and adrenaline coursing through his veins as he continues to smile like he was on a new high. I completely adored him.

I pull his hand away from my lips. "Only person they can hear is you, princess. All I hear is your giggling," I smirk. Satisfied with my response, I watch his eyes widen and he frowns.

"I don't giggle. Man, you're making me sound so feminine right now," he chuckles. "But for you, I'll be anything," he smiles down, eyes resting onto mine.

"That's more like it," I laugh. "Are they still here?" I ask as I look up to the bleachers. I could see the torches, the light seeping in as they scatter around.

"Yeah, they are. Don't make a sound, Doll face," he silences me as he continues to gaze up with a smile. I listen to him as I silence myself quickly.

With his hands around my waist, he holds me close as I rest my head on his chest. I listen to the echo of his heartbeat as it seeps through my ears. It brought peace and warmth to my heart.

"Is it raining?" I ask as I feel the slight drops wet against my cheek. I touch it, wiping it away with a brush of my sleeve. "I can feel it. It's gonna thunder," I state, remembering the forecast.

"Oh yeah–" the echo of thunder pulses through my body, seeping through the cracks of the earth. "Definitely. It's starting," he says as he looks up again.

I watch him smile as I knew he loved the rain. He closes his eyes as he allows the rain drops to freely fall onto his face. The thunder continues to echo through as the raindrops fall freely around us and I suddenly wish I could stop time and take in this moment.

Austin grips my body, pulling me close as he twirls me around. My eyes widen, a sudden squeal escaping my lips as I feel myself get pulled back onto him. "Oh God. What're you doing?" I squeal as I feel the drops freely fall onto me.

"Dancing. Ever seen those movies?" He chuckles as he twirls me around again. I feel myself freely take in the moment as I turn and glide across the muddy ground, the dirt gripping my skin. Our hands intertwine, gripping eachother as we hold onto one another. The rain does us the grace of allowing us to dance freely.

I laugh, he laughs, we both laugh.

Our clothes are wet, hair dripping as we continue on, taking advantage of the moment. It was truly captivating. I felt on a new high as we twirl around. I wanted to stay in this moment forever.

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